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姓名 蕭義雄(Antonio Shaio)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 女性主客群對企業 ESG 表現與財務績效 關聯之調節效果
(The moderating effect of women as the main customer group on the relationship between corporate ESG performance and financial performancen)
★ 電動車產業之經營策略研究-以F公司為例★ 機車製造廠於新產品開發之過程管制探討-以Y公司為例
★ 跨境電商之倉儲物流管理研究-以K公司為研究對象★ 逆向抵押貸款之風險管理政策-以C銀行為研究對象
★ 酒類消費與犯罪率之視覺化分析★ 以均值回歸特性探討分析師個人評價產生之長短期預測不一致
★ 產業差異對於分析師目標價與推薦門檻影響之探討★ 分析師營收預測與油價變動關聯性之探討
★ 分析師多年期預測與其預測能力之探討★ 探討分析師對盈餘成份認定與其對資本市場之影響
★ 探討企業未來性資產對分析師盈餘預測與推薦不一致之影響★ 以中國新財富票選探討擇時能力對成為明星分析師之影響
★ 分析師觀點建構過度投資指標★ 公司財務限制與企業社會責任之關聯-以現金股利及庫藏股買回為指標
★ 探討分析師資本支出預測之資訊意涵★ 過度投資與球場因素對美國職棒關係之研究
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摘要(中) 本研究係以 2015 年至 2022年之台灣上市櫃食品公司為主要研究對象,使用的灣經濟新報(Taiwan Economic Journal, TEJ)的 TESG 永續發展解決方案子資料庫。研究分析以環境、社會和公司治理與財務績效之關聯性,加入主客群性別調節變數分析以女性為客群與財務績效之關聯性,再進一步分析女性主客群的企業對於環境、社會和公司治理各構面對財務績效之關聯性。實證結果顯示,環境、社會和公司治理財務績效指標 ROA 、ROE 及 Tobin’s Q 具不顯著關係,且環境、社會和公司治理整體分數總分對性別調節變數均不顯著。但是將環境、社會和公司治理分別計算後環境構面分數,ROA 、ROE 不顯著但 Tobin’s Q 具顯著關係,公司治理構面則 ROA 、ROE 顯著但 Tobin’s Q 不顯著關係,並且主客群為女性調節變數為正向關聯。
摘要(英) This study focuses on Taiwan’s listed counter food companies from 2015 to 2022, using the TESG sustainable development solutions sub-database of Taiwan Economic Journal (TEJ). The study analyzes the correlation between environment, society and corporate governance and financial performance, adds the gender moderating variable of the host and customer groups to analyze the correlation between women as the customer group and financial performance, and then further analyzes the impact of enterprises with female customer groups on the environment, society and corporate governance. The relevance of each aspect to financial performance. The empirical results show that the environmental, social and corporate governance financial performance indicators ROA, ROE and Tobin’s Q have an insignificant correlation, and the overall environmental, social and corporate governance score is not significant correlation on the gender moderating variable. However, after calculating the environment, society and corporate governance separately, the environmental aspect score shows that ROA and ROE are not significant correlation but Tobin′s Q has a significant correlation. For the corporate governance aspect, ROA and ROE are significant but Tobin′s Q has an insignificant correlation, and the host and customer groups are adjusted by women. Variables are positively correlated.
關鍵字(中) ★ ESG
★ 財務績效
★ 女性主客群
關鍵字(英) ★ women as the customer group
★ financial performance
論文目次 目錄
1-1 研究動機............................1
1-2 研究目的............................6
1-3研究結構............................ 6
第二章 文獻探討 ................7
2-1 ESG對企業的價值與影響...............7
2-1-1 ESG對企業融資的影響...............9
2-1-2 ESG對公司銷貨效益影響............11
2-1-3 ESG對員工的影響..................12
第三章 研究方法.......................21
3-1 資料來源與選樣方法.................21
3-2 模型建立...........................21
3-2-2 假說二模型建立...................23
3-2-3 假說三、假說四及假說五模型建立....24
3-3 變數說明............................25
第四章 實證結果分析.....................29
4-1 敘述統計............................29
4-2 Pearson 相關性分析..................31
4-3 迴歸分析............................32
第五章 結論與建議.......................36



表1: 敘述性統計量................................30
表3: 假說一迴歸結果.............................32
表4 :假說二迴歸結果..............................33
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指導教授 黃承祖 審核日期 2024-1-31
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