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姓名 洪鈺婷(Yu-Ting Hong)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 以數位疊紋系統分析帕金森氏症手部顫動特徵
(The Tremor Characteristics of Parkinson′s Disease in the Hand are Analyzed Using Digital Moiré Tremor Analysis System)
★ 腦電波傅利葉特徵頻譜之研究★ 光電星雲生物晶片之製作
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摘要(中) 如今電子科技日新月異,在量測尺度朝向微小精細的趨勢,大量有效率的檢測成為一大需求,因此光學量測技術逐漸取代傳統的接觸式量測,因為光學量測具有非接觸式、高精密度、速度快的優勢,已被廣泛應用在各領域中,包含半導體工業、微機電系統,醫療等。
利用本論文的振動疊紋測試儀,量測13位帕金森氏症患者針灸前後的手部顫抖值,利用傅立葉轉換可得振幅值,於1-10赫茲的每赫茲間各別進行積分並加總,本論文稱此數值為顫抖值,將Y 軸的值定義為針灸後減去針灸前的顫抖值,即為針灸後的顫抖變化量,並以Y=0時,X的數值為閥值,作為判斷參數,分析數據發現,當X大於閥值時,針灸後顫抖值變小,而X小於閥值時,針灸後顫抖值變大,本論文將斜率定義為針灸治療有效率,負斜率越大,代表針灸療效越好,因為當 X軸(針灸治療前顫抖值)增加1單位,Y軸數值(針灸後減去針灸前的顫抖值)越負,能表示針灸治療消除顫抖程度越高,因此斜率越負越好,有效率越高,而此13位受測者的針灸有效率為78.94%,透過本設備可以提供醫師客觀的診斷。
摘要(英) Nowadays, electronic technology is constantly advancing, and there is a growing trend towards measuring at increasingly smaller and more precise scales. There is a significant demand for efficient and accurate detection methods, leading to the gradual replacement of traditional contact-based measurements with optical measurement technology. Optical measurement offers advantages such as non-contact, high precision, and fast speed, and it has been widely applied in various fields, including the semiconductor industry, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), and medical applications.
This paper focuses on using optical measurement technology to study hand tremors in patients with Parkinson′s disease, in conjunction with acupuncture treatment by Dr. Chen Fang-pei at Taipei Veterans General Hospital. The study collected data from 326 patients with limb tremor symptoms in the neurology outpatient department, out of which 205 were confirmed to have Parkinson′s disease through TroDAT testing. Among them, 13 Parkinson′s disease patients participated in a two-month warm scalp acupuncture treatment, three times a week, resulting in a total of 24 acupuncture sessions over the two months.
Using the vibration moiré test equipment in this paper, the hand tremor values of the 13 Parkinson′s disease patients were measured before and after acupuncture treatment. Amplitude values were obtained through Fourier transformation, and integration was performed individually for each Hertz between 1 to 10 Hz. This integrated value is referred to as the tremor value in this paper. The Y-axis value was defined as the tremor change after acupuncture treatment, obtained by subtracting the tremor value after acupuncture from the tremor value before acupuncture. The X-axis value at Y=0 was used as the threshold value, serving as a determining parameter. Analyzing the data, it was found that when X is greater than the threshold value, the tremor value after acupuncture decreases, whereas when X is less than the threshold value, the tremor value after acupuncture increases. The slope was defined as the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment, and a larger negative slope indicates better acupuncture efficacy. This is because as X-axis (tremor value before acupuncture) increases by 1 unit, the Y-axis value (tremor change after acupuncture) becomes more negative, indicating a higher level of tremor reduction through acupuncture treatment. Therefore, a more negative slope represents higher effectiveness, and the acupuncture effectiveness of these 13 subjects was found to be 78.94%. This device provides objective diagnosis for physicians.
The effective proportion significantly increases when considering the threshold value. Taking subject 1 as an example, when considering the threshold value, the effective proportion is 0.92, while without considering the threshold, it is 0.58. This demonstrates that the threshold value is an important determining parameter for acupuncture treatment. If the tremor value is below the threshold value, the patient is not suitable for acupuncture treatment.
關鍵字(中) ★ Moiré疊紋技術
★ 帕金森氏症
★ 針灸
★ 非接觸式
★ 閥值
關鍵字(英) ★ Moiré pattern technology
★ Parkinson′s disease
★ Acupuncture
★ Non-contact
★ Threshold
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract iii
誌謝 vi
目錄 vii
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xiii
一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機 5
1-3 研究目的 5
1-4 研究貢獻 7
1-5 論文架構 7
二、 文獻探討 9
2-1 帕金森氏症 9
2-2 帕金森氏症診斷困境 10
2-3 測量帕金森氏症手部顫抖的方式 13
2-4 TRODAT的診斷方法介紹 16
2-5 TRODAT診斷方法的缺點 19
2-6 針灸療效評估文獻探討 21
2-7 疊紋光學量測介紹 21
2-7-1 陰影疊紋法 22
2-7-2 疊紋拓墣法分析 24
2-7-3 投影疊紋法 25
2-7-4 Sampling Moiré 26
2-7-5 其他疊紋技術應用 28
三、 研究原理 29
3-1 Moiré疊紋原理介紹 29
3-1-1 條紋投射 29
3-1-2 投影疊紋法 31
3-1-3 疊紋干涉近似表示法 31
3-1-4 疊紋表面與位移量測原理 33
3-1-5 傅立葉轉換 36
3-1-6 疊紋數位影像處理 38
3-2 Moiré條紋強度調製 39
3-3 針灸治療說明 43
四、 實驗方法 44
4-1 實驗設備_振動疊紋測試儀 44
4-2 MATLAB程式後端影像分析 46
4-2-1 錄製影片的處理流程 47
4-2-2 影片後製第二層光柵的處理流程 47
4-2-3 傅立葉轉換計算分析點的頻譜處理流程 48
4-3 數據分析 49
4-4 頭皮針治療流程 50
五、 數據分析 51
5-1 實驗數據分析 51
5-2 實驗結果討論 66
六、 結論與未來展望 69
6-1 研究結論 69
6-2 未來展望 71
參考文獻 72
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指導教授 張榮森(Rong-Seng, Chang) 審核日期 2023-7-25
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