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姓名 沈聖杰(SHENG-JIE SHEN) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系 論文名稱 以超穎校正器提升三片式庫克鏡組光學品質之研究
(Use meta-corrector to optimize Cooke triplet optical performance)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] [檢視] [下載]
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摘要(中) 高級相機鏡頭通常由六個以上的鏡片組成,以消除鏡頭的像差,提高圖像品質。 然而,這種笨重的鏡頭組合限制了相機鏡頭的小型化。 在這篇論文中,我們提出了一種由超薄超穎校正器和 Cooke triplet組成的相機鏡頭系統。 超穎校正器用於消除 Cooke triplet的球面像差。首先,我們使用商業軟體 ZEMAX 來計算超穎校正器的理想相位分佈。接下來,我們使用超穎校正器對 Cooke triplet的聚焦品質進行了數值分析。從光斑點列圖觀察,在加上超穎校正器後,Cooke triplet的光斑尺寸可以從49.02μm大幅縮小到0.428μm。 此外,超穎校正器提高了 Cooke triplet的圖像品質。而在加上超穎校正器後,Cooke triplet的空間頻率提高許多且接近繞射極限,從以上分析可以發現超穎校正器可以消除大部分的球差。 摘要(英) High-level camera lens usually consists of more than six lenses to eliminate the aberration of lenses and improve image quality. However, this heavy lens combination limits the miniaturization of the camera lens. In this work, we proposed a camera lens system which consists of an ultra-thin meta-corrector and Cooke triplet. The meta-corrector is used to eliminate the spherical aberration of the Cooke triplet. We used the commercial software ZEMAX to calculate the ideal phase distribution of the meta-corrector. We next numerically investigated the focusing quality of the Cooke triplet with a meta-corrector. The ray-tracing simulation shows that the focal spot size of the Cooke triplet can be significantly reduced from 49.02 μm to 0.428 μm after adding a meta-corrector. Moreover, the meta-corrector improved the image quality of the Cooke triplet. The spatial resolution of the Cooke triplet improved when a meta-corrector was added and is closed to diffraction limit 關鍵字(中) ★ 超穎校正器
★ 超穎透鏡
★ 庫克三透鏡關鍵字(英) 論文目次 摘要............................................................................................................ ii
Abstract..................................................................................................... iii
表目錄..................................................................................................... viii
1-1 文獻回顧...........................................................................................1
1-2 研究目標...........................................................................................6
第 2 章 基本理論......................................................................................8
2-1 光程差...............................................................................................8
2-2 單色像差.........................................................................................12
2-3 光斑點列圖(spot diagram) .............................................................13
2-4 Modulation Transfer Function(MTF) .............................................15
2-5 Fresnel lens 跟 Metalens.................................................................17
2-6 點擴散函數 Point spread function(PSF) ........................................18
2-7 光學系統頻率響應.........................................................................18
2-8 Airydisk..........................................................................................19
2-9 庫克三透鏡(Cooke triplet).............................................................19
2-10 相位調製.......................................................................................20
2-11 Rayleigh sommerfeld diffraction ..................................................24
第 3 章 庫克三透鏡與超穎校正器之設計.............................................28
3-1 binary 2............................................................................................28
3-2 模擬流程.........................................................................................28
3-3 ZEMAX 設計過程..........................................................................29
3-4 binary 2 相位設計...........................................................................32
3-5 評價函數(Merit function)...............................................................35
3-6 分析光斑點列圖(spot diagram) .....................................................35
3-7 ray fan..............................................................................................36
3-8 Huygens point spread function.....................................................37
3-9 調製傳遞函數比較.........................................................................39
3-10 Defocus..........................................................................................40
3-11 Longitudinal aberration................................................................41
3-12 Image amalysis............................................................................42
3-13 實驗驗證......................................................................................43
第 4 章 斜向入射庫克三透鏡.................................................................45
4-1 光線追跡圖.....................................................................................45
4-2 斜向入射庫克三透鏡光斑點列圖.................................................47
4-3 斜向入射之調製傳遞函數............................................................49
第 5 章 結論.............................................................................................52
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