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姓名 陳映瑄(Ying-Hsuan Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 物理學系
論文名稱 一氧化二氮冰晶在真空紫外光照射下其生成溫度對耗散截面的影響
(Effect of Deposition Temperature on the Depletion Cross-Section of N2O Ice under VUV Irradiation)
★ A Complete Quantification of Photon-induced Desorption Processes of CO2 Ice★ X射線與電子能量作用下星際冰晶的化學衍化
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★ Chemical evolution of CO:H2S ice mixture under 1 keV electron irradiation★ 不同電子能量作用下對N2O冰晶的衍化影響
★ 月球碰撞閃焰觀察系統之設立及資料處理分析★ Temperature Dependence of Effective Sites in Water Ice and Carbonaceous Dust Interactions
★ Electron-induced diffusion within astrophysical layered ices★ 利用光譜分析在層冰中由真空紫外光所誘發的能量傳遞
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摘要(中) 在冷星雲的低溫環境下,大多數分子會凝結在塵埃上形成冰晶結構,並在不同能量源的照射下引發非熱脫附或化學反應。氮氧化物被視為形成胺基酸的前導物質之一,然而在宇宙中雖然已經偵測到超過200種不同的氣態分子,但僅有六種是氮氧化物,其中包括一氧化二氮分子。然而,科學家尚未在這些冰晶中發現一氧化二氮分子,因此一氧化二氮的耗散機制成為科學家感興趣的研究課題之一。
摘要(英) In the low-temperature environment of dense molecular clouds, most molecules condense onto dust grains, forming interstellar ices. These Interstellar ices can undergo non-thermal desorption or chemical reactions when exposed to various energetic sources Nitrogen oxides are considered to be one of the precursor substances for the formation of amino acids. However, although over 200 different gaseous molecules have been detected in the cosmos, only six of them are nitrogen oxides, including dinitrogen monoxide (N2O). Yet, scientists have not detected dinitrogen monoxide molecules in interstellar ice, making the depletion mechanism of N2O ice an intriguing research topic.
The primary objective of this study is to observe the depletion cross-section of N2O ice subjected to VUV irradiation and investigate the influence of ice formation temperature on them. The results reveal that the depletion cross-section of N2O ice is influenced by both the photo-products and the ice formation temperature. The depletion cross-section increases as the VUV photon fluence increases, and it becomes smaller at higher ice formation temperatures. As the photon fluence increases, the photo-products produce another chemical reaction pathway and lead to the depletion cross-section increases. And the temperature effect is believed to be due to the influence of the ice formation temperature on the alignment of dipole moments, resulting in changes in intermolecular binding energy, leading to smaller depletion cross-sections in N2O ice formed at higher temperatures.
關鍵字(中) ★ 一氧化二氮
★ 星際冰晶
★ 真空紫外光
★ 耗散截面
關鍵字(英) ★ N2O
★ interstellar ice
★ vacuum ultraviolet (VUV)
★ depletion cross-section
論文目次 中文摘要 iv
Abstract v
Acknowledgment vi
Chapter I. Introduction 1
Chapter II. Experimental 3
2-1 Setup 3
2-2 Procedure 5
Chapter III. Results and Discussion 6
3-1 IR spectroscopy 6
3-2 VUV irradiation induced depletion 7
3-2-1 Chemical reactions 8
3-2-2 Photodesorption 14
3-3 The depletion of parent molecules 20
3-4 Deposition temperature effect on depletion cross-section 24
Chapter IV. Conclusion 26
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指導教授 陳俞融(Yu-Jung Chen) 審核日期 2023-10-3
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