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向天莉(Tien-Li Hsiang)
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財務金融學系在職專班 |
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銀行銷售保險商品作為退休規劃之個案探討 (A case study of bank sales of insurance products as retirement planning)
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摘要(中) |
根據國家發展委員會(National Development Council)的資料顯示臺灣推估將在2025年邁入超高齡社會,如果只有社會保險是嚴重不足以支應退休後的生活支出,目前臺灣的退休金制度存在很大的缺口,近年來銀行致力於發展財富管理,理財專員也逐漸轉型以全資產規劃去滿足客戶的需求並提升滿意度,使客戶與銀行往來資產提昇,其中退休規劃更是各家銀行著重的重點項目。
綜觀以上個案探討分析,高資產且資產快速增加之客戶,退休保險規劃以預留稅源為優先考量;中高資產族群除考慮自身退休規劃以外,因營收獲利、資產增加,也需要考量傳承議題;一般房貸族且只有一筆退休金可運用的族群,應先考量退休時所需費用去計算其退休金是否足夠,儘早規劃規避長壽危機和通膨的風險。退休規劃應該針對自己的風險屬性進行配置,越早開始累計退休金越好,不論是傳承、預留稅源、贈與或是年金的累積期間,都可以因為時間拉長得到更好的效果,而銀行也應該在經營客戶落實真正的財富管理,針對不同客戶之需求訂製不同商品規劃與服務策略,以提升客戶之滿意度及忠誠度,差異化的服務才能在市場競爭中脫穎而出。 |
摘要(英) |
According to the National Development Council (NDC), Taiwan is expected to enter a super-aged society by 2025. In recent years, banks are committed to developing wealth management, and financial planners are gradually transforming to meet customers′ needs and enhance their satisfaction with total asset planning, so that customers and banks can improve their assets in the future.
This study uses literature research and case studies to find specific cases for detailed and comprehensive research. From the many cases encountered in practice, three types of groups are identified for case studies based on the amount of funds available for retirement and whether or not the available retirement funds will continue to increase. The study found that even if the same insurance products are used for retirement planning, different effects are created depending on the age, family background, asset size, and current goals of the case.
From the above case study analysis, for high asset and fast increasing asset customers, the priority of retirement insurance planning is to reserve tax sources; for middle and high asset groups, besides considering their own retirement planning, they also need to consider the issue of inheritance due to the profit of revenue and increase in assets; for general mortgage holders and those who only have a pension to use, they should first consider the cost of retirement to calculate whether their pension is sufficient and plan early to avoid The longevity crisis and the risk of inflation. The earlier you start accumulating your pension, the better. Whether it is for inheritance, tax reserves, gifts or annuity accumulation, you can get better results by lengthening the period. Only with differentiated services can we stand out in the market competition. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 退休金規劃 ★ 財富管理 ★ 保險工具 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ pension planning ★ wealth management ★ insurance tools |
論文目次 |
目 錄
摘 要 I
誌 謝 III
目 錄 IV
表 目 錄 IV
圖 目 錄 V
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 3
1.3研究目的 4
1.4研究架構 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1需求理論 6
2.2退休財務規劃 7
2.3我國退休金制度 9
第三章 銀行通路銷售的保險商品 12
3.1投資型保險 12
3.2人壽保險 14
第四章 研究方法 16
第五章 個案探討 17
5.1個案一 17
5.2個案二 23
5.3個案三 27
第六章 結論 30
參考文獻 32
附錄 34 |
參考文獻 |
ㄧ 、 中文期刊、論文
1.尹志龍(2006) 銀行財富管理導入理財規劃之銷售管理研究,國立政治大學經營管理碩士學程(EMBA)學位論文
3.李明軒、張簡元容(2022)家有「啃老子女」的中高齡工作與退休決策-從子女性別差異的角度進行分析,經濟研究 59卷1期,169-214
4.林麗銖、洪連盛(2023) 現代保險雜誌,第413期
5.林翟萱 、 黃勢璋(2021)從國外經驗看臺灣勞退新制的改革方向,經濟前瞻 198期, 48-52
7.張文武、賴靜美、李君屏(2016) 何人、何時、何處購買投資型保險較有利?,證券市場發展季刊28卷4期,93-128
8.莊介博(2022) 權益指數投資型保險商品在退休規劃上的運用,國立中央大學財務金融學系博士論文
12.蔡鳳凰(2018) 長壽時代來臨,翻轉退休準備思維,經濟前瞻180期,124-128
二、 相關網站資料
1.中華民國退休基金協會 https://www.pension.org.tw
5.勞動部勞工保險局https://www.bli.gov.tw |
指導教授 |
審核日期 |
2023-7-11 |
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