摘要(英) |
Nowadays, the popularity of smart phones is not enough to use the correct posture of many people, easy to cause the body imbalance and muscle imbalance phenomenon, and often people do not know where they have problems, until the pain problem occurs before they start to alert, so it is necessary to understand their body posture. The use of X-rays is basically used for testing, which is not only costly, but also can be harmful to the body. Therefore, we hope to use the open source program of human skeleton estimation to estimate the effect of human posture on muscle imbalance, and then calculate the inclination angle by extracting the key points of human skeleton, and then confirm the reliability of relevant information by physical methods of thermal imaging and hardness measurement.
This study is divided into several processes. First, we must first understand a person′s posture to establish a posture evaluation system using the posture estimation model provided by MediaPipe, and extract the key points from four facing photos of the subject: front, back, left, and right, so that we can accurately calculate the tilt angle of the measured part. Secondly, we use thermal imaging camera and hardness tester to do physical assisted measurement to understand and analyze the heat distribution of the test area to observe the effect of temperature difference, while the hardness tester selects the important muscle groups for measurement in two postures: natural standing and upright standing. Thirdly, the above testing methods were combined with the questionnaires filled out by the subjects to understand the muscle imbalance areas, and the comprehensive testing results were cross-referenced with the questionnaire contents. In the case of the experiment, the subjects aged between 22 and 27 years old were photographed in a natural standing posture and the experimental results showed that 80% of the subjects had left high and right low shoulders when the subject′s preferred hand was the right hand. About 75% of the subjects showed signs of lower cross syndrome. Nearly 100% of the subjects showed improvement in the above tilted areas after postural adjustment and retesting. In the temperature test, it was observed that the difference in temperature between the two shoulders of young people was not significant and should be noted in daily life. There is a clear trend of relaxation in the area of muscle tension after posture adjustment for hardness testing. With this system, you can take a picture of your body at any time or place by cell phone to know the deviation angle of your body, so that you can understand the posture problem. |
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