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姓名 吳詩予(Shih-Yu Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 太空科學研究所
論文名稱 TaiSAR空載系統運用於車載取像性能評估暨實驗
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摘要(中) 合成孔徑雷達(Synthetic Aperture Radar,SAR)是一種利用雷達原理進行影像成像之技術,它能夠提供地表反射率、高程、植被覆蓋、海浪流速等特徵信息,廣泛應用於軍事、氣象、海洋、地質、城市規劃等領域。為利本項技術研究、開發及應用並為執行農委會相關計畫,中央大學前已建置了TaiSAR合成孔徑雷達空載(亦稱機載)系統,此系統係由日本三菱公司所設計,計畫執行之初雖已初步完成功能驗證,並成功實施空照、取得影像。然而因為合約驗收問題,未能移交使用單位、且原飛機載具又因降落時損壞,致使此系統多年未加使用,最終造成設備散落,軟、硬體功能損壞;後來又因資訊、電子技術進步快速,導致相關零、附件缺料、停產,增加修復難度。
摘要(英) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is a technology that utilizes radar principles for image formation. It provides information on surface reflectivity, elevation, vegetation coverage, and ocean wave velocity characteristics. SAR finds extensive applications in various fields such as military, meteorology, oceanography, geology, and urban planning. To facilitate the research, development, and to execute related projects by the Council of Agriculture, National Central University has previously established the TaiSAR airborne SAR system. Designed by Mitsubishi Corporation, the system had initially undergone preliminary functional verification, successfully conducting aerial surveys and obtaining images. However, due to contract acceptance issues, and the original aircraft platform was damaged during landing. As a result, the system remained unused for several years, leading to equipment scatter and damages to both software and hardware components. Additionally, rapid advancements in information and electronic technology resulted in material and accessory shortages and discontinued production, further increasing the difficulty of repair.
This study is dedicated to the restoration of the TaiSAR system. During the initial experiments, scattered equipment was gradually retrieved and assembled. For discontinued and missing equipment, alternative components were sourced, and equipment replacements were carried out. Furthermore, software was upgraded, and reprogrammed to finally restore the system′s functionality and normal operation. The process and methods employed in the system repair and difficulties overcome can provide valuable references for radar system research, remote sensing instrument maintenance, and assembly for various industries.
Moreover, to validate the performance and functionality restoration of the TaiSAR system, and to improve traditional satellite and airborne SAR systems′ related limiting factors, the experiment designed the installation of the TaiSAR system within a vehicle compartment to execute missions. During the experiments, SAR radiometric experiments were conducted over the Xionglin river valley in Hsinchu County and the Guishan island in Yilan County. In the Xionglin river valley experiment, although signals were received, discerning the target object proved challenging. In contrast, the Guishan island experiment successfully acquired SAR images after adjusting parameters such as the visible distance. The obtained images were then compared with the island′s characteristics through antenna angle adjustments, confirming the match between the images and the island′s wider bottom and narrower top features. The experimental results not only demonstrated the successful restoration of the TaiSAR system but also provided a new, highly mobile, time-saving, cost-efficient ground verification method. This research is believed to be suitable as a pre-launch testing procedure for airborne and satellite SAR equipment and can serve as a technical reference for conducting SAR ground tests.
關鍵字(中) ★ 合成孔徑雷達載具分析
★ 機載合成孔徑雷達
★ 車載合成孔徑雷達系統改裝
★ 車載合成孔徑雷達系統實驗
關鍵字(英) ★ Synthetic Aperture Radar
★ Airborne SAR
★ Automobile-based SAR
★ TaiSAR
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 1
1.3研究方法 4
1.4論文架構 5
第二章 SAR的基本原理與分析 6
2.1 SAR原理 6
2.2 SAR相關數學公式 6
2.3 SAR應用 7
2.4 SAR載具分析 8
2.4.1 衛星(Satellite)SAR 8
2.4.2 空載(Airborne) SAR 10
2.4.3 地基(Ground-based) SAR 11
2.4.4 車載(Automobile-based) SAR 13
第三章 車載TaiSAR改裝與測試 16
3.1 TaiSAR系統與硬體介紹 16
3.1.1機櫃1 17
3.1.2機櫃2 21
3.1.3飛航管理與運動補償系統 26
3.1.4天線 27
3.1.5系統主要功能與規格 29
3.2 TaiSAR硬體及系統修復 33
3.2.1 MTC Circulator修復 33
3.2.2排線檢整 35
3.2.3 GPS天線安裝及更新 38
3.2.4加裝變壓器與更換變壓器線材 38
3.2.5電腦硬碟修復 40
3.2.6 行波管放大器檢整 41
3.3 TaiSAR車載硬體改裝 41
3.3.1車載車廂改裝 41
3.3.2車廂及天線基座改裝 42
3.3.3 TaiSAR系統進入車廂 44
3.3.4機櫃固定 45
3.3.5電力系統配置 46
3.3.6車廂發電機排煙與散熱改裝 47
3.3.7車載平台架構與參數 47
3.4 車載系統測試與取像試拍作業 51
3.4.1實驗室自測 51
3.4.2車載SAR戶外觀測驗證 52
3.4.3 車載SAR系統調整與實驗 55
3.5車載SAR系統龜山島取像驗證作業 56
第四章 結果分析與討論 61
4.1新竹縣芎林鄉實驗結果與分析 61
4.2龜山島實驗結果與分析 62
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 67
5.1結論 67
5.2未來研究方向 68
參考文獻 70
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指導教授 趙吉光 于羾(Chi-Kuang Chao Gung Yu) 審核日期 2023-10-6
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