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姓名 羅文辰(Wen-Chen Lo)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 通訊工程學系
論文名稱 5G C-RAN架構下資源安排及基地台間干擾協調方法之研究
(Study of Resource Allocation and ICIC Scheme in 5G C-RAN Architecture)
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摘要(中) 在行動通訊系統中上下行資源皆是由基地台作安排,而周圍鄰近的基地台皆會因為基地台間干擾(Inter-cell Interference, ICI)的問題使得系統整體吞吐量(Throughput)下降,特別是基地台邊緣(Cell-edge)的UE (User Equipment),並且因為5G相比4G使用了頻率更高的頻段,訊號衰減的更快,因此需要更高密度的架設基地台來達成與4G相同的訊號涵蓋,也因此ICI所發生的區域會更加的密集,而為了緩解ICI的影響,鄰近的基地台會彼此溝通協調,並根據協調的結果來進行資源的安排,如此一來就可以抑制ICI的影響,並且提升Cell-edge UE的Throughput,進一步的提升整體UE的公平性。資源安排的方法是影響系統整體Throughput和公平性的主要因素,而基地台間干擾協調(Inter-cell Interference Coordination, ICIC)的方法則是次要的因素,但隨著Cell-edge UE數量越來越多,UE呈不均勻分布,ICIC對於Throughput和公平性的影響會越來越大,因此本論文將會朝著這個方向去做分析。
本論文將Maximum Rate (MR)、Proportional Fair (PF)、Opportunistic Proportional Fair (OPF)以及Round Robin (RR)這4種Scheduling schemes結合了Reuse 1、Soft Frequency Reuse (SFR)、Muting和Joint Transmission Coordinated Multi-Point (JT CoMP)這4種ICIC schemes,並於7個基地台的環境中使用5G C-RAN架構來模擬這16種方法。在模擬結果中分析並比較了Throughput與公平性,並且將16種方法依據Scheduling scheme分成4組來討論,在不同的UE分布下討論了4種ICIC schemes的影響。整體來說PF scheduler在系統整體Throughput與公平性之間找到了一個平衡點,而OPF scheduler提供了一種Throughput與公平性介於MR與PF之間的新選擇,並且在大多數情況下JT CoMP提供了Cell-edge UE最高的Throughput,並且公平性也是最高的。
摘要(英) In mobile communication systems, both uplink and downlink resources are allocated by the base stations. However, neighboring base stations can cause a decrease in the overall system throughput due to inter-cell interference (ICI), especially for User Equipment (UE) at the cell edge. Additionally, since 5G utilizes higher-frequency bands compared to 4G, the signal attenuates faster, requiring a denser deployment of base stations to achieve the same signal coverage as 4G. Therefore, the area where ICI occurs will be denser. To mitigate the impact of ICI, neighboring base stations communicate and coordinate with each other, determining resource allocation based on the coordination results. This approach helps suppress the effects of ICI, improving the throughput of Cell-edge UEs and further enhancing the overall fairness of UEs. The method of resource allocation is a primary factor that affects the overall throughput and fairness of the system, while Inter-cell Interference Coordination (ICIC) between base stations is a secondary factor. However, with an increasing number of Cell-edge UEs and non-uniform distribution of UEs, the impact of ICIC on throughput and fairness becomes more significant. Therefore, this thesis will analyze in this direction.
This thesis combines four scheduling schemes, namely Maximum Rate (MR), Proportional Fair (PF), Opportunistic Proportional Fair (OPF), and Round Robin (RR), with four ICIC schemes: Reuse 1, Soft Frequency Reuse (SFR), Muting, and Joint Transmission Coordinated Multi-Point (JT CoMP). These sixteen methods are simulated using a 5G C-RAN architecture in a scenario with seven base stations. The simulation results analyze and compare the throughput and fairness. The sixteen methods are divided into four groups based on the scheduling scheme for further discussion, considering the influence of the four ICIC schemes under different UE distributions. In general, the PF scheduler finds a balance between the overall system throughput and fairness. The OPF scheduler offers a new option that lies between MR and PF in terms of throughput and fairness. In most cases, JT CoMP offers the highest throughput for Cell-edge UEs and also achieves the highest level of fairness.
關鍵字(中) ★ Scheduling
★ CoMP
★ 公平性
關鍵字(英) ★ Scheduling
★ CoMP
★ Fairness
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1. 研究背景 1
1.2. 研究動機與目的 2
1.3. 章節概要 3
第二章 相關研究背景 4
2.1. 5G三大應用場景 4
2.2. 5G Frame Structure 5
2.3. Scheduling scheme 7
2.3.1. Maximum Rate 7
2.3.2. Proportional Fair 7
2.3.3. Opportunistic Proportional Fair 8
2.3.4. Round Robin 8
2.4. ICIC scheme 8
2.4.1. Reuse 1 9
2.4.2. Reuse 3 9
2.4.3. Partial Frequency Reuse 10
2.4.4. Soft Frequency Reuse 10
2.4.5. Muting 11
2.4.6. Coordinated Multi-Point 12
2.5. 公平性 13
2.6. 相關文獻 14
第三章 研究方法 17
3.1. 系統架構 17
3.2. 資源分配流程 18
3.2.1. Reuse 1的資源分配演算法 18
3.2.2. SFR的資源分配演算法 20
3.2.3. Muting的資源分配演算法 23
3.2.4. JT CoMP的資源分配演算法 27
3.2.5. RR資源分配方法 30
第四章 模擬結果與討論 32
4.1. 模擬環境 32
4.2. 模擬結果分析與比較 40
4.2.1. RB使用率 40
4.2.2. MR的Throughput與公平性 43
4.2.3. PF的Throughput與公平性 48
4.2.4. OPF的Throughput與公平性 54
4.2.5. RR的Throughput與公平性 59
第五章 結論 64
參考文獻 66
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指導教授 陳彥文(Yen-Wen Chen) 審核日期 2023-7-19
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