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姓名 陳學瑜(Hsueh-Yu Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 模具設計對鋼板及鋁板在自沖鉚接特性影響之實驗及數據研究:數據庫構建方法及應用
(Experimental and numerical investigation into the impact of die design on the characteristics of self-piercing riveting of steel and aluminum sheets: A database construction approach)
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摘要(中) 本研究透過實驗與數值分析探討板材厚度與模具設計對自沖鉚接(SPR)品質的影響,並提升鋼與鋁合金接合品質以及建構和擴展自沖鉚接數據庫。本研究事先運用有限元素分析軟體Qfrom,分析自沖鉚接的成型狀況並驗證模具的鉚接能力。於實驗中,選用高強度鋼為上層板材,鋁為下層板材,探討不同板材厚度與模具類型對於自沖鉚接參數的影響。透過測量鎖緊值(Interlock)與剩餘厚度(Remaining thickness),得以從線切割(WEDM)之樣品中初步評估鉚接品質,經量測本實驗達到最大0.72mm的鎖緊值和0.85mm的剩餘厚度。由於過往研究鮮少提及自沖鉚接參數調整對於抗拉強度的影響,因此本研究將進行剪切測試以更準確評估接合品質;經實驗得到最大剪切強度值為9872N。本研究之創新之處在於擴大自沖鉚接品質視窗之範圍,提出了更廣的失效概率(Failure probability)、鎖緊值與創新的抗拉強度值範圍。本研究將dR/(tt+dd)取值範圍從原始的0.95-1.05擴大到0.75-1.35,tR/tt值從0.2-0.28擴大到0.28-0.6,使其在業界中具有更廣泛的應用性。最後,我們提出了新的抗拉強度值視窗,以便汽車產業在製造設計過程中選取適當的板材組合。
摘要(英) This research explores the impact of sheet thickness and die design variations on the self-piercing riveting (SPR) process′s feasibility and quality, particularly for steel-to-aluminum stacks. By utilizing finite element analysis software Qform to simulate the SPR process, and conducting experiments with high-strength steel and aluminum sheets of varying thicknesses and dies, the results broadened our understanding of SPR process parameters. The quality of the riveting was assessed through measurements of interlock values and remaining thicknesses, the results indicating significant improvements over previous studies. Specifically, the results achieved an interlock value of 0.72mm and a remaining thickness of 0.85mm. Since previous studies rarely mentioned the influence of tensile strength on various parameters, this research performed shear tests to accurately assess joint quality, yielding a maximum strength of 9872N. This study extends the SPR processing window, proposing expanded ranges for failure probability, interlock values, and new shear strength value windows. The dR/(tt+dd) value range was extended from the original 0.95-1.05 to 0.75-1.35, and the tR/tt value was extended from 0.2-0.28 to 0.28-0.6. This broader range enhances SPR′s industrial applicability. Additionally, new strength value windows were proposed for improved sheet combination selection in the manufacturing design process.
關鍵字(中) ★ 自衝鉚釘
★ 鋁合金
★ 高強度鋼
★ 有限元素分析
★ 鎖緊值
★ 拉伸試驗
關鍵字(英) ★ Self-pierce riveting
★ Aluminum alloy
★ High-strength steel
★ Finite element analysis
★ Interlock
★ Shear test
論文目次 摘 要 I
Abstract II
誌 謝 III
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 X
第一章:緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究動機與方法 4
第二章:文獻回顧 5
2-1 SPR現行發展 5
2-2 SPR鉚接步驟 5
2-3 鉚接品質評判標準 7
2-4 失效機率、鎖緊值、性能指標視窗 8
第三章:實驗設備 10
第四章:模擬與實驗探討模具外型以及板材厚度對於鉚接品質之影響 21
4-1 緒論 21
4-2 模擬與實驗 23
4-2-1 有限元素模型 23
4-2-2 模具設計 29
4-2-3 鉚釘與板材材料 31
4-2-4 鉚釘機及拉伸試驗 36
4-3 結果與討論 38
4-3-1 模擬與實驗結果對照 38
4-3-2 鎖緊值和剩餘厚度之比較 41
4-3-3 拉伸試驗以及破壞行為探討 45
4-4 視窗探討 49
4-5 結論 54
參考文獻 56
附錄 59
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指導教授 傅尹坤(Yiin-Kuen Fuh) 審核日期 2023-9-26
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