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姓名 庫可妮(Coni Anggie Kurniasari) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 生命科學系 論文名稱 耐旱性對比茶樹品種干旱響應基因的差異表達模式
(Differential expression patterns of drought-responsive genes in tea cultivars with contrasting drought tolerance)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式]
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至系統瀏覽論文 (2025-7-1以後開放)
摘要(中) 由於近年來越來越頻繁且越嚴重的乾旱,多年生茶樹 (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze) 面臨著產量和品質下降的重大挑戰。應對此威脅的永續性手段之一為開發較為抗旱的新茶樹品種,而了解茶樹反應乾旱壓力的分子機制則對促進新品種的培育至關重要。我的實驗室夥伴黎黃魁元已使用了RNA-seq對臺茶12號、臺茶19號、臺茶22號和青心烏龍四種臺灣茶品種進行了乾旱壓力下的轉錄組反應比對。為了驗證該分析結果,本研究使用RT-qPCR技術偵測在四個茶樹品種正常給水與乾旱壓力下,九個與乾旱耐受差異性可能有相關的基因之表現量差異,此九基因所轉譯出之蛋白質包含參與信號傳遞的蛋白激酶 MPK3、催化製造活性氧化物(ROS)的氧化酶 RBOH、ABC運輸蛋白ABCG21、NAC轉錄因子編碼基因NAC083、MYB轉錄因子編碼基因MYBH/KUA1、參與酚類原生代謝途徑的酶編碼基因C4H、參與木質素生物合成的酵素 HCT 和 F5H、以及參與類黃酮生物合成的酵素F3’H。結果顯示在乾旱壓力下,根據RT-qPCR分析結果,在TTES No. 22中,MPK3和RBOH呈顯著上調。在臺茶12號 和臺茶22號中,ABCG21、NAC083、F3’H、HCT和F5H呈顯著上調。MYBH/KUA1和C4H在四個茶樹品種中未表達差異。RT-qPCR分析的結果與RNA-seq分析的結果基本一致。此研究驗證了茶樹抗旱反應的轉錄組分析結果,並具有輔助較耐旱茶樹育種分子標誌的開發潛能。 摘要(英) The perennial tea plants (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze) are imposed by a significant challenge of deteriorating yield and quality due to a more frequent and severe drought in recent years. Understanding the molecular mechanisms of drought stress response in tea plants is important to facilitate new tea cultivar development as one sustainable approach for coping with this threat. Nguyen Hoang Khoi Le, a labmate of mine, has investigated the transcriptomic response to drought stress in four genetically related Taiwan tea cultivars with contrasting drought tolerance (TTES No. 12, TTES No. 19, TTES No. 22, and Chin-Shin-Oolong) by using RNA-seq analysis. In this study, I aimed to confirm the RNA-seq analysis results using the RT-qPCR method. Several genes putatively associating to differential tolerance to drought were tested, including MPK3 which encodes a protein kinase involved in signal transduction, RBOH encodes oxidase to produce reactive oxygen species, ABCG21 encodes ATP-binding cassette transporter, NAC083 encodes the NAC transcription factor, MYBH/KUA1 encodes an MYB transcription factor, C4H encodes an enzyme involved in phenylpropanoid biosynthesis, HCT and F5H encode enzymes involved in lignin biosynthesis, and F3’H encodes an enzyme involved in flavonoid biosynthesis. According to the RT-qPCR analysis, MPK3 and RBOH were significantly up-regulated in TTES No. 22. ABCG21, NAC083, F3’H, HCT, and F5H were significantly up-regulated in TTES No. 12 and TTES No. 22. MYBH/KUA1 and C4H were not differentially expressed in four tea cultivars. The results of RT-qPCR analysis were largely consistent with the result of RNA-seq analysis. These findings would shed light on the molecular mechanism underlying drought resistance in the tea plants, highlighting potential gene targets for drought-tolerant tea cultivars breeding development. 關鍵字(中) ★ 多年生茶樹
★ 耐旱
★ RT-qPCR關鍵字(英) ★ Camellia sinensis
★ drought tolerance
★ RT-qPCR論文目次 中文摘要.......................................................................................................................... i
ABSTRACT..................................................................................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGMENT.................................................................................................. iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................. iv
LIST OF FIGURES......................................................................................................... vi
LIST OF TABLES........................................................................................................... viii
CHAPTER I – INTRODUCTION................................................................................... 1
1-1 Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze)...................................................... 1
1-1-1 Drought Stress as Major Threat of Tea Crop.................................................... 1
1-1-2 Tea Breeding Cultivation.................................................................................. 2
1-2 Drought Response Mechanism In Plants.............................................................. 3
1-2-1 Morphological Change...................................................................................... 4
1-2-2 Physiological Change........................................................................................ 4
1-2-3 Molecular Mechanism of Drought Response.................................................... 6
1-3 Objectives of This Study...................................................................................... 8
CHAPTER II – MATERIAL AND METHOD............................................................... 10
2-1 Tea Leaves Collection.......................................................................................... 10
2-2 RNA extraction..................................................................................................... 10
2-3 cDNA Synthesis................................................................................................... 10
2-4 RT-qPCR Analysis............................................................................................... 10
2-5 List of the Primer.................................................................................................. 11
CHAPTER III – RESULTS............................................................................................. 13
3-1 RNA Extraction Quality....................................................................................... 13
3-2 Expression Pattern of Drought-Responsive Genes in Tea Plant.......................... 14
3-2-1 Expression Pattern of MPK3............................................................................. 15
3-2-2 Expression Pattern of RBOH............................................................................ 16
3-2-3 Expression Pattern of ABCG21........................................................................ 17
3-2-4 Expression Pattern of NAC083......................................................................... 18
3-2-5 Expression Pattern of MYBH/KUA1................................................................ 19
3-2-6 Expression Pattern of C4H................................................................................ 20
3-2-7 Expression Pattern of F3’H............................................................................... 21
3-2-8 Expression Pattern of HCT............................................................................... 22
3-2-9 Expression Pattern of F5H................................................................................ 23
CHAPTER IV–DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION.................................................... 25
4-1 MPK3 Expression Pattern in Drought Tolerance of Tea Plants........................... 25
4-2 RBOH Expression Pattern in Drought Tolerance of Tea Plants........................... 26
4-3 ABCG21 Expression Pattern in Drought Tolerance of Tea Plants....................... 27
4-4 NAC083 Expression Pattern in Drought Tolerance of Tea Plants........................ 27
4-5 MYBH/KUA1 Expression Pattern in Drought Tolerance of Tea Plants............... 28
4-6 C4H Expression Pattern in Drought Tolerance of Tea Plants.............................. 28
4-7 F3’H Expression Pattern in Drought Tolerance of Tea Plants............................. 29
4-8 HCT Expression Pattern in Drought Tolerance of Tea Plants.............................. 29
4-9 F5H Expression Pattern in Drought Tolerance of Tea Plants.............................. 30
REFERENCES................................................................................................................. 32
ABBREVIATIONS......................................................................................................... 35
APPENDIX A.................................................................................................................. 36參考文獻 [1] U. Agarwal, et al. “Review on Camellia sinensis –Nature’s Gift”, International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research, 9, 8, 2017, 1119-1126.
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