摘要(英) |
Diversification strategy is an important growth strategy for businesses seeking to achieve growth, reduce risks, and achieve sustainable operation. To face the competitive environment of the industry, businesses need to maintain their competitive advantage and solid core capabilities. To execute a diversification strategy, businesses must first understand their own conditions and external market demand changes in order to reduce the risks that may arise from diversification. From its initial focus on the optical disc industry to the diversified development of display materials, polarizers, and medical materials, every decision made by BenQ Materials has been the result of careful consideration and evaluation. This keen market sense, long-term planning, and cross-domain transformation ability have enabled BenQ Materials to remain competitive despite fierce industry competition. In the process of developing new businesses, from talent cultivation to organizational structure adjustments, the exploration of deeper dynamic capabilities will help to cope with future industry changes and challenges, and is also an important key to sustainable business operation.
This study uses a case analysis approach, focusing on BenQ Materials to explore the current status and future development of diversification strategies, and how the company uses its deep core technology and talent layout to establish dynamic capabilities through external cooperation to cope with external challenges. In the medical business, BenQ Materials continues to establish various brands and their corresponding channels and enter the global market, becoming the driving force behind the company′s subsequent diversified development. This study found that the group′s vertical support was important for BenQ Materials′ early business development, and in recent years, the development of the medical business has focused more on horizontal cooperation with other industries, emphasizing external positioning and strategic flexibility, and strengthening brand power to create new opportunities. |
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