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許澤群(Tse-Chun Hsu)
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土木工程學系 |
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結合 FAIR與新興風險指標分析雲端斷線風險 (Analyzing Cloud Outage Risks by Combining FAIR and Emerging Risk Indicators)
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摘要(中) |
本研究分析方法採用 Jack Freund & Jack Jones 發展之 Factor Analysis of Information Risk (FAIR) 模型,經由Panopta 公司所提供之監控服務獲取各大租借伺服器之供應商斷線資料,並利用蒙地卡羅方法模擬斷線歷時量化其斷線風險。 此外,本研究也同時提供一套新興指標作為企業評估伺服器服務商之方法,此方法為 Robert J. Aumann and Roberto Serrano在 An Economic Index of Riskiness 一文中所提出,可以作為企業初步選擇伺服器服務商時一個評估風險之指標。
研究結果說明了若公司採用了根據 An Economic Index of Riskness 提出之指標計算出的風險值作為選擇伺服器服務商之依據,可以有效的減少伺服器斷線所帶來的衝擊。 此外,在FAIR 方法發現斷線次數較斷線時長更會影響風險值之大小。 |
摘要(英) |
With the growing applications of cloud technology, this study aims to investigate the potential impact of network disconnections, thereby better assisting enterprises in their transition, as well as reducing risks from unstable infrastructure when using this technology in the future. This will facilitate risk transfer.
The analytical method of this study adopts the Factor Analysis of Information Risk (FAIR) model developed by Jack Freund & Jack Jones. Disconnection data from major server providers are obtained through the monitoring services provided by Panopta. The Monte Carlo method is used to simulate the duration of disconnection and quantify its risks. Additionally, this study provides a novel index as a method for enterprises to assess server service providers. This method, proposed by Robert J. Aumann and Roberto Serrano in their paper "An Economic Index of Riskiness," serves as a preliminary indicator for enterprises to evaluate the risks when choosing server service providers.
The research findings demonstrate that if a company uses the risk value calculated based on the index proposed in "An Economic Index of Riskiness" as the basis for selecting server service providers, it can effectively mitigate the impact of server disconnection. Moreover, the FAIR method reveals that the number of disconnections influences the risk value more significantly than the length of disconnection. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 網路風險評估 ★ FAIR 模型 ★ 雲端斷線 ★ 新風險指標 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Network Risk Assessment ★ FAIR Model ★ Cloud Disconnection ★ New Risk Indicator |
論文目次 |
Abstract ..ii
List of Tables..vi
List of Figures..vii
2 文獻回顧..5
3.1 FAIR模型..12
3.1.1 FAIR模型因子名詞解釋..13
3.1.2 PERT分佈..15
3.1.3 指數分佈..16
3.1.4 伺服器斷線資料來源..19
3.2 風險指標..20
3.2.1 效用函數..20
3.2.2 隨機優越.22
3.2.3 新風險指標..26
4 結果與討論..30
4.1 伺服器服務商服務中斷資料..30
4.2 模擬伺服器斷線次數與時長..31
4.2.2 服務時長模擬..37
4.2.3 總斷線次數與時長模擬..41
4.3 脆弱度評估..49
4.4 伺服器服務中斷之成本估算..49
4.5 風險評估..54
4.5.1 主要損失造成之風險..55
4.5.2 次要損失造成之風險..61
4.6 基於隨機優越之風險指標..83
4.6.1 一階隨機優越..83
4.7 各家伺服器供應商之風險指標..84
4.8 結合新興指標與FAIR方法之綜合評估..85
參考文獻..89 |
參考文獻 |
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【7】Robert J. Aumann and Roberto Serrano (October 2008). An Economic Index of Riskiness, Journal of Political Economy, USA
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【13】徐昊宇 (2021). “結合 FAIR 與 NIST 資安框架分析資安風險:以醫療產業為例”,國立中央大學,碩士論文
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指導教授 |
蔣偉寧(Wei-Ling Chiang)
審核日期 |
2023-7-18 |
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