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姓名 周義偉(Yi-Wei Chou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 強固型電腦在汽車產業經營模式之研究─以G公司在歐洲市場為例
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摘要(中) 本研究探討個案公司由原先的ODM消費型筆記型電腦產業,因國內廠商殺價競爭,不捨如此高度整合及大量資本技術投資的產業,無法發揮應有的價值,淪落為國際品牌代工、賺取微薄利潤的事業;於是下定決心砍掉重練,毅然捨棄既有代工生意,調整公司組織及商業模式,轉型到利基市場,發展成為以自我品牌,銷售全球的強固型電腦領導廠商。


第四章則說明強固型電腦產品在汽車產業的應用,及個案公司在汽車產業的商業模式;藉由Alexander Osterwalder和Yves Pigneur於2010年所著的Business Model Generation一書中所提出的概念和框架,分別用商業九宮格(Business Model Canvas)的4個面向及九個重要要素,系統性的分析個案公司在歐洲汽車產業的三種商業模式差異(直接銷售給汽車製造商、透過系統整合商間接銷售給汽車製造商、與系統整合商合作銷售第三方汽車維修廠),解釋企業的價值主張和競爭優勢。

摘要(英) This thesis examines the case of a company that was originally in the ODM consumer notebook industry, but due to the competition from domestic manufacturers, the industry, which was highly integrated and heavily invested in capital and technology, was unable to realize the value of the industry and degenerated into a business of OEM for international brands, earning meager profits. The company adjusted the company′s organization and business model to transform into a niche market and developed into a leading manufacturer of ruggedized computers with its own brand and global sales.

The thesis describes the main product specifications and features in the context of rugged computing products, and further explains the industry overview in terms of market size, major competitors, and market entry barriers. In the case study, the company′s history, vision and mission, business strategy, and major issues and challenges of transformation are introduced.

The fourth chapter explains the application of ruggedized computer products in the automotive industry and the business model of the case company in the automotive industry. By using the concepts and framework proposed by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur in their 2010 book Business Model Generation, systematically analyze the three business models of the case companies in the automotive industry using the four facets and nine important elements of the Business Model Canvas to explain the value proposition and competitive advantages of the companies.

Finally, Chapter 5 is the suggestion from the experience of the case company over the past 30 years, including R&D design, manufacturing, marketing, after-sales service, and operational certification, to help those who plan to enter the rugged computer industry.
關鍵字(中) ★ 消費型筆記型電腦
★ 電腦業界
關鍵字(英) ★ consumer notebook
★ computer industry
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究流程 2
第二章 產業概況 3
第一節 強固型行動電腦概述 3
第二節 強固型行動電腦的特性 4
第三節 產業概況 6
第三章 個案公司介紹 12
第一節 公司沿革 12
第二節 公司願景與使命 12
第三節 公司經營策略 12
第四節 公司競爭面臨之重大問題及挑戰 13
第四章 個案公司在汽車產業的商業模式 15
第一節 強固型行動電腦在汽車產業的應用 15
第二節 G公司在汽車產業商業模式的分析 17
第五章 結論與建議 27
第一節 結論 27
第二節 建議 28
參考文獻 32
參考文獻 1. VDC Research Strategic Insights 2021: Enterprise Mobility Solutions (Track2: Enterprise Hardware Dataset, Track 1: Mobile Hardware Dataset)
2. VDC Research: 2022 Executive Brief: Rugged Notebooks and 2-in-1 Detachable Computers
3. 以商業模式畫布及魏朱商業模式,理解商業模式的意義. 商業模式在各種場合常被提到,但是商業模式到底是什麼… | by KT Huang | KT 的商業及科技隨筆 | Medium
4. 神基科技網站 Getac.com 網站
5. 科技產業資訊室https://iknow.stpi.narl.org.tw/Post/Read.aspx?PostID=9049
6. 巫靜宜(2009)消費型筆記型電腦代工廠跨入工業用筆記型電腦市場競爭策略分析之個案研究
7. 莊永順(2002)企業國際化策略之研究以台灣工業電腦產業為例
指導教授 陳炫碩 審核日期 2023-5-15
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