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姓名 施政延(Zheng-Yan Shi)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所
(Solving the parallel batching with machine preventive maintenance in Flexible Job Shop scheduling problem when minimizing makespan and total tardiness)
★ 以類神經網路探討晶圓測試良率預測與重測指標值之建立★ 六標準突破性策略—企業管理議題
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摘要(中) 這個研究討論的彈性零工式排程問題有許多限制。我們的研究與一般的彈性零工式排程問題的不同之處在於考慮了機器預防性維護和操作並行分批。在處理完工序後,機器上會產生堆積物。如果堆積物累積達到上限,機器就需要進行預防性維護,以清潔和保養機器。我們提出了一種解決這個雙目標排程問題的演算法。該演算法的初始族群可以通過隨機生成個體或部分利用可排程操作()來形成,並且考慮了新型操作限制,稱為機器預防性維護。我們提出了新的鄰域結構,用於處理堆積物和機器預防性維護。同時,我們提出了新的高效搜索策略,以找到更好的解決方案。目標是最小化兩個標準,即最小化總遲延和完成時間。
摘要(英) The flexible job shop scheduling problem discussed in this study has many restrictions. The difference between our research and the general flexible job shop scheduling problem is that the machine preventive maintenance and operation parallel batching has been considered. After processed operations, deposits will be generated on the machine. If the accumulation of deposits reaches the upper limit, the machine needs to do the preventive maintenance to clean and maintain the machine. We propose an algorithm for solving this bi-objective scheduling problem. The initial population of this algorithm is formed by either randomly generating individuals or partially generating them by utilizing schedulable operations (omega), and considered the new type operation constraint called machine preventive maintenance. The new neighborhood structure for deposits and machine preventive maintenance is proposed. The new and efficient search strategy is proposed to find a better solution. The objective is the minimization of two criteria, minimize the total tardiness and the makespan.
關鍵字(中) ★ 彈性零工式排程問題
★ 局部搜索
★ 預防性維護
關鍵字(英) ★ flexible job shop scheduling
★ preventive maintenance
★ local search
論文目次 摘要 2
Abstract 3
Contents 4
List of figures 5
List of tables 6
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Research motivation and background 1
1.2. Problem description 2
1.3. Research objectives 3
1.4. Research methodology 4
2. Literature review 5
2.1. Flexible job-shop scheduling problem 5
2.2. Machine preventive maintenance 6
2.3. Neighborhood structure 7
2.4. Search strategy 7
3. Methodology 9
3.1. Disjunctive Graph Modeling 10
3.2. Initial solution 11
3.3. Neighborhood structure 12
3.3.1. An integrated move 12
3.3.2. CET move (critical end transpose) 13
3.3.3. CEI move (critical end insert) 14
3.3.4. Modified CET move (critical end transpose) 14
3.3.5. Modified CEI move (critical end insert) 15
3.3.6. CET+2MT move 15
3.3.7. Feasibility checking 17
3.3.8. Lower bounds on Makespan Cmax 17
3.4. Search strategy 23
4. Experiment result 25
4.1. Instance and parameter 25
4.2. Analysis of the integrated move with lower bound and steepest descent 25
4.3. Advantage of the two critical paths 27
4.4. Analysis of the integrated move and CEI, CET 29
5. Conclusion 32
Reference 33
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指導教授 沈國基(Guo-Ji Sheen) 審核日期 2023-7-20
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