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姓名 許印秀(Yin-Siou Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 貴金屬回收物事業如何創造價值? 一個台灣在地微型企業的商業模式分析
(How does the precious metal recycling industry generate value? Business model analysis for a local micro-enterprise in Taiwan.)
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摘要(中) 隨著地球暖化日益嚴重,全球資源有限性和環境永續性已然成為重要議題, 為了兼顧環境保護和經濟成長,回收和再利用變得至關重要,台灣政府亦積極推動資源回收和管理,計畫實現零廢棄的資源永續循環的世代。根據環保署的統計,紙類和金屬製品是台灣最多回收物量的回收品項,其中金屬製品回收在環境保護和資源有效利用上發揮了重要作用,特別是在事業廢棄物中含有貴金屬的回收物。台灣的微型企業逐年增加,其中不少是從事貴金屬相關之回收物批發業,致力於處理及回收事業廢棄物中的貴金屬,之後再進一步批發至其他有需求的行業,儘管這些企業規模相對較小,但對於經濟、環境與社會方面都具有一定的重要性。本論文主要以個案 G 公司為例,深入探討台灣微型企業貴金屬回收物批發業之商業模式,並藉由 SWOT、五力分析、 價值鏈及商業模式圖來解析個案公司的商業模式及策略,以提供其未來經營上的建議,同時也透過此次研究,能更進一步了解以貴金屬為主的回收物批發業之運作模式及目前的情況。
摘要(英) As global warming continues to worsen, the issues of finite global resources and environmental sustainability have become increasingly important. To balance environmental
protection and economic growth, recycling and reuse have become paramount. The Taiwanese government is actively promoting resource recycling and management, aiming to achieve a generation of sustainable resource circulation with zero waste. According to statistics from the
Environmental Protection Administration, paper and metal products are the most recycled items in Taiwan, with metal product recycling playing a significant role in environmental conservation and efficient resource utilization, particularly when it comes to the recovery of
precious metals from industrial waste. Taiwan has seen a year-on-year increase in the number of micro-enterprises, with many engaged in the wholesale business of precious metal-related recyclables. These businesses are committed to processing and recycling precious metals from industrial waste and subsequently wholesaling them to other industries in need. While these enterprises may be relatively small in scale, they play a significant role in the realms of
economics, the environment, and society. This research takes Company G as a case study to provide an in-depth exploration of the business model of micro-enterprises engaged in the
wholesale of precious metal recyclables in Taiwan. The study employs SWOT analysis, Porter′s Five Forces analysis, the value chain and business model canvas to dissect the business model and strategies of the case company, with the goal of offering recommendations for its future operations. Additionally, this research provides a deeper understanding of the operational models and the current state of the precious metal-centric recyclables wholesale industry.
關鍵字(中) ★ 循環經濟
★ 綠色產業
★ 微型企業
★ 商業模式
★ 貴金屬回收
關鍵字(英) ★ Circular economy
★ Green industry
★ Micro-enterprises
★ Business model
★ Precious metals recycle
論文目次 摘要--------------------------------------I
第一章 緒論-------------------------------1
1-1 研究背景與動機------------------------1
1-2 研究目的------------------------------2
1-3 論文架構------------------------------3
第二章 文獻探討---------------------------4
2-1 微型企業------------------------------4
2-2 循環經濟------------------------------6
2-2-1 循環經濟之緣由及概念---------------6
2-2-2 綠色產業--------------------------8
2-2-3 台灣循環經濟發展現況---------------11
2-3 台灣事業廢棄物現況---------------------15
2-3-1 廢棄物之定義-----------------------15
2-3-2 台灣事業廢棄物管理概況--------------17
2-3-3 台灣稀貴金屬廢棄物回收情形----------19
2-4 商業模式-------------------------------23
第三章 研究方法-----------------------------25
3-1 研究架構-------------------------------25
3-2 研究方法-------------------------------25
3-2-1 研究方法概述-----------------------25
3-2-2 質性研究---------------------------26
3-3 研究工具-------------------------------28
3-3-1 SWOT分析---------------------------28
3-3-2 五力分析---------------------------29
3-3-3 價值鏈分析-------------------------30
3-3-4 商業模式圖-------------------------32
3-4 訪談題目設計---------------------------33
第四章 個案研究----------------------------35
4-1 個案公司介紹---------------------------35
4-1-1 背景及現況-------------------------35
4-1-2 營業狀況---------------------------39
4-1-3 作業流程---------------------------39
4-2 SWOT分析-------------------------------42
4-3 五力分析-------------------------------45
4-4 價值鏈分析-----------------------------47
4-5 商業模式圖分析-------------------------49
第五章 研究結論與建議----------------------51
5-1 研究結論------------------------------51
5-2 對個案公司的建議-----------------------52
5-3 研究限制------------------------------53
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指導教授 呂俊德 蔡文賢(Jun-Der Leu Wen-Hsien Tsai) 審核日期 2024-1-18
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