姓名 |
劉雅正(Ya-Cheng Liu)
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高階主管企管碩士班 |
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摘要(中) |
本研究是探討台灣IC封測後段清洗機產業,本研究報告運用了經濟學中的市場「結構—行為—績效」(Structure-Conduct-Performance,S-C-P) 架構分析台灣IC封測後段清洗機市場的產業結構、廠商行為與營運績效。以及IC封測後段清洗機設備產業的發展現況,並對清洗機設備產業的未來趨勢走向予以剖析,並舉出應對方法及建言。
面對美中貿易戰造成未來大環境的不確定性,最後本研究也提出對半導體封測後段清洗機產業的建議,必須注重對人才培育、機台交期縮短及跨領域的策略整合。然而對政府提出的建言方面,針對未來能IC封測廠外移及後段清洗機轉型提供協助,這樣才能讓IC半導體封測後段清洗機產業可以永續經營蓬勃發展。 |
摘要(英) |
This thesis discusses the IC back-end cleaning machine industry in Taiwan. The research report applies the "Structure-Conduct-Performance" (S-C-P) framework from economics to analyze the industry structure, firm conduct, and operational performance of the IC back-end cleaning machine market in Taiwan. It also examines the current status and future trends of the cleaning equipment industry, and provides recommendations for coping strategies and suggestions.
The study reveals that there are four main players in the semiconductor back-end cleaning machine industry in Taiwan, with almost all of the market share. A certain economy of scale is required to have future competitiveness, making it a highly concentrated and dominant market with high entry barriers.
In terms of firm conduct, other competitors expand their market share by relying on the pricing conduct and product sales strategy of leading companies, allowing clients to trust the technical capabilities and services of other competitors. The result of this competition only began to change in 2021 with the market share of cleaning machines.
The study also shows that if the market share of the IC back-end cleaning machine industry increases, it will lead to growth in revenue, EPS, and other performance indicators of back-end cleaning machine companies.
Given the uncertainty of the future environment caused by the US-China trade war, the study also proposes recommendations for the semiconductor back-end cleaning machine industry, including focusing on talent cultivation, shortening machine delivery times, and integrating cross-domain strategies. The study also suggests that the government should provide assistance for the outsourcing of IC testing factories and the transformation of back-end cleaning machines to ensure the sustainable and prosperous development of the IC semiconductor back-end cleaning machine industry. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 半導體 ★ 封裝測試 ★ 清洗機 ★ 結構–行為–績效 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Semiconductor ★ IC Package and Test ★ Cleaning Machine ★ Structure-Conduct-Performance |
論文目次 |
第1章 前言 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究方法 2
1.3 研究流程與架構 5
第2章 文獻回顧 6
2.1 半導體產業發展的相關文獻 6
2.2 IC載板的相關文獻 7
2.3 半導體前段製程的清洗設備 8
2.4 IC封測後段製程的清洗設備 9
2.5 小結 9
第3章 IC封測產業後段清洗機的發展及趨勢 10
3.1 IC半導體製造及封測產業發展史 10
3.2 IC封測製程及後段清洗機應用介紹 16
3.3 IC封測後段清洗機介紹 20
3.4 IC封測後段清洗機廠商規模及業務範圍 27
3.5 IC後段清洗機的客戶群IC封測及IC載板廠介紹 31
第4章 台灣IC封測後段清洗機的結構–行為–績效分析 37
4.1 基本條件 37
(1) 供給面 37
(2) 需求面 39
4.2 政府政策 41
(1) 獎勵產業升級政策 41
(2) 政府管制政策 42
4.3 市場結構 43
(1) IC封測後段清洗機廠商家數 43
(2) 產業集中度 43
(3) 產品差異化 45
(4) 進入障礙 45
4.4 廠商行為 46
(1) 定價及銷售的策略 46
(2) 合作/勾結或協商 48
(3) 促銷 48
(4) 併購及策略聯盟 49
4.5 產業績效 49
(1) 財務營收 50
(2) 總資產報酬率 51
(3) 股東權益報酬率 52
(4) 每股盈餘 53
(5) 就業 54
第5章 結論與建議 55
5.1 結論 55
5.2 建議 56
(1) 對清洗機製造商的建議 56
(2) 對政府的建議 57
參考文獻 59 |
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審核日期 |
2023-6-13 |
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