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姓名 張允瑄(Yun-Xuan Zhang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 物理學系
(Screw dislocations in the transient relaxation of confinement-induced layering of Yukawa liquids after quenching)
★ 二加一維鏈狀微粒電漿液體微觀運動與結構之實驗研究★ 剪力下的庫倫流體微觀黏彈性反應
★ 強耦合微粒電漿中的結構與動力行為研究★ 脈衝雷射誘發之雷漿塵爆
★ 強耦合微粒電漿中脈衝雷射引發電漿微泡★ 二維強耦合微粒電漿方向序的時空尺度律
★ 二維微粒庫倫液體中集體激發微觀動力研究★ 超薄二維庫侖液體的整齊行為
★ 超薄二維微粒電漿庫侖流的微觀運動行為★ 微米狹縫中之脈衝雷射誘發二維氣泡相互作用
★ 介觀微粒庫倫液體之流變學★ 二維神經網路系統之集體發火動力學行為
★ 大白鼠腦皮質層神經元網路之同步發放行為研究★ 二維團簇腦神經網路之同步發火
★ 二維微粒電漿液體微觀結構之記憶行為★ 微粒電漿中電漿微泡的生成與交互作用之動力行為研究
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摘要(中) 在平面邊界的侷限下,微觀三維液體沿著形成層狀有序結構。瞬間焠冷
動力行為,及在此過程中螺旋差排缺陷(screw dislocations)如何產生與湮滅之動力行為,仍然是一個挑戰性問題。
Yukawa 液體對上述議題進行研究。研究以粗粒化程式建構三維微粒密度之
偶缺陷絲的缺陷環(defect loop),或W 形狀多條交替對偶缺陷絲所構成的大型缺陷環。在淬冷後,缺陷絲的數目隨弛豫時間的增長而緩減。熱擾動所產生的粒子層扭動不穩定性(undulation instability) 的時空增長和衰減,可誘發層面在小尺度扭折(kink),進而造成一連串相鄰層面的破裂與重連,形成在撕裂-重連線二端點被相反旋轉層面方向所環繞的對偶螺旋缺陷絲產生之主因。而相反的機制可使二對偶缺陷絲湮滅。粒子層扭動不穩定性也對缺陷環或缺陷絲之小尺度波動(fluctuation)具有關鍵作用。此外,二相靠近具有相反或相同螺旋性的缺陷絲可斷裂與重連,進而導致新的分離二缺陷環的形成與其相反程序,從而使缺陷環分裂或合併。此實驗之重要發現,可供建構具層狀結構之非穩系統中,如固體、非穩平面波中螺旋缺陷絲動力行為與其交互作用之普世機制。
摘要(英) For liquids in a tight gap, the two flat boundaries can suppress transverse particle motion and induce layered structure. Nevertheless, regardless of the past intensive studies on the micro-structure, micro-motion, and viscoelastic response deviating from those of the bulk liquid, the layering dynamics in its transient relaxation after quenching remains an elusive challenging issue, especially from the perspective of screw dislocations.
Screw dislocations (SDs) are filament-like topological defects winded around by helical fronts. They are omnipresent in layered systems such as layered solids and weakly disordered traveling waves. Nevertheless, the generic
dynamical behaviors of SDs remain elusive because the former usually exhibit frozen dynamics and high wave speed, while the latter makes them difficult to observe.
Here, using the confined liquid after quenching as a platform, we numerically demonstrate the observation of spontaneously generated SDs with unfrozen dynamics in the transient relaxation of confinement-induced layering;
and unravel their generic dynamical behaviors and topological origins. It is found that the total number of SDs decreases and levels off with increasing time after
quenching. The spatiotemporal growth and decay of layer undulation instability, which causes the layer kinking/rupturing/reconnection, play a crucial role in
forming fluctuating SD loops or strings of connected SD filaments (SDFs) with alternative helicities. In addition, the breaking/reconnection of approaching SDFs with opposite or same helicities leads to the formation of new separated
SDFs, resulting in the shedding or pinching of SD loops.
關鍵字(中) ★ 螺旋差排缺陷絲
★ 焠冷 Yukawa 液體
★ 平面邊界誘導層化結構
論文目次 Contents
1. Introduction 1

2. Background 5
2.1 Filament-like defects in various systems ... 5
2.2 Screw dislocations (SDs) ... 6
2.2.1 SDs in solids and stacks of layered structures ... 7
2.2.2 SDs in traveling plane waves ... 8
2.3 Quenched liquids under confinements ... 9

3. Simulation and Analysis 11
3.1 Langevin-type molecular dynamic simulation ... 11
3.2 Data analysis ... 13
3.2.1 Identifying layered structures through coarse-grained particle density by ellipsoid Gaussian window ... 13
3.2.2 Obtaining phase defect through Hilbert transform and
identifying their topological charges ... 14
3.2.3 Constructing phase defect filaments and the surrounding crest surfaces of layers ... 16

4. Results and Discussion 18
4.1 Layering formation after quenching ... 18
4.2 Phase defects and screw dislocation filaments ... 20
4.3 Stereo layered structures surrounding SDFs ... 25
4.3.1 Various types of SDFs ... 25
4.3.2 Layer mismatch through the existence of SDFs ... 28
4.4 Topological evolutions of SDFs ... 29
4.4.1 SDF generation and annihilation ... 29
4.4.2 SD loop shedding and shrinking ... 32
4.4.3 SDF breaking and reconnection ... 32
4.5 Generality of SDs in tightly confined liquid after quenching ... 35
4.5.1 SDs under different gap widths ... 36
4.5.2 SDs under different ? ... 38
4.5.3 The effect of cooling rate ... 39

5. Conclusion 40

Bibliography 43
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指導教授 伊林(Lin I) 審核日期 2023-11-16
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