博碩士論文 105382002 詳細資訊

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姓名 黃敏彥(Min-Yen Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 維生管線回填CLSM材料之 配比設計與鋪面結構分析
(The Mix Design and Pavement Structural Analysis of Using CLSM for Lifeline Backfill)
★ 市區道路養護發包策略-以桃園市為例★ 建築資訊模型應用於維生管線管理之研究
★ 3D管線資料圖資應用於道路工程-以桃園市為例
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摘要(中) 臺灣地區多數管線皆埋設於道路鋪面下方,且五大維生管線為民生重要管線,管線於地底下的狀況又交錯複雜,為維護既有管線及新設管線,常針對鋪面進行反覆開挖及回填,進而影響道路鋪面服務,也造成道路主管機關維護鋪面及管理上之困難,因此,了解管線挖埋工程對鋪面服務之影響為一重要課題。
摘要(英) In Taiwan, most pipelines are buried under the road pavement, and the five vital pipelines are important for people′s livelihood. The underground condition of the pipelines is staggered and complicated. To maintain the existing pipelines and new pipelines, repeated excavation and backfilling are often carried out on the pavement, thus affecting the road pavement service and causing difficulties for the road authorities to maintain and manage the pavement. It is an important subject to understand the influence of pipeline excavation engineering on pavement service.
Considering that there is no set of matching design regulations for CLSM in China at present, in addition, there is no exact regulation on the time and thickness of resurfacing after temporary repair, which is often suspected of unstable quality, excessive design, or insufficient design strength. Therefore, this study first referred to ACI-211, ACI-229, and construction specifications, and adjusted the CLSM ratio design process suitable for domestic by the regulations under the consideration of seasonal influences. Then, the finite element method was used to analyze the pavement structure of pipeline excavation, analyze the influence of pipeline backfilling on the pavement, and discuss the mechanical behavior of pavement structure. Subsequently, in-situ test laying of pipeline excavation was carried out according to the proposed matching process, and relevant effectiveness tests were carried out on the surface layer and CLSM of the testing process, to verify the rationality of the matching design process and structural analysis adjusted in this study.
In this study, parameters including CLSM parameters and tube depth were discussed. Finite element analysis was used to understand the influence of different parameters on the surface layer of temporary repair, to analyze the strength development of CLSM during the temporary repair period, and to the optimal tube depth. The structural analysis showed that the strength of CLSM could reach a stable state after 4 days of temporary repair and maintenance. In addition, the Clegg impact test was carried out on CLSM for 4 days after temporary repair in the site test, and the result can meet the requirement that the bottom strength CBR is greater than 80% in the construction specification. Based on the above structural analysis and the results of in-situ test laying, it can be seen that the pipeline excavation with CLSM backfill can be carried out in a comprehensive surface planning operation after 4 days of temporary repair and maintenance.
In addition, the structural analysis of different planing thicknesses is also carried out. The ESALs values of the common planing thickness of 10 cm and 20 cm are analyzed. From the structural analysis, the ESALs values of the traffic volume of 20 cm are about 3~4 times that of 10 cm. In addition, the light deflection instrument test (LWD) was carried out for the section of 10 cm surface layer and 20 cm surface layer in the ground test pavement. The test results show that the strength of the 20 cm AC surface layer is about 3 times that of 10 cm, which verifies the rationality of the above structural analysis.
Finally, the results of the field test were discussed. It can be seen from the results that the matching design process of CLSM established in this study can meet the requirements of relevant specifications, and the results of the structural analysis were verified. Therefore, the relevant specifications of CLSM were discussed at last in this study, hoping to improve the construction and design quality of CLSM in China by using the results of this study.
關鍵字(中) ★ 管挖回填材料
★ CLSM配比設計流程
★ 有限元素分析
★ 現地試鋪
關鍵字(英) ★ Pipelines Backfilled
★ Finite Element Analysis
★ Field Test
論文目次 目錄 I
圖目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2研究目的 2
1-3研究方法 2
1-4論文架構及流程 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1管線挖掘回填材料 4
2-1-1常見回填材料 4
2-1-2 管線挖掘回填材料特性 5
2-1-3管線挖掘回填工法比較 6
2-2CLSM於工程之應用 7
2-2-1CLSM於國內應用情形 7
2-2-2CLSM於國外應用情形 8
2-3CLSM設計及施工規範 10
2-3-1配比設計相關規定 10
2-3-2管線挖掘回填相關施工綱要規範 15
2-3-3管線挖掘施工地方自治條例 17
2-4鋪面結構有限元素分析 20
2-4-1鋪面力學分析方法 20
2-4-2 有限元素應用於鋪面結構 24

第三章 維生管線施工及設計問題探討 30
3-1維生管線作業流程 30
3-2維生管線施工問題探討 31
3-2-1常見施工問題探討 31
3-2-2解決對策 33
3-3維生管線設計問題探討 35
3-3-1設計問題探討 35
3-3-2解決對策 35
第四章 CLSM配比設計流程之探討 36
4-1 建立CLSM配比設計流程 36
4-2CLSM季節影響探討 44
4-3 CLSM抗壓強度預測與彈性模數轉換模式 45
4-3-1CLSM抗壓強度預測 45
4-3-2 CLSM彈性模數轉換模式 50
第五章 管線挖掘回填暫修復結構分析 55
5-1結構分析系統建立及參數設定 55
5-1-1道路結構系統之靜力學分析 56
5-1-2集中質量系統分析理論 58
5-1-3管線挖掘前之道路結構參數 59
5-1-4管線挖掘後之道路結構參數 62
5-1-5荷重模擬參數 63
5-1-6小結 66
5-2有限元素模型精確度確認 66
5-2-1驗證模型建立 66
5-2-2載重分析後結果 69
5-2-3小結 70
5-3管線挖掘暫修復結構模擬分析 71
第六章 管線挖掘回填永久性修復結構分析 77
6-1永久性修復結構分析參數設定 77
6-2管線挖掘回填永久性修復結構分析 79
6-3承載能力分析 79
6-3-1鋪面可承受交通量 79
6-3-2每年可承受交通量 82
第七章 管線挖掘配比設計及施工管理與試鋪驗證 84
7-1管線挖掘配比設計與施工管理 84
7-1-1CLSM配比設計流程 84
7-1-2厚度設計 86
7-2管線挖掘現地試鋪 87
7-3成效試驗規劃與評估 89
7-3-1成效試驗規劃與說明 89
7-3-2成效試驗成果評估 93
7-4驗證成果與規範探討 95
7-4-1施工綱要規範探討 95
7-4-2管線挖掘施工地方自治條例探討 95
第八章 結論與建議 97
8-1 結論 97
8-2 建議 99
參考文獻 100
附件一 CLSM配比設計流程 103
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指導教授 林志棟 陳世晃(Zhi-Dong Lin Shi-Huang Chen) 審核日期 2023-6-27
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