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姓名 廖凱民(Kai-Min Liao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 整合專案交付契約之研究-以ConsensusDocs文件為中心
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摘要(中) 隨著時代的進步,以及數位化工具的普及,全球可謂在各個產業均經歷了翻天覆地的影響。過去常言道「營建業是促進經濟發展的火車頭產業,具有帶動上、下游相關產業之需求,進而刺激國家經濟成長之作用。」然而,雖然營建業是火車頭產業,台灣營建產值卻遠遠落後先進國家50%以上。工程專案從開始到結束,所牽涉之人、事、物可謂千絲萬端,多數見解對於業主與設計者及施工商之間的關係特別重視,多數的見解認為三者間的互動關係,將直接影響進度延宕的問題與超出業主預算的問題,同時也是一項專案的成敗主要關鍵點所在。整合專案交付(Integrated Project Delivery,IPD)的概念在根本的想法上迥異於傳統的營建承包模式,不以營建的生命週期作為發包的各個階段劃分,係以「專案」的整體當作觀察角度,統合人員、系統、業務架構、分潤模式、資源,促使所有的利害關係人可以及早參與專案,各取所需也共享資源與想法,達成減低浪費與創造利益最大化的可能性,同時並期待優化成果交付予業主,盡可能為專案加值,並且提升效率。
摘要(英) With the advancement of the times and the popularization of digital tools, the world has experienced earth-shaking influences in various industries. In the past, it was often said that "the construction industry is a leading industry that promotes economic development. It can drive the demand of upstream and downstream related industries and stimulate the country′s economic growth." However, Taiwan′s construction output value is far behind from that of the advanced country for more than 50%. From the beginning to the end of the engineering project, there are countless people, things involved, most of the views pay special attention to the relationship between the owner, the designer, and the constructor. It’s believed that the interaction between the three will directly affect the problem of delays in progress and the problem of exceeding the owner′s budget. It is also the key to the success or failure of a project. The concepts of integrated project delivery is far different from traditional contracting. Without dividing the life cycle of the project into different stages, IPD consider the project as a whole, integrating personnel, systems, business structures, profit sharing models, and resources to promote all the stakeholders to get involved in the project the sooner the better. The stakeholders may take what they need and share ideas hoping to achieve the possibility of reducing waste and maximizing benefits. At the same time, it is expected to deliver optimized results to the owner, add value to the project as much as possible, and improve efficiency of the project. This thesis intends to discuss the content of the integrated project delivery contract, and discusses its operational, commercial, and organizational aspects, also the possibility, obstacles, promotion strategies of implementing the integrated project delivery system in Taiwan.
關鍵字(中) ★ 整合專案交付 關鍵字(英) ★ IPD
論文目次 目錄
摘要 1
Abstract 2
第1章 序論 1
1.1 研究動機與背景 1
1.2 研究目的 10
1.3 研究範圍與限制 12
1.4 研究方法 15
1.5 論文架構 15
第2章 文獻回顧 17
2.1 精實建造(Lean Construction) 17
2.1.1 精實建造之歷史脈絡 18
2.1.2 精實建造所使用之工具 21
2.1.3 精實建造的優點與需注意事項 26
2.2 常見專案交付方式探討 29
2.2.1 設計後發包再施工(Design-Bid-Build) 29
2.2.2 設計後施工(Design-Build  ) 30
2.2.3 設計後協商再發包(Design-Negotiate-Bid) 31
2.2.4 風險承擔式營建管理者(Construction Manager-at-Risk ) 32
2.2.5 營建經理人(Construction Manager-Agent) 33
2.2.6 小結 34
2.3 AIA整合專案交付方式契約文件內容 35
2.4 ConsensusDocs整合專案交付方式契約文件內容 36
第3章 整合專案交付契約內容 38
3.1 前言-英文契約的主要架構 38
3.2 IPD契約的架構觀察 39
3.2.1 名詞定義 41
3.2.2 契約期間 50
3.2.3 變更 52
3.2.4 付款與結算 54
3.2.5 暫停與終止 57
3.2.6 爭端解決 61
3.2.7 契約文件 64
3.2.8 風險辨識、管理、分配 65
3.2.9 雜項 67
3.3 IPD契約之特殊內容 70
3.3.1 協作專案管理 72
3.3.2 專案項目與各方責任 75
3.3.3 驗證階段 77
3.3.4 建造前階段-目標價值設計 79
3.3.5 設計顧問與營造商報償 85
3.3.6 構成費用基準之基礎 86
3.3.7 應付費用 86
3.3.8 風險池 88
3.3.9 估計最高價格 89
3.3.10 建造面 90
第4章 整合專案交付契約之各面向架構暨案例分析兼論我國導入之推動策略 92
4.1 整合專案交付契約之各面向架構 92
4.1.1 組織面架構 94
4.1.2 營運面架構 96
4.1.3 商業面架構 99
4.2 整合專案交付契約之成功案例借鏡 104
4.2.1 Autodesk Inc.辦公大樓 107
4.2.2 Sutter Health Fairfield Medical Office Building 110
4.3 整合專案交付制度導入我國可能遭遇之障礙 113
4.3.1 工作文化氛圍之障礙 113
4.3.2 整合專案交付本身施行障礙 116
4.3.3 法規障礙 120
4.4 推動策略 122
4.4.1 建立契約範本並闡述整合專案交付精神 122
4.4.2 建立示範專案排除法規障礙 123
第5章 結論 125
參考文獻 129
參考文獻 參考文獻
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指導教授 王伯儉 王翰翔(Po-Chien Wang Han-Hsiang Wang) 審核日期 2023-3-24
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