博碩士論文 110222013 詳細資訊

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姓名 姜瑋琪(Wei-Chi Jiang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 物理學系
論文名稱 不同電子能量作用下對N2O冰晶的衍化影響
★ A Complete Quantification of Photon-induced Desorption Processes of CO2 Ice★ X射線與電子能量作用下星際冰晶的化學衍化
★ VUV and EUV irradiation of CH4+NH3 ice mixtures★ Wavelength-dependent photodesorption of VUV-inactive molecular ices (N2 Ar, Kr) induced by VUV-excited CO ice
★ Temperature dependent photodesorption of CO ices★ Force between Contacting PDMS Surfaces upon Steady Sliding: Speed Dependence and Fluctuations
★ Diffusion in Realistic-Like Double-Layered Ices★ 能量源照射星際冰晶之光脫附作用與光化學反應
★ Chemical evolution of CO:H2S ice mixture under 1 keV electron irradiation★ 月球碰撞閃焰觀察系統之設立及資料處理分析
★ Temperature Dependence of Effective Sites in Water Ice and Carbonaceous Dust Interactions★ Electron-induced diffusion within astrophysical layered ices
★ 利用光譜分析在層冰中由真空紫外光所誘發的能量傳遞★ 一氧化二氮冰晶在真空紫外光照射下其生成溫度對耗散截面的影響
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摘要(中) 天文觀測顯示在人馬座恆星形成區域有氣態N2O分子的存在,並且具有N-O鍵的分子可能是前生物分子(prebiotic molecules)的潛在前體(precursor)。星際冰晶在冷星雲環境中會因為遭受宇宙射線的照射而產生化學衍化,宇宙射線在冷星雲環境中會因為與氫分子、氫原子的交互作用而產生許多二次電子。過往的研究對於冷星雲環境中的二次低能量電子(≤ 1000 eV)照射冰晶分子所引發的衍化研究並不多,因此本論文將探討在不同低能量電子(600–1000 eV)照射下對N2O冰晶的衍化影響。
研究結果顯示當入射電子能量越高時,電子的穿透深度也越深,導致有更多的N2O分子被消耗形成產物(如:NO, O3, NO2, N2O4, N2O5…)。N2O冰晶在低能量電子的作用下,其消耗行為可以分為前期由化學衍化主導與後期由電子激發脫附(electron stimulated desorption)主導。當N2O冰晶的消耗由電子激發脫附機制主導後,產物產量與脫附速率皆達相對穩定的狀態。
摘要(英) Previous studies indicate that gaseous N2O molecules have been observed in star-forming regions(Sgr B2(M)) and that molecules with N-O bonds may be the potential precursors for prebiotic molecules. Interstellar ice mantles undergo chemical evolution in cold dense cloud environments due to cosmic ray irradiation. Cosmic rays interact with hydrogen molecules and hydrogen atoms, producing numerous secondary electrons(δe-) in cold molecular cloud environments. Previous studies on the evolution of ice molecules irradiated by low-energy electrons (≤ 1000 eV) in cold dense cloud environments are limited. Therefore, this study investigates the evolutionary effects of N2O(s) under irradiation by different low-energy electrons (600–1000 eV), which is equivalent to the secondary electrons produced by the collision of cosmic ray ions with molecules.
In this study, we use different incident electron energies at low temperature of 13 K to influence the chemical evolution. We found that as the energy of incident electrons increases, their penetration depth also increases, leading to the depletion of more N2O molecules and the formation of products such as NO, O3, NO2, N2O4, N2O5. The depletion behavior of N2O(s) under the fluence of low-energy electrons can be divided into an initial stage dominated by chemical evolution and a later stage dominated by electron-stimulated desorption. When the depletion of N2O(s) is dominated by the electron-stimulated desorption mechanism, both the product yield and desorption rate reach a relatively stable phenomenon as a function of fluence.
關鍵字(中) ★ 一氧化二氮
★ 星際冰晶
★ 電子激發脫附
★ 電子穿透深度
關鍵字(英) ★ N2O
★ interstellar matter
★ E-gun irradiation
★ electron penetration depth
★ desorption
論文目次 中文摘要 ............................................iv
表格目錄 .............................................x
第一章、 緒論.........................................1
第二章、 實驗方法......................................3
2.1 實驗系統..........................................3
2.1.1 Interstellar Energetic-Process System..........3
2.1.2 Interstellar Photoprocess System...............3
2.2 實驗流程..........................................3
2.3 能量源............................................4
2.3.1 電子槍..........................................4
2.3.2 真空紫外光.......................................5
第三章、 結果與討論.....................................6
3.1 N2O冰晶的電子誘發化學衍化...........................6
3.1.1 N2O冰晶照射電子能量的產物.........................6
3.1.2 定義N2O冰晶消耗的分區.............................8
3.1.3 產物的化學衍化過程................................10
3.2 能量源對冰晶的作用..................................19
3.2.2 脫附性質上的差異..................................20
3.2.3 N2O接受能量源照射對冰晶結構的影響..................23
第四章、 結論..........................................26
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指導教授 陳俞融(Yu-Jung Chen) 審核日期 2023-7-27
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