參考文獻 |
1. Bataille, G. (1985). Visions of Excess: Selected Writings, 1927-1939 (A. Stoekl, Ed. & Trans.; C. R. Lovitt & D. M. Leslie Jr., Trans.). University of Minnesota Press. (Original work published 1927-1939) https://archive.org/details/BatailleVisionsOfExcessSelectedWritings19271939/page/n9/mode /2up
2. Nietzsche, F. (1889). Twilight of the Idols. Penguin Classics.
3. Barton, D. (n.d.). Deck of Cards. In Lazar and Leper Trilogy.
4. Barton, D. (n.d.). Long Shot. In Lazar and Leper Trilogy.
5. Barton, D. (n.d.). End Game. In Lazar and Leper Trilogy.
6. Von Trier, L. (2010). Evil gives you far more strings to pull. But I must say that I have never been interested in the psychology of evil, not in the slightest. Perhaps I′m not interested in evil, but in the dark sides of human beings. In M. Drum and B. Anderson (Eds.), Lars von Trier Interviews (p. 27). University of Wisconsin Press.
7. Von Trier, L. (2007). It’s the opening of Manderlay in Cannes, and I’m sitting next to this guy who’s writing for a tiny fictitious French paper called ‘On the Sunny Side,’ and he’s writing a review on the film, and he′s obviously bored. Then he tells me about all the cars he owns, and how rich he is, and all these things... So, at a certain point, he says, ′So what do you do?′ Then I take out this very strange hammer we have in the Danish building business, and I say, ′I kill.′ And then I kill him. It is as stupid as it sounds.
Cannes Film Festival. https://www.filmlinc.org/daily/entry/lars-von-trier-tells-a-little-
8. von Trier, L. (Director). (1996). Breaking the waves [Film]. Zentropa Entertainments.
9. von Trier, L. (Director). (1991). Europa [Film]. Det Danske Filminstitut.
10. von Trier, L. (Director). (2000). Dancer in the Dark [Film]. Zentropa Entertainments.
11. von Trier, L. (Director). (2003). Dogville [Film]. Zentropa Entertainments.
12. von Trier, L. (Director). (2013). Nymphomaniac [Film]. Zentropa Entertainments.
13. von Trier, L. (Director). (2009). Antichrist [Film]. Zentropa Entertainments. |