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謝祥然(Xiang-Ran Xie)
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土木工程學系在職專班 |
論文名稱 |
滑行道設施全面強化工程探討- 以桃園國際機場為例 (Pavement of Taxiways Upgrade Project -A Case Study of the Taoyuan International Airport)
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摘要(中) |
本研究旨在深入探討強化工程中的道面施工工法與成效評估。研究強化工程中所使用的道面施工工法,包括材料選擇、工程流程和施工技術。其次,透過實地調查和成效檢測,研究將評估強化工程後滑行道的表現,包括冒漿、汲水、坑洞、斷裂等老化現象,以及道面底部缺陷和路基土壤穩定性。範圍為滑行道N8(剛性),N11(柔性),P 7(剛性),P8(剛性),P9(剛性),P(剛性)及 E(剛性)、NC(剛性段)、Q5(剛性)、Q6(剛性)、S(剛性與柔性)、Q(剛性)。亦將強化更新後之道面計算分析鋪面分類號碼值(PCN),以全面評估強化工程對滑行道整體性的影響。透過PCN的綜合分析,整體剛性段道面PCN值落於102,柔性段道面PCN值落於80以上。我們期望提供有助於了解工程成效的客觀指標,並為未來機場道面維護和改善工程提供實質的參考。 |
摘要(英) |
With the increasingly busy aviation business, Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport launched the "Taoyuan International Airport Road Improvement and Navigation Assistance Facility Improvement Project" (Road Improvement Plan) in May 2010 to meet the growing traffic demand and update existing facilities. The plan aims to conduct a comprehensive inspection, evaluation, and renovation of airport runways and taxiways to improve the structural condition of the runways, ensure safety and long-term service. However, as the plan does not include taxiways near the north and south aprons, the Ministry of Transportation approved the "Comprehensive Improvement of Airside Facilities at Taoyuan International Airport" upgrade project in 2016, with a focus on improving the airside facilities in these areas.
This study aims to explore in depth the pavement construction methods and effectiveness evaluation in reinforcement engineering. Research the pavement construction methods used in reinforcement engineering, including data selection, engineering processes, and construction techniques. Secondly, through on-site investigation and effectiveness testing, this study will evaluate the performance of the taxiway reinforcement project, including aging phenomena such as grouting, pumping, potholes, and cracks, as well as defects at the bottom of the road surface and soil stability of the roadbed. We will also strengthen the updated pavement calculation and pavement classification numerical (PCN) analysis to comprehensively evaluate the impact of reinforcement engineering on the overall integrity of the taxiway. Through a comprehensive analysis of PCN, we hope to provide objective quotas to help understand the effectiveness of the project and provide substantial references for future airport pavement maintenance and improvement projects. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 滑行道 ★ 道面施工工法 ★ 成效評估 ★ 鋪面分類號碼值(PCN ) |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Taxiway ★ reinforcement engineering ★ pavement construction method ★ effectiveness evaluation ★ pavement classification number value (PCN) |
論文目次 |
摘要 I
誌謝 V
目錄 VII
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XII
第一章、緒論 1
1.1研究動機與目的 1
1.2研究範圍 2
1.3研究方法 3
1.4研究流程 5
第二章、文獻回顧 6
2.1桃園機場道面整建背景 6
2.2機場設計、整建及維護標準 8
2.3交通部柔性鋪面設計規範 13
2.4道面PCN值之評估方法 19
2.5鋪面撓度評估指標 22
第三章、桃園機場滑行道現況分析 23
3.1機場滑行道設施 23
3.2道面強化工程範圍 26
3.3工程調查與現況分析 27
第四章、滑行道道面強化工法 36
4.1強化方案評估 36
4.2道面強化施作-基底層改良 40
4.3道面強化施作-水泥混凝土道面施作 46
4.4道面強化施作-瀝青混凝土道面施作 48
第五章、滑行道工程成效評估 59
5.1PCN成效評估試驗流程與標準 59
5.2滑行道勁度衝擊模數(ISM) 61
5.3檢測成果分析 64
5.4道面PCN值評估 80
5.5道面維護需求與精進 88
第六章、結論與建議 91
6.1 結論 91
6.2 建議 92
參考文獻 93 |
參考文獻 |
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[7]. 民航統計年報,交通部民用航空局
[8]. 桃園國際機場網站,https://www.taoyuan-airport.com/
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[13]. 江宗鴻:石膠泥瀝青混凝土(SMA)施工成效之探討-以機場滑行道為例,國立中央大學土木工程研究所博士論文,2020年1月 |
指導教授 |
林志棟(Jyh-Dong Lin)
審核日期 |
2024-1-31 |
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