博碩士論文 110523039 詳細資訊

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姓名 王品灃(Pin-Feng Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 通訊工程學系
論文名稱 視覺追蹤的多尺度視覺基礎網路
(Multi-Scale Vision Foundation Networks for Visual Tracking)
★ 應用於車內視訊之光線適應性視訊壓縮編碼器設計★ 以粒子濾波法為基礎之改良式頭部追蹤系統
★ 應用於空間與CGS可調性視訊編碼器之快速模式決策演算法★ 應用於人臉表情辨識之強健式主動外觀模型搜尋演算法
★ 結合Epipolar Geometry為基礎之視角間預測與快速畫面間預測方向決策之多視角視訊編碼★ 基於改良式可信度傳遞於同質區域之立體視覺匹配演算法
★ 以階層式Boosting演算法為基礎之棒球軌跡辨識★ 多視角視訊編碼之快速參考畫面方向決策
★ 以線上統計為基礎應用於CGS可調式編碼器之快速模式決策★ 適用於唇形辨識之改良式主動形狀模型匹配演算法
★ 以運動補償模型為基礎之移動式平台物件追蹤★ 基於匹配代價之非對稱式立體匹配遮蔽偵測
★ 以動量為基礎之快速多視角視訊編碼模式決策★ 應用於地點影像辨識之快速局部L-SVMs群體分類器
★ 以高品質合成視角為導向之快速深度視訊編碼模式決策★ 以運動補償模型為基礎之移動式相機多物件追蹤
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摘要(中) 在單目標追蹤中,採用階層式(hierarchical)的Vision Transformer(ViT)架構的追蹤器,往往追蹤表現不如plain ViT,同時文獻彼此之間架構都是有差異的,並沒有一個通用的網路架構。本論文提出一個通用的階層式網路架構(HyperXTrack),第一個將骨幹網路的架構,引用到追蹤任務上作為交互作用網路,同時加入時空上下文,空間的上下文是多尺度資訊,時間的上下文提供歷史資訊。HyperXTrack能進行全局與局部空間交互作用,且交互作用計算複雜度為影像解析度的線性複雜度。HyperXTrack每一個block都是先進行比對細緻紋理特徵,再進行整個物件外觀輪廓的交互比對。交互骨幹網路採用本論文所提之注意力機制,同時採用經典的堆疊規則在注意力機制前使用卷積。最後,本論文提出輕量的重新預訓練策略,可以使用預訓練好的MaxViT網路參數,將更改網路交互運算的網路重新訓練一個epoch,就可以讓網路的參數可以遷移到下游任務上。實驗結果顯示,本論文設計的HyperXTrack架構在GOT-10k數據集上AO以75%超越OSTrack的71%,同時僅需要使用30M參數量的階層式架構,就可以超越OSTrack的93M參數量的ViT架構。
摘要(英) In single object tracking, the hierarchical Vision Transformer (ViT) architectures usually perform worse than plain ViT among current trackers. At the same time, the network architectures of state-of-the-art trackers are distinct, and thus there is no general purposed network architecture. This paper presents HyperXTrack, the first backbone network architecture that is applied to interaction in visual tracking. In addition, the proposed backbone interacts spatio-temporal context, where spatial context is the multi-scale information and temporal context provides historical information. HyperXTrack proceeds global and local spatial interaction, and computation complexity is linear with image resolution. After correlating with local texture features, the contour of the entire object is interacting. Interaction backbone networks adopt the proposed attention mechanism and the classic stacking rule where convolutions are applied before attention mechanism. Finally, this thesis proposes lightweight re-pretraining strategy. After modifying the existing network MaxViT, this thesis uses the pre-trained MaxViT weights, and re-pretrains only one epoch. Then the network can transfer to the downstream tasks. The experimental results show that HyperXTrack surpasses OSTrack′s 71% in AO with 71.8% on the GOT-10k dataset. HyperXTrack using a hierarchical architecture only needs 30M parameters, which can surpass OSTrack architecture with 93M parameters.
關鍵字(中) ★ 單目標追蹤
★ 階層式
★ 重新預訓練
★ 視覺轉換器
★ 模板更新策略
關鍵字(英) ★ single object tracking
★ hierarchical
★ re-pretraining
★ vision Transformer
★ template update strategy
論文目次 中文摘要 V
英文摘要 VI
誌謝 VII
圖目錄 X
表目錄 XIII
符號說明 XIV
一、緒論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2 研究動機 1
1-3 研究方法 2
1-4 論文架構 4
二、基於特徵交互之視覺追蹤介紹 6
2-1 特徵交互對於視覺追蹤技術重要性 6
2-2 基於TRANSFORMER之視覺追蹤技術現況 10
2-2-1 分別進行特徵抽取與交互作用之網路 10
2-2-2 同時進行特徵抽取與交互作用之網路 15
2-3 遷移學習對於視覺追蹤任務的影響性 22
2-4 總結 23
三、基於計算機視覺的TRANSFORMER網路 24
3-1 卷積神經網路 24
3-4 總結 37
四、全局多尺度的視覺基礎網路 38
4-1 不同滑動窗口所獲得特徵圖 38
4-2-1 通用電腦視覺的網路架構 41
4-3 神經網路輕量的重新預訓練策略 52
4-4 總結 53
五、實驗結果與討論 55
5-1 實驗的參數設定 55
5-1-1 訓練階段實驗參數設定 55
5-1-2 推論階段實驗參數設定 59
5-2實驗結果 59
5-3 消融實驗 64
5-4 追蹤結果圖 68
5-5 總結 78
六、結論與未來展望 79
參考文獻 80
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〔78〕 E. Real, J. Shlens, S. Mazzocchi, X. Pan, and V. Vanhoucke, “Youtube-boundingboxes: A large high-precision human-annotated data set for object detection in video,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 5296-5305, July 2017.
〔79〕 M. Mueller, N. Smith, and B. Ghanem, “Context-aware correlation filter tracking,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 1396-1404, July 2017.
〔80〕 Y. Liang, Q. Li, and F. Long, “Global dilated attention and target focusing network for robust tracking,” in Proc. of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Feb. 2023.
〔81〕 L. Zhou, Z. Zhou, K. Mao, and Z. He, “Joint visual grounding and tracking with natural language specification,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 23151-23160, June 2023.
〔82〕 Y. Cui, T. Song, G. Wu, and L. Wang, “MixFormerV2: Efficient fully transformer tracking,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.15896, May 2023.
〔83〕 J. Wang, D. Chen, Z. Wu, C. Luo, X. Dai, L. Yuan, and Y.-G. Jiang, “OmniTracker: Unifying object tracking by tracking-with-detection,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.12079, March, 2023.
〔84〕 Z. Xie, Z. Geng, J. Hu, Z. Zhang, H. Hu, and Y. Cao, “Revealing the dark secrets of masked image modeling,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 14475-14485, June 2023.
〔85〕 X. Chen, H. Peng, D. Wang, H. Lu, and H. Hu, “SeqTrack: Sequence to sequence learning for visual object tracking,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 14572-14581, June 2023.
〔86〕 B. Yan, Y. Jiang, J. Wu, D. Wang, P. Luo, Z. Yuan, and H. Lu, “Universal instance perception as object discovery and retrieval,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 15325-15336, June 2023.
〔87〕 X. Wei, Y. Bai, Y. Zheng, D. Shi, and Y. Gong, “Autoregressive visual tracking,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 9697-9706, June 2023.
〔88〕 F. Xie, L. Chu, J. Li, Y. Lu, and C. Ma, “VideoTrack: Learning to track objects via video transformer,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 22826-22835, June 2023.
〔89〕 H. Zhao, D. Wang, and H. Lu, “Representation learning for visual object tracking by masked appearance transfer,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 18696-18705, June 2023.
指導教授 唐之瑋(Chih-Wei Tang) 審核日期 2023-7-19
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