博碩士論文 110322088 詳細資訊

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姓名 李函玲(Han-Ling Li)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 建築資訊模型及延展實境技術之數位分身資訊流整合
(Integration of Information Flows in Digital Twins: A Framework Based on Building Information Modeling and Extended Reality Techniques)
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摘要(中) 我國於2022年正式公布「臺灣2050淨零排放路徑及策略總說明」,建築方面希望以優化建築外殼設計、提升建築能效及落實家電能效標準為主要推動方針。而近年來也因疫情影響,科技在網際網路、延展實境(Extended reality, XR)與雲端等領域都有突破性的躍進。
「淨零排放路徑及策略」旨在實現淨零碳排放的目標,其中一個關鍵是提升能源效率。XR技術可以在建築和能源管理領域提供更直觀、實時的數據可視化,幫助建築物管理人員更好地監測和控制能源使用。本研究已知在政策的推動之下,許多新建建築物除了擁有建築資訊模型(Building Information Modeling, BIM)外,還配備能源監控設備,倘若能善用此優勢將已成熟之分析軟體結合現代科技技術,將建築物資訊整合於延展實境的穿戴式裝置中,更有利於建築物營運管理。
本研究將著重於開發XR資訊整合平台及演示如何透過延展實境所提供之程式,將整合的資訊流透過平台投射於穿戴式裝置上,達到虛實互動的成效,並提出可行之平台架設流程及建議。範圍包含將BIM模型轉檔至XR、組建IoT(Internet of Things, IoT)感測器裝置並使其連接至所開發之雲端整合平台、資訊整合與HoloLens的應用軟體的介接。利用建築資訊模型結合現代科技,快速轉換檔案格式並建立模型,搭配建築現場感測器取得之監測數據,再加上電腦生成能耗分析及電器資訊標示,最終將資訊整合呈現於延展實境裝置。
摘要(英) In 2022, Taiwan released the "Taiwan 2050 Net-Zero Emissions Pathway and Strategy Overview." The architecture sector focuses on optimizing building design, enhancing energy efficiency, and implementing appliance energy efficiency standards. Recent years have witnessed significant technological advancements in internet, extended reality (XR), and cloud computing, influenced by the pandemic.
The "Taiwan 2050 Net-Zero Emissions Pathway and Strategy" aims to achieve net-zero carbon emissions through improved energy efficiency. XR technology enables intuitive and real-time data visualization in building and energy management, empowering managers to effectively monitor and control energy usage. By integrating mature analysis software with modern technology, buildings can leverage the advantages of energy monitoring devices and integrate building information into extended reality wearable devices, resulting in enhanced building operation and management.
This research will focus on the development of an XR information integration platform and demonstrate how the integrated information flow can be projected onto wearable devices through extended reality. Feasible platform construction processes and recommendations will be proposed. The scope includes converting BIM models to XR, assembling Internet of Things (IoT) sensor devices and connecting them to the developed cloud integration platform, information integration, and interfacing with the application software of HoloLens. By combining building information modeling with modern technology, rapidly converting file formats and building models, along with monitoring data obtained from on-site sensors, and incorporating computer-generated energy consumption analysis and appliance information labeling, the ultimate goal is to present the integrated information in the extended reality device.
關鍵字(中) ★ 延展實境
★ 數位分身
★ 建築能源模擬
★ Microsoft HoloLens
關鍵字(英) ★ XR
★ Digital twins
★ Building energy simulation
★ Microsoft HoloLens
論文目次 摘要 vii
Abstract viii
誌 謝 ix
目 錄 x
圖目錄 xiii
表目錄 xvi

第一章 緒論 p1
1-1 研究背景與動機 p1
1-2 研究問題與目的 p2
1-3 研究範圍與限制 p4
1-4 研究流程 p4
1-5 論文架構 p7
第二章 文獻回顧 p8
2-1 數位分身與延展實境 p8
2-1-1 延展實境用於ACE產業 p9
2-1-2 延展實境結合BIM p10
2-2 穿戴式技術相關回顧 p14
2-2-1 技術比較 p14
2-2-2 HoloLens產品規格 p15
2-3 建築物能耗 p18
2-3-1 建築物能源模擬 p18
2-3-2 建築物能源管理 p19
2-3-3 國內建築物能耗指標 p21
2-3-4 建築物能源管理結合HoloLens p23
2-4 系統開發 p24
2-4-1 Unity 3D p24
2-4-2 Revit Insight p24
2-4-3 Arduino p27
2-4-4 PostgreSQL p27
2-5 文獻回顧總結 p28
第三章 建築物資訊視覺化與整合 p29
3-1建築物能源分析及資料轉換 p29
3-1-1 Revit to Insight p29
3-1-2 BIM to Unity 3D p34
3-2 資訊流整合 p37
3-2-1 Unity 3D p38
3-2-2 延展實境環境建構 p40
3-2-3 Arduino感測器資料擷取與傳送 p45
3-2-4 Microsoft HoloLens應用程式部屬與導入 p49
第四章 XR系統成果演示與討論 p52
4-1 系統演示介紹 p52
4-1-1 XR系統專案演示 p52
4-1-2 系統畫面比較 p55
4-1-3能源分析模型操作 p56
4-2 演示成果討論 p58
第五章 結論與建議 p59
5-1 結論 p59
5-2 建議 p60
參考文獻 p61
評審意見回覆表 p64
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指導教授 周建成(Chien-Cheng Chou) 審核日期 2023-7-19
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