博碩士論文 100382005 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳冠宇(Guan-Yu Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 CFB鍋爐燃石油焦脫硫飛灰活化水淬爐石粉漿體之水化及硫酸鹽侵蝕微觀研究
(Microscopic study on hydration and sulfate attack of blast furnace slag cementitious paste activated by the desulfurization fly ash obtained from CFB boiler firing petroleum coke)
★ 電弧爐氧化碴特性及取代混凝土粗骨材之成效研究★ 路基土壤回彈模數試驗系統量測不確定度與永久變形行為探討
★ 工業廢棄物再利用於營建工程粒料策略之研究★ 以鹼活化技術資源化電弧爐煉鋼還原碴之研究
★ 低放處置場工程障壁之溶出失鈣及劣化敏感度分析★ 以知識本體技術與探勘方法探討台北都會區道路工程與管理系統之研究
★ 電弧爐煉鋼爐碴特性及取代混凝土粗骨材之研究★ 三維有限元素應用於柔性鋪面之非線性分析
★ 放射性廢料處置場緩衝材料之力學性質★ 放射性廢料深層處置場填封用薄漿之流變性與耐久性研究
★ 路基土壤受反覆載重作用之累積永久變形研究★ 還原碴取代部份水泥之研究
★ 路基土壤反覆載重下之回彈與塑性行為及模式建構★ 重載交通荷重對路面損壞分析模式之建立
★ 鹼活化電弧爐還原碴之水化反應特性★ 電弧爐氧化碴為混凝土骨材之可行性研究
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摘要(中) 本研究以循環式流體化床鍋爐燃石油焦脫硫飛灰(CFB脫硫飛灰)作為激發水淬爐石粉卜作嵐反應之輔助膠結材料,依照規劃之摻配比例及混合少量水泥製作純漿試體,透過電子顯微鏡(SEM)、X光繞射分析(XRD)、熱重分析(TG/DTG)等觀察漿體在不同齡期下形成的水化產物種類與微觀結構發展;此外,由於CFB脫硫飛灰材料中有較高含量的SO3與free-CaO等容易形成硫酸鹽反應之化合物,因此分別依據ASTM C1012進行「外部硫酸鹽侵蝕」試驗及ASTM C1038進行「內部硫酸鹽侵蝕」試驗,針對受硫酸鹽侵襲之漿體進行微觀分析。
摘要(英) In this study, the desulfurization fly ash obtained from circulating fluidized bed boiler firing petroleum coke (CFB desulfurization fly ash) was used as a supplementary binder material to activate ground granulated blast furnace slag (BFS) for use in concrete. Specimens were made according to the planned blending ratio with a small amount of Portland cement. The hydration products and microstructural development of paste specimen at different ages were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), and thermal gravimetric/derivative thermogravimetric (TG/DTG) analysis. Since the high content of SO3 and free-CaO in the CFB desulfurization fly ash can easily form sulfate reaction compounds, the external sulfate attack test was conducted according to ASTM C1012 and the internal sulfate attack test was conducted according to ASTM C1038 on mortar specimens. Then, microscopic analysis was carried out on the paste specimens subjected to sulfate attack.
  The results of the hydration investigation show that the hydration products of CFB desulfurization fly ash activated BFS paste were dominated by ettringite (AFt) development and positively correlated with the proportion of CFB desulfurization fly ash in the blends. The formation of Ca(OH)2 is mainly related to cement blending. Gypsum is formed in a small amount at the early stage of hydration only. And the non-consumed sulfate remains in the form of anhydrite (CaSO4).
  In the development of hydration, a lower proportion of CFB desulfurization fly ash blending will limit the development of late compressive strength and hydration products, while a higher proportion of blending (≥ 30%) will lead to a relatively slow development in the early ages, accompanied by a more active reaction in the later age of hydration. The blending of cement in the mixture helps produce sufficient C-S-H gel to assist ettringite in filling the pores, resulting in a better denseness of the microstructure.
  In the external sulfate attack test, SEM observation results show that the degraded area is mainly in the pores and cracks on and near the surface of the paste specimen. The reaction products are Ca(OH)2, CaCO3 and some gypsum crystals. The blending of cement will cause more significant external sulfate attack reaction. Although there is a small amount of secondary ettringite formation inside the paste, but there is no obvious signs of degradation or erosion of the original pore structure.
  Under the influence of internal sulfate attack, the paste specimen shows obvious signs of erosion reaction from surface to internal pores and a large amount of delayed ettringite formation (DEF) with high S/Ca ratio, resulting in microstructural deterioration and degradation of hydration products. the degree of deterioration increases with the amount of CFB desulfurization fly ash in the blend. A suitable amount of cement blending helps to enhance the denseness of the paste, thus reducing the depth of deterioration and the formation of delayed ettringite.
  By comparing the microscopic analysis results, it is shown that for CFB desulfurization fly ash activated BFS paste, the internal sulfate attack is obviously more serious and destructive than the external sulfate attack. Therefore, it is necessary to reasonably control the proportion of CFB desulfurization fly ash in the mixture to avoid affecting the stability of the hardened structure.
關鍵字(中) ★ CFB脫硫飛灰
★ 外部硫酸鹽侵蝕
★ 內部硫酸鹽侵蝕
★ 延遲性鈣礬石形成
關鍵字(英) ★ CFB desulfurization fly ash
★ External sulfate attack
★ Internal sulfate attack
★ Delayed ettringite formation
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract iii
目錄 vi
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xvi
第一章、緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究內容 3
第二章、文獻回顧 5
2.1 循環式流體化床鍋爐系統及脫硫副產物 5
2.1.1 循環式流體化床鍋爐 5
2.1.2 循環式流體化床鍋爐脫硫灰種類及成分 7
2.1.3 CFB脫硫飛灰成分特性 8
2.2 CFB脫硫飛灰之國內外研究案例及相關應用 11
2.2.1 國外相關研究及工程應用 11
2.2.2 國內文獻與研究報告 13
2.3 混凝土膠結材料之水化 19
2.3.1 卜特蘭水泥之水化反應 19
2.3.2 水淬高爐石粉來源與水化反應特性 20
2.3.3 其他混合材料及水化反應 22
2.3.4 CFB燃石油焦脫硫飛灰活化爐石粉之水化觀察 29
2.4 外部硫酸鹽侵蝕 (ESA) 33
2.4.1外部硫酸鹽侵蝕對砂漿/混凝土之影響 33
2.4.2 CFB脫硫飛灰混合膠結材料受外部硫酸鹽侵蝕之研究 36
2.5 內部硫酸鹽侵蝕 (ISA) 44
2.5.1 內部硫酸鹽侵蝕對砂漿/混凝土之影響 44
2.5.2 CFB脫硫飛灰混合膠結材料受內部硫酸鹽侵蝕之研究 60
第三章、研究材料及試驗規劃 66
3.1 試驗材料 66
3.2 試驗儀器及相關設備 71
3.3試驗內容及方法 74
3.3.1 試驗配比規劃 74
3.3.2 主要試驗內容及流程規劃 76
3.3.3 試驗方法 79
第四章、CFB脫硫飛灰水化及活化爐石粉漿體水化之微觀調查與分析 82
4.1 X光繞射分析(X-ray Diffraction, XRD) 83
4.1.1 CFB脫硫飛灰 83
4.1.2 脫硫飛灰活化爐石粉水化漿體 84
4.2 熱重分析(Thermal Gravimetric, TG) 92
4.2.1 CFB脫硫飛灰 92
4.2.2 脫硫飛灰活化爐石粉水化漿體 97
4.3 電子顯微觀察(Scanning Electron Microscope, SEM) 111
4.3.1 CFB脫硫飛灰 111
4.3.2脫硫飛灰活化爐石粉水化漿體 119
4.3.3 硬固水化漿體微觀結構比較 143
第五章、外在及內部硫酸鹽影響效應之微觀探討 147
5.1 外部硫酸鹽侵蝕對CFB/BFS膠結漿體影響之微觀調查與分析 147
5.1.1 電子顯微觀察 (SEM/EDS) 148
5.1.2 X光繞射分析 (XRD) 176
5.1.3 熱重分析 (TG/DTG) 181
5.2 內部硫酸鹽侵蝕對CFB/BFS膠結漿體影響之微觀調查與分析 194
5.2.1 電子顯微觀察 (SEM/EDS) 194
5.2.2 X光繞射分析 (XRD) 217
5.2.3熱重分析 (TG/DTG) 223
5.3 ESA與ISA對CFB/BFS膠結系統影響之差異對比 236
5.3.1 電子顯微觀察(SEM/EDS) 對比分析 236
5.3.2 X光繞射分析(XRD) 對比分析 244
5.3.3 熱重分析(TG/DTG) 對比分析 247
第六章、結論與建議 250
6.1 結論 250
6.1.1 水化微觀調查分析 250
6.1.2 外部與內部硫酸鹽侵蝕調查 251
6.1.3 ESA與ISA對膠結系統影響之差異 252
6.2 建議 252
參考文獻 254
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指導教授 黃偉慶(Wei-Hsing Huang) 審核日期 2023-1-9
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