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高崇奕(Chung-I Kao)
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財務金融學系在職專班 |
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探討唐奇安通道結合RSI與MACD指標在GLD ETF市場的策略應用
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摘要(中) |
儘管如此,我們的研究同時也提醒投資者,即使在適用唐奇安通道等技術指標的情況下,也必須充分意識到趨勢變化的風險,尤其是在像GLD ETF這種相對波動性較大的市場中。而此外,我們的研究也受到了一些限制,如未能考慮到所有可能的市場因素與情況,這些因素可能會對唐奇安通道的表現造成影響。 |
摘要(英) |
In this study, I explored the application of the Donchian Channel in the gold ETF (GLD) trading strategy, and investigated how to improve its performance by incorporating the Relative Strength Index (RSI) and Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) indicators. I analyzed the basic mechanisms of the Donchian Channel and how RSI and MACD, as momentum indicators, influence trading decisions.
My research findings indicate that while the RSI and MACD indicators offer limited enhancement to the effectiveness of the Donchian Channel strategy, incorporating stop-loss orders and increasing trade volume can significantly augment the profitability of the strategy. However, the variation of trends can also notably affect the profitability of the Donchian Channel, especially evident in a bull market.
Nevertheless, my research also cautions investors that, even when utilizing technical indicators such as the Donchian Channel, they must be fully aware of the risk of trend variations, particularly in more volatile markets like the GLD ETF. Furthermore, my study is subject to some limitations, such as not taking into account all possible market factors and situations, which could potentially impact the performance of the Donchian Channel. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 唐奇安通道 ★ 黃金 ★ GLD ETF ★ RSI ★ MACD |
關鍵字(英) |
論文目次 |
摘要 I
誌謝 III
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
一、緒論 1
1-1. 研究背景 1
1-2. 研究動機 3
二、文獻回顧 5
2-1. 影響黃金價格的因素 5
2-2. 技術分析之策略 7
2-3. 基本面分析之策略 8
三、研究方法 10
3-1. 唐奇安通道(Donchian Channels) 10
3-2. RSI指標 12
3-3. MACD指標 12
3-4. 買進持有策略 14
3-5. 槓桿交易 14
四、實證結果與分析 16
4-1. 運用唐奇安通道所做策略 17
4-2. 增加股數(口數) 27
4-3 .設定訊號產生後是否因同筆交易而選擇進出場 29
4-4 .設定停損 32
4-5 .加入RSI指標 35
4-6 . 加入MACD指標 38
4-7. 買進持有策略 41
4-8 . 加入槓桿 44
4-9. 交易策略之比較 52
五、結論 53
六、研究限制 54 |
參考文獻 |
1. 林瑋貞(2021),「黃金價格與總體經濟及金融市場指標之關聯性」,亞洲大學財務金融系碩士班,碩士論文。
2. 陳勁豪(2022) ,「黃金價格與總體變數關係之研究」, 國立暨南國際大學經濟學系,碩士論文。
3. 莊瀚緯(2015) ,「中國總體經濟變數影響黃金價格變動之研究」,國立中山大學經濟學研究所,碩士論文。
4. 謝昌儒(2016),「機構與個別投資人情緒指標對黃金價格之影響」,國立中央大學財務金融學系在職專班,碩士論文。
1. Dimitrios Vezeris、 Themistoklis Kyrgos and Christos Schinas. (2014) Revisiting the Performance of MACD and RSI Oscillators.
2. Gabriel Dan I. Anghel. (2015) Stock Market Efficiency and the MACD. Evidence from Countries around the World
3. Hoàng, Ly-Hạ (2022) A framework for selecting the most promising stocks employing Fundamental Analysis and Linear Prediction. |
指導教授 |
審核日期 |
2023-7-28 |
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