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姓名 劉書豪(Shu-Hao Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學工程與材料工程學系
論文名稱 利用兩階段真空變壓吸附法捕獲燃煤電廠煙道氣中二氧化碳之實驗設計最佳化研究
(Optimization investigation of experimental design for capturing carbon dioxide from flue gas in coal-fired power plants using a two-stage vacuum swing adsorption method)
★ 醫療用氧氣濃縮機之改善與發展★ 變壓吸附法濃縮及回收氣化產氫製程中二氧化碳與氫氣之模擬
★ 變壓吸附法應用於小型化醫療用製氧機及生質酒精脫水產生無水酒精之模擬★ 變壓吸附法濃縮及回收氣化產氫製程中一氧化碳、二氧化碳與氫氣之模擬
★ 利用吸附程序於較小型發電廠煙道氣進氣量下捕獲二氧化碳之模擬★ 利用週期性吸附反應程序製造高純度氫氣並捕獲二氧化碳之模擬
★ 變溫吸附程序分離煙道氣中二氧化碳之連續性探討與實驗設計分析★ 利用PEI/SBA-15於變溫及真空變溫吸附捕獲煙道氣中二氧化碳之模擬
★ PEI/SBA-15固態吸附劑對二氧化碳吸附之實驗研究★ 以變壓吸附法分離汙染空氣中氧化亞氮之模擬
★ 以變壓吸附法分離汙染空氣中氧化亞氮之實驗★ 以變壓吸附法濃縮己二酸工廠尾氣中氧化亞氮之模擬
★ 利用變壓吸附法捕獲煙道氣與合成氣中二氧化碳之實驗★ 變壓吸附法回收發電廠廢氣與合成氣中二氧化碳之模擬
★ 利用變壓吸附程序分離甲醇裂解產氣中氫氣及一氧化碳之模擬★ 變壓吸附程序捕獲合成氣中二氧化碳之實驗研究與吸附劑之選擇評估
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摘要(中) 隨著工業革命伴隨著大量化石燃料燃燒,產生出的二氧化碳造成溫室效應增強進而造成氣候變遷,在近年來環保意識增加,如何減少二氧化碳的議題受到密切關注,其中一種方法是變壓吸附法(PSA),透過氣體間不同的吸附性能達到分離混合氣的效果,是一種低投資成本及操作簡單的物理吸附法,本實驗透過此技術捕獲燃煤電廠排放之煙道氣中的二氧化碳。
首先利用高壓氣體分析儀及數位記錄天平量測COSMO 13X在不同溫度下對CO2的等溫吸附曲線,計算不同溫度及不同壓力下的平衡吸附量,確認本實驗選用的吸附劑對二氧化碳有著良好的分離效果。
接著使用兩階段真空變壓吸附程序,並選擇COSMO 13X作為塔內填充物,以分離台中燃煤電廠排放的煙道氣中的氮氣和二氧化碳。首先,透過第一階段實驗(兩塔六步驟)達到高二氧化碳回收率的目標,然後通過第二階段實驗(單塔三步驟)提高二氧化碳的純度。為了探討第一階段實驗結果的影響因素,結合實驗設計和分析,採用兩水準三因子全因子實驗設計。這三個因子分別是步驟1/4的時間、步驟3/6的時間和同向減壓壓力。透過研究這些因子對純度、回收率和能耗對實驗結果的影響,建立各個響應的迴歸模型,找到最佳化的操作條件。目標是在第一階段實驗中獲得80 %以上的二氧化碳回收率。
透過四種不同最適化探討後,比對之後得到當步驟1/4的時間為250秒、步驟3/6的時間為40秒和同向減壓壓力為0.85 bar時,可獲得一階段二氧化碳純度79.11 %及回收率87.08 %之最適化結果。
摘要(英) With the industrial revolution came the burning of large amounts of fossil fuels, resulting in the release of carbon dioxide and intensifying the greenhouse effect, leading to climate change. In recent years, there has been an increased awareness of environmental protection, and the issue of reducing carbon dioxide has received close attention. One method for achieving this is Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA), which utilizes the different adsorption properties of gases to separate mixed gases. It is a physically-based adsorption method that requires low investment costs and simple operation. In this experiment, PSA method was used to capture carbon dioxide from the flue gas emitted by coal-fired power plants.
First, the high-pressure gas analyzer and digital recording balance were used to measure the isothermal adsorption curves of COSMO 13X for CO2 at different temperatures. The equilibrium adsorption capacity at different temperatures and pressures was calculated to confirm that the chosen adsorbent in this experiment exhibits good separation efficiency for carbon dioxide.
Next, a two-stage vacuum pressure swing adsorption (VPSA) process was employed, with COSMO 13X chosen as the tower packing material, to separate N2 and CO2 in the flue gas emitted by the Taichung coal-fired power plant. Firstly, the first stage experiment (two-bed six-step PSA) was conducted to achieve a high carbon dioxide recovery rate. Then, through the second stage experiment (single-bed three-step PSA), the purity of carbon dioxide was increased. To investigate the influential factors in the results of the first stage experiment, a combination of experimental design and analysis was employed, using a two-level three-factor full factorial experimental design. These three factors are the time for steps 1/4, the time for steps 3/6, and the co-current depressurization pressure. By studying the effects of these factors on purity, recovery rate, and energy consumption in the experimental results, regression models were established for each response to determine the optimal operating conditions. The objective is to achieve an 80% or higher carbon dioxide recovery rate in the first stage experiment.
After comparing four different optimizations, it was determined that when the time for step 1/4 is 250 seconds, the time for step 3/6 is 40 seconds, and the Co-current depressurization pressure is 0.85 bar, the optimal result yields a carbon dioxide purity 79.11 % with recovery 87.08% in the first-stage.
關鍵字(中) ★ 變壓吸附 關鍵字(英) ★ Pressure swing adsorption
論文目次 摘要 i
致謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
第一章、 緒論 1
第二章、 簡介與文獻回顧 6
2-1 吸附之簡介 6
2-1-1 吸附基本原理 6
2-1-2 吸附劑與其選擇率 7
2-1-3 等溫吸附曲線(Adsorption isotherm) 9
2-1-4 變壓吸附程序之發展與改良 11
2-2 研究目的及文獻回顧 15
2-2-1 研究目的 15
2-2-2 文獻回顧 15
第三章、 實驗設備與方法 18
3-1 吸附劑及煙道氣組成 18
3-2 實驗儀器 20
3-2-1 等溫平衡吸附曲線實驗 20
3-2-2 真空變壓吸附實驗 24
3-2-3 製程描述 38
3-3 實驗操作步驟 41
3-3-1 等溫吸附曲線實驗 41
3-3-2 真空變壓吸附實驗 42
3-4 實驗數據計算 44
3-5 實驗設計(Design of Experiments) 46
3-5-1 全因子實驗設計(Full factorial design) 46
3-5-2 變異數分析(Analysis of Variance, ANOVA) 48
3-5-3 殘差分析圖(Residual analysis plots) 49
3-5-4 迴歸分析(Regression analysis)及最適化結果 49
第四章、 數據分析與結果討論 50
4-1 等溫吸附曲線實驗 50
4-2 兩階段真空變壓吸附 52
4-3 殘差分析圖(Analysis of residual plots) 56
4-4 變異數分析(Analysis of Variance, ANOVA) 62
4-5 迴歸分析(Regression analysis) 64
4-6 最適化結果 67
4-6-1 塔底二氧化碳回收率最大化之最適化探討 68
4-6-2 真空幫浦能耗最小化之最適化探討 69
4-6-3 二氧化碳回收率及真空幫浦能耗最小化之最適化探討 70
4-6-4 二氧化碳純度、回收率及真空幫浦之最適化探討 71
4-6-5 最適化結果之比較與探討 72
第五章、 結論 74
參考文獻 76
附錄A、真空變壓吸附裝置各元件對照表 81
附錄B、真空變壓吸附裝置流程圖元件命名法 87
附錄C、考慮不同因子及交互作用之殘差分析圖 88
附錄D、實驗設計重要性(Importance) 90
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指導教授 周正堂(Cheng-Tung Chou) 審核日期 2023-7-24
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