摘要(英) |
In the past, the recognition, measurement and disclosure of cryptocurrencies lacked a specific standard, leading to the use of existing accounting standards that may not reflect the economic reality. With the development of cryptocurrencies, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) began developing new standards for cryptocurrency accounting and disclosure in late 2022 and issued the proposed Accounting Standards Update, Intangibles—Goodwill and Other—Crypto Assets (Subtopic 350-60): Accounting for and Disclosure of Crypto Assets in March 2023.
This study investigates the disclosures in current practice and examine their consistency with the new cryptocurrency standards by using U.S. public companies that mention the cryptocurrency keywords in their financial statements as the sample. Furthermore, this study explores the perspectives of accountants, directors, analysts, and institutional investors with relevant expertise to determine whether the cryptocurrency information disclosures align with the new requirements. The findings indicate that companies holding cryptocurrencies disclose significantly more cryptocurrency-related information than those not holding cryptocurrencies. However, the adoption of different accounting policies does not have a significant impact on the extent to which companies disclosed cryptocurrency-related information. In addition, some items more likely to be disclosed when companies’s directors have cryptocurrency background or auditors list the crypocurrency issue as a critical audit matter, but they are not not required in the new standards. The results suggest that companies should still consider disclosing such information. |
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