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姓名 張惠珍(Hui-Chen Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 灰色理論與模糊類神經網路之研究及應用
(Study and Application of Grey Theoryand Fuzzy Neural Networks)
★ 小型化 GSM/GPRS 行動通訊模組之研究★ 語者辨識之研究
★ 應用投影法作受擾動奇異系統之強健性分析★ 利用支撐向量機模型改善對立假設特徵函數之語者確認研究
★ 結合高斯混合超級向量與微分核函數之 語者確認研究★ 敏捷移動粒子群最佳化方法
★ 改良式粒子群方法之無失真影像預測編碼應用★ 粒子群演算法應用於語者模型訓練與調適之研究
★ 粒子群演算法之語者確認系統★ 改良式梅爾倒頻譜係數混合多種語音特徵之研究
★ 利用語者特定背景模型之語者確認系統★ 智慧型遠端監控系統
★ 正向系統輸出回授之穩定度分析與控制器設計★ 混合式區間搜索粒子群演算法
★ 基於深度神經網路的手勢辨識研究★ 人體姿勢矯正項鍊配載影像辨識自動校準及手機接收警告系統
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摘要(中) 本論文主要是研究與分析結合基因演算法,灰色理論、模糊理論與類神經網路,並將其應用於全車之主動式懸吊系統與倒單擺系統。首先針對GM(1,1)模型提出一些定理,這些都是根據發展係數 與灰色輸入 兩個參數,來簡化求解的型式。接著以基因演算法來對此調適因子進行最佳化之搜尋,來改善預測值之殘差。
摘要(英) In this dissertation, some combinations of Genetic Algorithms, Grey Theorem, Fuzzy Control, and Neural Networks are studied. Their applications to an active suspension system for a full-car and an inverted pendulum are illustrated by examples.
First, we demonstrate some basic propositions of the GM (1,1) model. The behaviors of the development coefficient and the grey input are proposed to simplify the calculation procedure. Furthermore, the implementation of the Genetic Algorithms in optimizing the generating coefficients of the Grey Model, GM(1,1), improves the prediction values of the modeling with respect to residual errors. Secondly, we present a grey-fuzzy control and a fuzzy neural networks control, respectively, to design an active suspension system for a full-car. Our primary control goal is to emphasize the amelioration of body oscillation. The results clearly indicate that the proposed fuzzy neural networks controller outperforms the passive, the fuzzy logic and grey-fuzzy controllers in providing the desired ride quality. The grey relational method is also applied to evaluate the grade of vehicle oscillation. The simulation data shows that the grey relational analysis method is a good option in the analysis of vehicle oscillation. Finally, back propagation (BP) neural networks in conjunction with a grey relational coefficient is used to discern the optimal partitions of the consequent part in fuzzy neural networks. The learning capability of the proposed method has been demonstrated using an inverted pendulum. The square errors by BP with GRC is much smaller than that of the classical BP in the simulation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 基因演算法
★ 灰色理論
★ 模糊類神經網路
★ 主動式懸吊系統
★ 全車
關鍵字(英) ★ Grey Theorem
★ Genetic Algorithms
★ full-car
★ active suspension system
★ Fuzzy Control
★ Neural Networks
★ fuzzy neural networks
論文目次 Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation 5
1.3 Organization of Dissertation 6
Chapter 2 Grey Theorem 8
2.1 Introduction 8
2.2 Review of GM(1,1) Model 9
2.3 Study of Numerical Relationship Among Data in Grey
Modeling 13
2.4 Principle of Grey Relational Analysis ………………………. 17
2.5 Conclusion…………………………………………………….19
Chapter 3 Optimization of Generating Coefficients in the Grey Model
by Genetic Algorithms 20
3.1 Introduction 20
3.2 Genetic Algorithms (GA) 21
3.2.1 Adaptability of GA 22
3.2.2 Performance test of Genetic Algorithm 23
3.3 Diagnostic Checking 26
3.4 The Examples and Results of Simulation 27
3.5 Conclusion……………………………………………….…….36
Chapter 4 Grey-Fuzzy Control Design for a Full-Car Active
Suspension System 37
4.1 Introduction …………………………………………….…….37
4.2 A Quarter-Car Model……………………………………….…39
4.3 A Full-Car Model 53
4.3.1 Road Profile Model 56
4.3.2 Active Suspension Controller 57
4.3.3 System Configuration 57
4.3.4 Grey-Fuzzy Logical Control Scheme 58
4.4 Simulations and Results 61
4.4.1 Grey Relational Analysis 63
4.5 The Performance Index of VA, PA, and RA in
Grey-Fuzzy Controller……………………………………......70
4.6 Conclusion……………………………………………….…..100
Chapter 5 Fuzzy Neural Networks Application to Inverted Pendulum
and Active Suspension Systems 101
5.1 Introduction ...101
5.2 The Structure of the Fuzzy Neural Network 102
5.3 Classical Back-Propagation Algorithm 107
5.4 The BP Algorithm with GRC (BP with GRC) 109
5.5 Fuzzy Neural Networks Application to the Inverted Pendulum
System……………………………………………………… 112
5.6 Fuzzy Neural Networks Application to Active Suspension of
a Full-Car 121
5.7 Conclusion 125
Chapter 6 Conclusions 127
6.1 Conclusions 127
6.2 Future Works 129
References 130
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指導教授 莊堯棠(Yau-Tarng Juang) 審核日期 2007-1-11
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