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蘇彥城(Yen-Cheng Su)
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工業管理研究所 |
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以流程導向設計區塊鏈資訊系統 – 電動車供應鏈為例 (Process-oriented Design of Blockchain Information System – A Case of EV Supply Chain)
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摘要(中) |
本研究將設計電動車資訊系統,系統會記錄電動車所需使用的原材料的庫存、交易紀錄,以利企業可以預測原材料與零組件的供給與需求並制定生產規劃。並且應用整合資訊架構(Architectrue of Integrated Information System, ARIS)軟體建構完整的BPMN模型進行分析和釐清所有的作業流程,再結合區塊鏈與IOT技術,使得新的供應鏈模型具備較高的透明度以及快速反應能力,最後根據新流程建立統一塑模語言(Unified Modeling Language, UML),使流程可視化並且快速了解整個模型架構與流程,進而幫助企業提升效率。 |
摘要(英) |
Compared with traditional internal combustion engine vehicles, electric vehicles have higher energy efficiency, thus reducing the damage caused by transportation to the environment, and more and more attention has been paid to electric vehicles with more energy-saving and environmental protection benefits. Various governments around the world have begun to promote them. Electric vehicles are expected to gradually replace traditional means of transportation.
The traditional supply chain is a network composed of suppliers, distributors, warehouses, logistics, and distributors. Looking at the entire supply chain, it is difficult to obtain information about relevant manufacturers in the upstream and downstream of the supply chain. There are problems of information asymmetry and opacity, such as information falsification, low information transmission efficiency, high communication costs, and even the risk of information being tampered with. Therefore, this research expects to use blockchain and IOT technology to create an electric vehicle information system and use the decentralized, transparent, and immutable characteristics of blockchain to solve the problems of information inequality and efficiency between supply chains.
This study will design an information system for electric vehicles. The system will record the inventory and transaction records of raw materials used by electric vehicles so that enterprises can predict the supply and demand of raw materials and components and formulate production plans. And apply the Integrated Information Architecture (Architecture of Integrated Information System, ARIS) software to construct a complete BPMN model to analyze and clarify all the operation processes, combined with blockchain and IOT technology, so that the new supply chain model has higher transparency and quick response ability, and finally establish a unified modeling language (Unified Modeling Language, UML) according to the new process, so that the process can be visualized and people can quickly understand the entire model structure and process, thereby helping enterprises improve efficiency. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 彈性製造 ★ 區塊鏈 ★ 供應鏈管理 ★ 電動車 ★ BPMN ★ 統一塑模語言 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Flexible manufacturing ★ Blockchain ★ Supply chain management ★ Electric vehicle ★ BPMN ★ UML |
論文目次 |
摘要 i
Abstract ii
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1研究背景 1
1-2研究目的 2
1-3研究章節 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1供應鏈管理 4
2-1-1供應鏈管理簡介 4
2-1-2彈性供應鏈管理 5
2-1-3供應鏈協作 6
2-1-4 IOT對供應鏈管理的影響 7
2-1-5電動車供應鏈 8
2-2區塊鏈技術 9
2-2-1區塊鏈原理 9
2-2-2區塊鏈架構 12
2-2-3區塊鏈在供應鏈管理的應用 13
第三章 研究方法 14
3-1整合資訊架構 14
3-1-1 ARIS觀點 14
3-1-2 ARIS三階段 18
3-1-3 BPMN業務流程模型和標記法 20
3-2統一塑模語言 25
3-2-1類別圖(Class Diagram) 25
3-2-2元件圖(Component Diagram) 25
3-2-3部屬圖(Deployment Diagram) 27
3-2-4物件圖(Object Diagram) 28
3-2-5活動圖(Activity Diagram) 28
3-2-6使用案例圖(Use Case Diagram) 31
3-2-7狀態圖(Sate Diagram) 32
3-2-8循序圖(Sequence Diagram) 33
3-2-9合作圖(Collaboration Diagram) 34
第四章 方法應用 36
4-1系統描述 36
4-2應用整合資訊架構 37
4-2-1 ARIS之流程分析 37
4-1-3 BPMN之流程分析 41
4-3應用統一塑模語言 43
4-3-1使用案例圖 43
4-3-2類別圖 44
4-3-3元件圖 45
4-3-4循序圖 47
4-3-5部屬圖 48
第五章 研究結論與建議 50
5-1結論 50
5-2研究限制 50
5-3未來研究建議 51
參考文獻 52 |
參考文獻 |
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指導教授 |
高信培(Hsing-Pei Kao)
審核日期 |
2023-6-28 |
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