摘要(英) |
In recent years, the global greenhouse gas effect has caused climate change, rising sea levels, and extreme weather that affect human survival. In pursuit of sustainable development of the earth, the world plans to cut the greenhouse gas emissions of countries around the world in half by 2030 with 2019 as the base year and achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050 to achieve sustainability of the earth. The transportation sector has always been a major source of demand for oil. As countries strive to reduce carbon emissions, the market for new energy vehicles, such as electric vehicles, shows a rapid growth trend. It is expected that the reduction in demand for oil in the transportation sector will reduce the sales of oil products in the gas station industry and pose an urgent challenge for the gas station industry.
The main purpose of this study is to investigate how Company C, a leading domestic oil company, may respond to the market change and plan effective business transformation strategies accordingly. By analyzing the gas station industry, we can grasp the opportunities and threats of the external market and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of C Company’s internal resources and capabilities to formulate effective competitive strategies for the company. It is hoped that by transforming the gas station business model, channel value can be enhanced and gas station operators can find alternative products and innovative services in the future when oil sales gradually decrease, ensuring Company C’s revenues and profits to achieve the management goal of sustainability. The study found that the gas station industry will face the problem of gradually reduction of oil sales, but the popularization of new energy vehicles, green energy, and technological development will also bring opportunities for transforming the industry. Based on the internal resources and capabilities of Company C, this study proposes a comprehensive strategic framework, such as strengthening multi-service capabilities, transforming into charging (hydrogenation) stations, cultivating business talents, developing new energy technologies, and investing in green energy.
Finally, this study suggests short-term, medium-term, and long-term strategies for Company C’s business development. In the short term, Company C needs to optimize and innovate its services, actively evaluate the expansion of service stations, accelerate the development and application of new energy technologies, and strengthen digital transformation. In the medium term, the company needs to optimize human resources and strengthen cooperation with high-quality new energy players in the market. In the long term, Company C should evaluate expanding its business scope and implementing measures for social responsibility and environmental protection. The relevant management strategies suggested by this study provide a reference for Company C to promote net zero carbon emission and strive for sustainability. |
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