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姓名 李宜靜(Yi-Jing Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 亞際文化研究國際學位學程
論文名稱 女性主義的冷戰隱蔽性:亞洲基金會與台灣女性主義之發展
(The Feminist Invisibilization of the Cold War: The Asia Foundation and the Development of Local Feminism in Taiwan)
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摘要(中) 本文由異國戀CCR現象做為出發,發現CCR討論中女性主義式的論述經常強調女性情慾自由並抨擊當地父權文化,相較之下對於西方霸權的反思卻相當少,而這個特殊的隱蔽性 (invisibility) 開啟了本文的研究。本文將CCR作為文化文本閱讀,並由此進入重訪台灣女性主義的歷史與發展,並檢視女性主義與具有高度冷戰色彩的美國亞洲基金會 (The Asia Foundation) 的合作。
摘要(英) This thesis starts from discussions on a specific form of interracial intimacy in Taiwan called Cross Cultural Romance (CCR). In the discussions, feminist discourses defend female sexuality highlighting individuality and local misogyny, yet neglect reflections on Western hegemony in Asia. This invisibilization of the West ignites my curiosity to question this particular feminist knowledge formation. Using CCR as a cultural text and an entry, this thesis revisits the development of local feminism in postwar Taiwan, and examines the connection of local feminism and the Asia Foundation, a U.S. non-governmental organization with a Cold War agenda to siege Communism.

This thesis suggests that TAF was supported by the U.S. government to propagate U.S. Cold War ideology, and that TAF financially assisted many key feminist figures and groups in Taiwan. Although TAF had been important in the feminist history in Taiwan, there are not scholarly discussions on the connection of TAF and local feminism. This invisibilization of the TAF in feminism reveals the Cold War influence in feminist knowledge production. Therefore, by reviewing the assistance from TAF to feminist development and complicating the feminist history with a critical Cold War analysis, my research points out that the invisibilization of either the West in modern CCR discussion or of TAF in feminist scholarship is a Cold War legacy of the U.S. deployment in Asia, and that feminist language could be mobilized as a tool to conceal and reinforce the Cold War imagination of modernity.
關鍵字(中) ★ 跨國戀
★ 冷戰女性主義
★ 知識生產
★ 美國亞洲基金會
關鍵字(英) ★ CCR
★ Cold War feminism
★ knowledge production
★ the Asia Foundation
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iii
Table of Contents v

Chapter I: Introduction 1
1.1 Background Introduction of Current CCR Discussion 1
1.2 Research Questions 4
1.3 Chapter Layout 9
1.4 Literature Review 11
Chapter II: The Asia Foundation and the Development of Feminism in Taiwan 18
2.1 The Postwar Feminist History in Taiwan 18
2.2 The Asia Foundation (亞洲基金會) and Cold War Taiwan 25
2.3 The Asia Foundation and the Feminism 31
Chapter III: Conclusion: Reimagining Our Feminist Future 52
Work Cited 56
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指導教授 丁乃非 林建廷(Naifei Ding Chien-Ting Lin) 審核日期 2023-1-13
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