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姓名 林巧均(Qiao-Jun Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 大氣科學學系
論文名稱 Madden-Julian Oscillation的大氣雲–輻射效應在全球暖化下的變化
(Atmospheric Cloud-Radiative Effect Changes in the Madden-Julian Oscillation under Global Warming)
★ 熱帶太平洋對流垂直結構之觀測與模擬特徵★ 熱帶對流的水氣與能量輸送: 深-淺對流模之比較
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★ Potential Changes of Surface Latent Heat Flux over Oceans under Global Warming★ Distinct Propagating Behaviors of Madden-Julian Oscillation over Indian Ocean and Maritime Continent
★ MSE Budget Analysis of Strong and Weak MJO Events Using ERA5 and COSMIC RO Data: A Case-to-Case Comparison Study★ The role of shallow convection in tropical circulation: a simple analytic approach
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摘要(中) 近年研究強調大氣雲輻射效應(atmospheric cloud-radiative effect, ACRE)對Madden-Julian Oscillation(MJO)成長與維持的重要性。然而,MJO 的雲輻射效應將如何隨著溫室氣體增加而變化,其相關機制仍須更多討論。為此,我們採用Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory′s CM4.0 (GFDL-CM4) physical climate model討論MJO在1%CO2情境下的變化。與前人研究一致,全球暖化下MJO有較強的對流活動,其雲的發展也更顯著。增強的greenhouse enhancement factor (GEF) 和增多的高雲族覆蓋結果一致。MJO的雲輻射效應與中層垂直水氣平流有良好的相關性,其主要貢獻來自於氣候平均(background)水氣垂直梯度和季內尺度垂直運動的交互作用。這個關聯性顯示雲輻射效應的增強,是因為在暖化下有更多水氣被輸送至較高的對流層。研究結果也指出,降低的有效粗濕穩定度(effective gross moist stability)是由於增強的垂直水氣平流與雲輻射效應,這些結果強調大氣—雲—輻射效應在暖化後對MJO的重要性。
摘要(英) Recent research has shown that the atmospheric cloud-radiative effect (ACRE) plays a key role in the growth and maintenance of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO). However, the mechanisms in how the ACRE in the MJO will change with increasing greenhouse gases are still not well understood. To this end, the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory′s CM4.0 physical climate model (GFDL-CM4) is employed to elucidate changes in the MJO with 1% increases in CO2 concentration per year. Under global warming, the MJO amplifies and the evolution of the cloud population becomes more pronounced, consistent with previous studies. An intensification of the greenhouse enhancement factor (GEF) is found, in agreement with an increase in high clouds. The ACRE exhibits a high correlation with the mid-level vertical moisture advection, which is dominated by the interaction between mean-state moisture and the intraseasonal vertical velocity. This relation implies that ACRE strengthens because more moisture is transported to the upper troposphere with warming. Results also indicate that the effective gross moist stability (GMS) decreases due to the strong vertical moisture advection and increased radiative effects from ACRE. According to GFDL-CM4, these findings suggest that moisture-cloud-radiation interactions may become more important to the MJO in a warmer climate.
關鍵字(中) ★ 馬登-朱利安振盪
★ 大氣雲輻射效應
★ 全球暖化
關鍵字(英) ★ Madden-Julian Oscillation
★ Atmospheric Cloud-Radiative Effect
★ Global Warming
論文目次 Chinese Abstract i
English Abstract iii
Acknowledgments iv
List of Figures viii
List of Tables xi
1 Introduction 1
2 Criteria for Evaluating MJO Simulations in CMIP6 models 4
3 Data and Methodology 9
3.1 Climate Model Simulation Data 9
3.2 Data Processing and MJO Phase Composite 10
3.3 Moist Static Energy Budget Analysis 11
3.4 Atmospheric Cloud Radiative Effect 11
3.5 Greenhouse Enhancement Factor 12
4 MSE Budget and Projection 14
5 Cloud-Radiation Analysis 18
6 Vertical Profile and Cloud Distribution of the MJO Shallow Convection 21
7 Cloud-Moisture-Radiation Interaction Changes 25
8 Atmospheric Cloud-Radiation Effect Response 29
9 Discussions and Future Work 34
9.1 Discussion 34
9.2 Future Work 37
10 Supplement Information 39
10.1 MJO Phase Diagram 39
10.2 Measures of Moisture-Cloud-Radiation Effect 44
References 46
Appendix A: The potential impact of model horizontal resolution on the simulation of atmospheric cloud radiative effect in CMIP6 models 55
Appendix B: A More Stable Atmosphere under Global Warming Accelerates the Hydrological Cycle of Madden-Julian Oscillation 71
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指導教授 余嘉裕(Jia-Yuh Yu) 審核日期 2023-4-26
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