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姓名 侯凱傑(Kai-Jie Hou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 太空科學與工程研究所
論文名稱 Deep Space Radiation Probe 結構與熱控的設計模擬與測試驗證
(Design, Simulation, Test and Verification of Deep Space Radiation Probe Structure and Thermal Control)
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摘要(中) Deep Space Radiation Probe 是一個由IDEASSat 任務延伸而來的酬載,由於發生在IDEASSat衛星上SEL (Single Event Latchup)導致IDEASSat任務壽命不如預期,於是便設計了Deep Space Radiation Probe 以了解太空環境中輻射對衛星所產生的危害。由於Deep Space Radiation Probe搭乘日本民間登月廠商 ispace 的Hakuto-R Mission2 所經過的太空環境不管是對結構,熱控還是輻射都比低軌道還要更加嚴苛,因此需要更加注意相關的設計。Hakuto-R Mission2是由日本的Ispace研發的衛星,其軌道會經過月球,最終登陸在月球之上,而Deep Space Radiation Probe會被固定在Hakuto-R外側以量測相關的輻射數據。本論文主要會介紹與討論到如何滿足Deep Space Radiation Probe 的結構以及在熱控需求上的設計,使其能再不管是在軌道上或是月球上都能正常運作。由於DSRP是固定在Hakuto-R外殼的外側,而非內側,因此在不管是振動對結構的破壞,還是環境中的極高、極低溫,都要面臨非常嚴苛的挑戰。本文將會介紹如何設計才能克服嚴苛的環境條件,以及相關模擬還有實際的測試驗證結果,還有過程中的經驗學習與討論。Deep Space Radiation Probe的研發會為未來不管是小型衛星還是其他各種會上太空的酬載提供更加了解太空輻射對儀器危害,以避免可能的危險性,提高任務壽命。
摘要(英) Deep Space Radiation Probe(DSRP) is a payload which come up idea from the IDEASSat mission. Since the SEL (Single Event Latchup) caused the IDEASSat mission life to be less than expected, so that we design DSRP to understand the hazards of radiation on satellites in the space environment. Since the Deep Space Radiation Probe is going to be rideshare on the Hakato-R Mission2 which is developed from ispace, the space environment it passes through is even more severe than low-earth orbit in terms of structure, thermal control, and radiation, and thus requires more attention to the related design. Hakato-R Mission2 trans-lunar injection orbit will pass by the Moon and eventually land on the Moon, and the DSRP will be fixed on the out-plane of Hakato-R, in order to measure the radiation data. This paper will introduce and discusse how to design the structure and the thermal control systems of DSRP, so that the DSRP can function properly both in orbit and on the Moon surface. Since the DSRP is fixed to the out-plane of the Hakato-R Mission2 instead of the inside, it has to face very severe challenges of vibration damage to the structure, as well as the extremely high and low temperatures in the space environment. In this paper, we will also introduce the design which can overcome the severe environmental conditions, and the results of the related simulation and the environment testing, as well as the learning and discussion in this process. The development of the Deep Space Radiation Probe will provide a better understanding of the hazards of space radiation to the future payloads and satellites, which can avoid possible dangers and to increase the mission life.
關鍵字(中) ★ 結構與熱控 關鍵字(英) ★ Deep Space Radiation Probe
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 xii
一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-1-1 前言 1
1-1-2 研究動機 2
1-2 深度太空輻射量測儀(DSRP)介紹 3
1-2-1 任務介紹 3
1-2-2 深度太空輻射量測儀(DSRP)基本架構與設計 5
1-3 環境介紹 8
1-3-1 DSRP軌道以及深太空環境介紹 8
二、 DSRP結構設計 14
2-1 基本規格 14
2-2 結構固定設計 16
2-3 酬載與衛星連接介面 19
2-4 座標系統 21
三、 DSRP熱控設計 22
3-1 基本設計概念[6] 22
3-2 元件溫度 26
3-3 DSRP的熱控設計 26
3-4 材料限制 32
四、 模擬分析 34
4-1 結構模擬 34
4-1-1 有限元素分析(Finite Element Analysis) 34
4-1-2 SOLIDWORKS模擬的 FEA前處理 35
4-1-3 DSRP的測試標準[11] 41
4-1-4 DSRP SolidWorks simulation setting 46
4-1-5 模擬結果分析 54
4-2 熱控模擬 111
4-2-1 有限差分法(Finite Difference Method) 111
4-2-2 Thermal Desktop模擬前處理 115
4-2-3 分別案例(軌道) 123
4-2-4 模擬結果分析 131
五、 測試結果 146
5-1 MLI測試 146
5-1-1 測試方法[31] 146
5-1-2 結果分析 149
5-2 整合測試結果分析 151
5-3 振動測試[11][12] 154
5-3-1 測試方法 154
5-3-2 結果分析 159
5-4 熱真空循環測試[11][12] 187
5-4-1 測試方法 187
5-4-2 結果分析 190
六、 結論 194
6-1 結構結論 194
6-2 熱控結論 194
6-3 未來與展望 195
參考文獻 196
附錄一 199
附錄二 202
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指導教授 張起維(LOREN C. CHANG) 審核日期 2023-7-27
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