博碩士論文 109623014 詳細資訊

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姓名 黃恩榮(En-Jung Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 太空科學研究所
論文名稱 自動化熱真空測試系統
★ 動態視星等之星象辨識演算法★ 太空電漿探針系統
★ 太空離子探測系統★ 微衛星離子探測系統
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★ 先進電離層探測儀地面電子測試設備★ 熱真空測試系統
★ 太空電漿模擬艙自動化監控系統★ 數位式探空火箭姿態量測模組
★ 先進電離層探測儀整合測試系統★ 先進電離層探測儀數位控制單元之研製
★ 探空十號火箭的姿態重建與分析★ 先進電離層雙生儀地面電子測試設備
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摘要(中) 因應國內太空產業快速發展,衛星組裝和相關組件等需求量不斷增加,而為了確認衛星和相關物件在上太空後能抵抗極端環境維持正常運作,所有須上太空之電子、機械、硬體等設備,皆須經過熱真空測試。此測試是將大氣壓下降到0.01帕以下模擬太空環境,控制環境溫度到極端高低溫並長時間浸泡,重複多次升降溫循環。其中在維持溫度這部分,因我們使用的溫度控制器是藉由溫控管控制熱交換板的溫度,且和物件是由接觸傳導來導熱,故其溫度和設定的油溫會有些微誤差,同時兩者間在溫度傳導也會有時間延遲。而測試要確保待測物溫度在指定的範圍內,且整個流程和紀錄、溫度調整設定等等都需要人力的介入,由操作人員負責觀察量測溫度並調整對溫度控制設備的指令,持溫時間紀錄確保符合測試要求。但此人工操作的測試方式,不僅需花費大量人力成本,還因操作人員差異、經驗和熟悉度不同,會有人因錯誤或經驗不足所造成的風險,影響整體測試時程和效率。同時在快速增加的熱真空測試需求下,更是凸顯了人工操作的各層面問題。故本論文建立自動化熱真空測試系統,撰寫程式自動管理測試流程、預估測試完成時間和顯示進度條。並藉由讀取熱真空艙內的熱電偶量測溫度作為輸出,測試設定目標溫度為輸入,設計補償器和控制器,優化溫度控制,實現自動化溫控的目標,不僅解放了人力,也增加了測試效率,最終能在持溫流程中維持溫度在±1°C以內,在常用規範±3°C的標準內。
摘要(英) With the rapid development of the domestic space industry, the demand for satellite assembly and related components continues to increase. In order to ensure that satellites and related objects can withstand extreme environments and maintain normal operation in space, all electronic, mechanical, and hardware equipment that needs to be sent into space must undergo thermal vacuum testing.
This test is simulating the space environment by reducing the atmospheric pressure to below 0.01 Pa.The environmental temperature reach high and low extremes, and it is maintained for a period of time. This process is repeated consecutively for multiple cycles.
In the temperature maintenance phase, we use a temperature controller that regulates the temperature of the heat exchange plate through a temperature control tube. However, there might be a slight deviation between the actual temperature of the objects and the set oil temperature because the heat is conducted through contact. Additionally, there might be a time delay in temperature transmission between them.
Besides the testing process requires human intervention to ensure that the temperature of the test object remains within the specified range. The entire process, including recording, temperature adjustment settings, and other tasks, relies on the involvement of operators. The operators have to observed temperature measurements and adjust commant of the target temperature. They also need to record the duration of temperature maintenance to ensure compliance with testing requirements. However, this manual testing approach not only incurs significant labor costs but also carries risks due to variations in operators′ skills, experience, and familiarity with the process. Errors or lack of experience among operators can impact the overall testing schedule and efficiency.Furthermore, the rapid increase in thermal vacuum testing demands exacerbates the aforementioned issues across various aspects.
Therefore, this paper proposes the establishment of an automated thermal vacuum testing system. It involves writing programs to automate the management of the testing process, estimate the testing completion time, and display a progress bar. By reading temperature measurements from thermocouples inside the thermal vacuum chamber as output and setting target temperatures as input. Design compensator and controllers to optimize temperature control. The goal is to achieve automated temperature control, liberating human intervention and enhancing testing efficiency.The final result achieves temperature stability within a range of ±1°C during the temperature maintenance phase, meeting the commonly used specification of ±3°C.
關鍵字(中) ★ 熱真空
★ 自動化
論文目次 摘 要 i
目 錄 iv
圖 目 錄 vi
表 目 錄 ix
一、 緒論 1
1-1 熱真空測試 1
1-2 研究目的 5
1-3 自動控制簡介 7
二、 系統架構 11
2-1 硬體 13
2-2-1 溫度控制設備 13
2-2-2 溫度量測設備 15
2-2-3 熱真空艙 17
2-2 軟體架構 25
2-2-1 溫度量測與控制 31
2-2-2 氣壓量測模組 37
2-2-3 資料存檔核心 38
2-2-4 自動流程控制核心 39
2-2-5 測試進度和預估 43
三、 測試與模擬結果 45
3-1 自動流程控制開發 45
3-2 自動溫度控制開發過程 46
3-2-1 高溫量測曲線 47
3-2-2 低溫量測曲線 50
3-3 系統分析 54
3-3-1 控制器設計 59
四、 結論與未來展望 65
參考文獻 67
參考文獻 [1] O.Hamberg and W.Tosney,The Effectiveness of Satellite Environmental Acceptance Test,J.Envirn.Sci,1989。
[2] J.W.Welch,Early Environmental Screening of Spacecraft Electronic Units using Pre-Unit-Level Thermal Testing,ICES,2015。
[3] 陳青、文峰:《自動控制理論》北京市,中國電力,2008。
[4] 徐妤婷:〈熱真空測試系統〉。國立中央大學,碩士論文,民國102年。
[5] Julabo A80t資料取自:https://www.julabo.com/en/products/highly-dynamic-temperature-control-systems/presto-process-systems/presto-a80t。
[6] 熱電偶原理取自:https://www.eettaiwan.com/20161222ta31-thermocouples-basic-principles-and-design-essentials/。
[7] NI 9214資料取自:https://www.ni.com/docs/en-US/bundle/ni-9212-specs/page/specs.html。
[8] 幫浦資料取自:https://www.leyboldproducts.cn/search?sSearch=turbovac+mag。
[9] 全域氣壓計資料取自:https://www.ivsvac.com/product-detail-2870463.html。
[10]Richard Jennings,Fabiola De La Cueva,LabVIEW Graphical Programming,11,2019。
[11] PID參數調整:https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/PID%E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%99%A8。
指導教授 趙吉光 審核日期 2023-7-26
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