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姓名 李韓中(Han-Chung Lee) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 土木工程學系 論文名稱 可液化地盤中版樁牆受不同基盤輸入震動的反應
(Response of sheet pile wall in liquefiable ground subject to the different base input motions)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式]
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至系統瀏覽論文 (2026-1-30以後開放)
摘要(中) 臺灣位於菲律賓海板塊和歐亞板塊的聚合邊界,地震發生頻繁,且臺灣約有三分之一的地形為平原地區,多屬地質軟弱的沖積地層,地下水位面高,使土壤液化潛能高,當大規模地震作用時,即可能發生土壤液化。版樁牆具有良好的經濟性及施工性,因此常被作為河岸、港灣、碼頭的擋土系統,該區域地下水位面非常高,因此通常有較高土壤液化潛能,當土壤液化發生時,版樁牆會因土壤大變形而傾倒及損毀。
地震強度與延時皆與地震災害影響的嚴重程度呈正相關,為瞭解加速度振幅與週數對液化砂土中版樁牆的受振反應,本研究利用中央大學地工離心機進行動態離心模型試驗。在24 g重力場中,試驗輸入基盤振動頻率為1 Hz,最大加速度振幅及持續週數分別為0.1 g-36 cycles、0.14 g-19 cycles、0.17 g-10 cycles以及0.2 g-5 cycles的非等振幅正弦波,並透過加速度計、孔隙水壓計、線性可變差動變壓器、圓錐貫入試驗儀、地中位移計與地表追蹤計記錄土壤受震反應。
摘要(英) The plain of west Taiwan is formed of soft alluvium ground with a high groundwater level. As Taiwan is located on the Circum-Pacific Seismic Belt, earthquakes occur frequently and can lead to soil liquefaction on the alluvium ground. Sheet pile walls are often used as a retaining system at riverbanks, harbors, and piers due to their cost-effectiveness, convenience, and constructability. Near the river, soil deposits are composed of alluvial soils and groundwater levels are very high, therefore soil liquefaction are usually more common around this area. When soil liquefaction occurs, the sheet pile walls would fall or become damaged as a result of soil deformation.
Both the intensity and duration of the earthquake are positively correlated with the severity of the earthquake disaster. In order to understand the seismic response behavior of sheet pile walls in saturated soil caused by these two variations, four dynamic centrifuge tests were conducted to simulate the sheet pile wall in liquefiable ground, and used the centrifugal model scaling law to simulate the seismic response of the sheet pile wall in a mixed soil layer of saturated silica sand with relative density of 90% and 60%, and thicknesses were 1m and 4m, respectively. In the 24 times gravitational field, frequency of input motion is 1 Hz. The maximum acceleration of input motion and the cycles of the maximum acceleration of the motion are 0.2 g-5 cycles, 0.17 g-10 cycles, 0.14 g-19 cycles, 0.11 g-36 cycles of ramped sine waves, respectively. In this test, accelerometers, linear variable differential transformers, pore water pressure transducers, spaghetti and surface marker were arranged to measure the response of the model. The test results show that 1. Liquefaction depth and the intensity of input motion are positively correlated; 2. As the input motions have the same AI, if the amplitude is big enough to lead to front wall soil liquefaction occur, the wall will tilting angle much more than other smaller motion; 3. In the stage of dissipation period, the sheet pile wall will no longer continue to move, and the backwall soil will continue to settle.
關鍵字(中) ★ 版樁牆
★ 土壤液化
★ 離心模型試驗
★ 愛氏震度關鍵字(英) ★ Sheet pile wall
★ Soil liquefaction
★ Centrifuge modeling
★ Arias intensity論文目次 摘要 i
Abstact iii
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xiii
一、 前言 1
1-1 研究動機與目的 1
1-2 研究方法 1
1-3 論文內容 2
二、 文獻回顧 3
2-1 土壤液化定義與發生機制 3
2-1-1 土壤液化之定義 3
2-1-2 土壤液化災害現象 5
2-2 離心模型尺度律 6
2-3 整合物理與數值模型模擬於土壤液化之研究計畫 8
2-3-1 VELACS project 8
2-3-2 LEAP project 9
三、 試驗設備與試體製作 10
3-1 試驗儀器與設備 10
3-1-1 地工離心機 10
3-1-2 單軸向振動台 11
3-1-3 資料擷取系統 12
3-1-4 固壁式蜂巢試驗箱 13
3-1-5 版樁牆模型 13
3-1-6 各式量測工具 16
3-1-7 移動式霣降儀 19
3-1-8 改良式圓錐貫入系統 20
3-2 試驗配置 22
3-3 試驗材料 26
3-4 試體準備 27
3-4-1 試驗箱組立 27
3-4-2 試體製作 28
3-4-3 設置版樁牆模型 31
3-4-4 黏滯液體 34
3-4-5 試體飽和 35
四、 試驗結果與討論 37
4-1 試驗規劃與流程 37
4-2 試驗結果 39
4-2-1 Model E_60%_Dry Sand 39
4-2-2 Model A_60%_0.1g_36cycs 53
4-2-3 Model B_60%_0.14g_19cycs 60
4-2-4 Model C_60%_0.17g_10cycs 67
4-2-5 Model D1_60%_0.2g_5cycs 74
4-2-6 Model D2_60%_0.2g_5cycs 81
4-2-7 Model D3_50% _0.17g_5cycs 88
4-3 綜合討論 96
4-3-1 試體的可重複性驗證 96
4-3-2 背填土水平位移 96
4-3-3 圓錐貫入試驗分析 106
4-3-4 超額孔隙水壓以及背填土沉陷比較 109
4-3-5 不同振幅與週數對牆傾角的影響 112
4-3-6 牆後超額孔隙水壓與加速度比較 117
4-3-7 不同振幅與週數對土壤液化深度的影響 120
4-3-8 以愛氏震度呈現土壤受振情形 120
4-3-9 小結 122
五、 結論與建議 123
5-1 結論 123
5-2 建議 124
六、 參考文獻 125
七、 附錄 128
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指導教授 洪汶宜(Wen-Yi Hung) 審核日期 2023-1-18 推文 plurk
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