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姓名 林志鴻(Chih-Hung Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 系統生物與生物資訊研究所
(Analysis of Gene Expression of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Chronic Kidney Disease to Illuminate Chronic Inflammation Associated with Tumor Microenvironment and Potential Treatment)
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摘要(中) 慢性阻塞性肺病 (COPD) 和慢性腎病 (CKD) 是台灣的兩種重大疾病。 血清生物標誌物表明:這兩種疾病都與全身炎症和癌症的發展有關。 COPD 增加了肺癌發展的可能性,而 CKD 增加了腎臟癌症的風險。 本研究是利用開放數據基因表達資料庫(基因表達綜合數據集)分析 COPD 和 CKD的共同表現以及歧異表現基因,並以其結果評估細胞實驗和動物模型的可行性。 這些常見的致病途徑也可能與惡性細胞生長開始的環境有關,它們同樣可以作為生物標誌物。 這些生物標誌物也可以將這兩種慢性疾病(COPD 和 CKD)與類風濕性關節炎和多種硬化症等其他嚴重風濕免疫疾病區分開來。 將來的發展目標是:(1)利用開放數據在 COPD 和 CKD 患者,包括患者亞族群中作臨床結果調查。 將利用基因組信息探索 COPD 和 CKD 共病因素。 (2) 根據研究成果進行群體中早期階段疾病的診斷。 群體的不同基因表達調控方向通常用於識別疾病。 (3) 進一步的研究不僅可以開發用於鑑別診斷的基因表達組合,還可以開發在與癌症微環境相關的動物模型中發展潛在治療方法。
摘要(英) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) are two significant individual ailments in Taiwan. Serum biomarkers show that both illnesses are associated with the development of systemic inflammation and cancer. COPD raises the possibility of lung cancer development, while CKD brings up the risk of kidney malignant growth. This study is to identify COPD and CKD co-morbidity factors utilizing open data gene expression analysis (gene expression omnibus datasets), as well as to assess feasibility in cell and animal models. These common pathogenic pathways could also be connected to the milieu where malignant growth begins, and they could likewise be utilized as biomarkers to separate these two constant ailments (COPD and CKD) from other fiery problems like rheumatoid joint inflammation and diverse sclerosis. Developing next are the review′s goals: (1) To utilize open data in COPD and CKD patients′ organic phenomenon data, including patient subgroup determination and clinical result investigation. COPD and CKD co-morbidity factors are going to be explored utilizing genomic information. (2) Follow the open research results to assess the meaning of the start phases. Different gene expression regulatory directions of groups are often utilized to acknowledge illnesses. (3) Further research may develop not only gene expression panels for differential diagnosis but also potential treatment testified in animal models associated with cancer microenvironment.
關鍵字(中) ★ 慢性阻塞性肺部疾病
★ 慢性腎臟病
★ 高通量基因表現資料庫
★ 癌症微環境
關鍵字(英) ★ chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
★ chronic kidney disease
★ gene expression omnibus
★ cancer microenvironment
論文目次 Abstract.......................................1
Material and Method....................4
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指導教授 徐沺 吳立青(Tien Hsu Li-Ching Wu) 審核日期 2023-2-3
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