博碩士論文 110226033 詳細資訊

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姓名 蔡文傑(Wen-Chieh Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 工業機台上衰減係數之優化研究
(Optimization Research of Decay Coefficient on Industrial Machine)
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摘要(中) 本論文將衰減係數架構應用於實際工業機台上,透過該機台的振動變化量計算機台之衰減係數,不只可以判斷出機台現在所處的狀態與行為,還能依照不同的狀態與行為來判斷機台當下的健康程度。在同機型但不同個體的機台情況下還能對其健康程度做排序,由於衰減係數的計算,是透過振動變化量的自我比對,因此該計算模型可以套用在不同的機台上。
本論文將感測器與工業上的機台做結合,透過感測器來接收機台的振動數據,再依照振動數據來分析計算該機台的衰減係數,並與工廠端所提供的機台生產瑕疵來做對應,光是看振動很難直接看出差異,但透過衰減係數量化後,可以直接看出差異性。且衰減係數不止能對單一機台做狀態判斷,還可以對運作行為相同的機台做健康程度的比較,判斷出機台間的差異,如第一台的衰減係數為0.000166、第二台的衰減係數為0.000336,代表第二台較第一台更需要被維修,可以讓工廠端更準確對機台進行維修及換料等。實驗結果證明,透過振動衰減係數量測分析,(1)對新舊鑽石片切削力與工件破裂情況的比對100%吻合,(2) 加工機器的穩定狀況與工件破裂情況的比對100%吻合。
摘要(英) This paper applies the decay coefficient on practical industrial machinery. By calculating the vibration variation of the machine, the decay coefficient can be determined, enabling the identification of the current state and behavior of the machine, as well as assessing its health condition based on different states and behaviors. It is also possible to rank the health conditions of machines of the same model but different units. Since the calculation of the decay Coefficient involves self-comparison of vibration variations, this model can be applied to different machines.
The paper combines sensors with industrial machinery. Vibration data from the machine is collected through sensors, and the decay coefficient of the machine is calculated based on this data. This coefficient is then correlated with the provided information on production defects by the factory. It is difficult to directly discern differences just by observing vibration patterns, but quantifying them through the decay coefficient allows for direct comparison. Furthermore, the decay coefficient can not only determine the status of an individual machine but also compare the health conditions of machines with similar operating behaviors, highlighting the differences between them. For example, the decay coefficient of the first machine is 0.000166, and decay coefficient of the second machine is 0.000336, which means that the second machine needs to be repaired more than the first machine, which allows the factory to more accurately repair and refuel the machine.
The experimental results have demonstrated that through the analysis of vibration damping coefficients, (1) a 100% correlation was observed between the cutting forces of new and used diamond blades and the occurrence of workpiece fractures, and (2) a 100% correlation was observed between the stability of the machining equipment and the occurrence of workpiece fractures.
關鍵字(中) ★ 振動
★ 衰減係數
關鍵字(英) ★ vibration
★ decay coefficient
論文目次 摘要 I
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1. 研究背景 1
1-2. 研究動機 2
1-3. 研究貢獻 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1. 機台的維護方法 4
2-1-1. 修正性維護 4
2-1-2. 預防性維護 5
2-1-3. 預測性維護 6
2-2. 機台衰減的因素 7
2-2-1. 自由振動與受迫振動 7
2-2-2. 線性振動與非線性振動 9
2-3-1. 自激振動與參數振動 10
2-3. 人工智慧 10
2-3-1. 監督式學習 11
2-3-2. 非監督式學習 12
2-3-3. 增強式學習 13
2-3-4. 半監督式學習 14
2-4. 振動OA值 15
2-5. 狀態預測 16
第三章 理論 19
3-1. 衰減係數 20
3-1-1. 物理意義 20
3-1-2. 限制 22
3-1-3. 影響因素 22
3-1-4. 時間區間 23
3-2. 振動訊號來源 25
3-3. 純量 26
3-4. 過濾訊號 27
3-4-1. 排除人為碰撞訊號 27
3-4-2. 排除共振訊號 30
3-5. 感測器設備 31
3-5-1. CC2650MODA藍芽晶片 31
3-5-2. LIS2DH12三軸加速規 32
3-5-3. SHT21溫度、濕度感測器 33
3-5-4. 電路設計 34
第四章 實驗 38
4-1. 實驗架構 38
4-2. 同機台不同行為 39
4-3. 不同機台同行為 49
4-4. 時間區間 63
第五章 研究結論與未來展望 66
5-1. 結論 66
5-2. 未來展望 67
參考文獻 68
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指導教授 張榮森(Rong-Seng Chang) 審核日期 2023-7-24
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