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姓名 張紘齊(Hong-Chi Zhang) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 財務金融學系 論文名稱 產品市場競爭對公司剝削員工程度的影響
(The impact of product market competition on employee exploitation)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式]
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至系統瀏覽論文 (2027-6-30以後開放)
摘要(中) 本研究意旨探討國內產品市場競爭對於員工剝削的影響,以及研究國內產品市場競爭是否會加劇公司剝削員工薪資與工時,並且延伸探討公司在面對什麼樣的情況會加劇對於員工剝削的違規行動,以及什麼樣的外部監管者可以嚇阻處於產品市場競爭的公司傷害員工。研究方法參照 Heese, Pérez-Cavazos and Peter (2021)與 Raghunandan (2021)使用控制變數,並利用普通最小平方法(OLS 迴歸)與羅吉斯迴歸(logit model)等等模型探討產品市場競爭對於員工剝削的影響。我的研究結果提出了具有經濟意涵且先前文獻較少提出的結果:產品市場競爭對於公司剝削員工行動的影響是正向且顯著的,尤其是在公司營運狀況衰退或公司面臨對外融資財務限制時,更傾向剝削勞工:另外,身為外部監督者的分析師能夠幫助身處產品市場競爭的公司減緩剝削員工的行動。 摘要(英) In this paper, I examine the relation between product market competition and employee exploitation. I also examine the relation between product market competition and wage and hour violation because it is considered to a most common way to hurt employee. My results suggest that firms will exploit employees when they face serious product market threat, especially (i) when firm’s operating performance is weak and (ii) when firm is financial constrained. However, on the bright side, I find analyst coverage can protect employee from being exploited. This paper finds an economically meaningful way in which product market competition aggravates employee exploitation. 關鍵字(中) ★ 產品市場競爭
★ 員工剝削
★ 營運績效
★ 財務限制
★ 外部監督者關鍵字(英) 論文目次 中文摘要.................................................................................................................................... i
英文摘要................................................................................................................................... ii
誌謝 ......................................................................................................................................... iii
表目錄...................................................................................................................................... vi
一、緒論................................................................................................................................... 1
二、文獻回顧與探討............................................................................................................... 3
2-1 員工剝削相關文獻探討......................................................................................... 3
2-2 產品市場競爭相關文獻探討................................................................................. 4
2-3 假說建立................................................................................................................. 5
三、研究方法與資料............................................................................................................... 7
3-1 研究樣本與變數定義............................................................................................. 7
3-1-1 員工剝削相關變數........................................................................................... 7
3-1-3 其他公司控制變數........................................................................................... 9
3-2 實證模型................................................................................................................. 9
四、實證結果......................................................................................................................... 11
4-1 敘述統計量........................................................................................................... 11
4-1-1 敘述統計表..................................................................................................... 11
4-1-2 相關係數表..................................................................................................... 11
4-1-3 各產業剝削員工事件佔比............................................................................. 14
4-2 實證結果............................................................................................................... 15
4-2-1 產品市場競爭加劇與公司剝削員工程度的關係 ......................................... 15
4-3 延伸討論............................................................................................................... 21
4-3-1 公司面對什麼樣的困難或處境會越容易發生傷害勞工的事情?.............. 21
4-3-2 如何嚇阻處於產品競爭市場的公司傷害勞工? ......................................... 30
4-4 內生性問題處理................................................................................................... 31
五、結論與建議..................................................................................................................... 35
附錄一:變數解釋表............................................................................................................. 36
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