姓名 |
王蕙儀(Hui-Yi Wang)
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資訊工程學系在職專班 |
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(Low and slow Attack characteristic Analysis)
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摘要(中) |
Low and Slow Attack 是一種阻斷服務攻擊 (denial-of-service,DoS),由用戶端向伺服器端發送看似合乎規則的低速率封包,藉此占用連線
資源或是將資源耗盡,是一種在應用層上的 DoS/DDoS 攻擊方式,目
前常見的工具是 Slowloris 及 R-U-Dead-Yet,這兩種工具是運用慢速的
HTTP 請求手法攻擊,然而因為此種攻擊方式與慢速的正常使用者間無
並對其特徵實施分析,以利後續防禦參考使用。 |
摘要(英) |
Low and Slow Attack is a kind of denial-of-service (DoS) attack. Sending seemingly compliant low-rate packets from the client to the server to occupy connection resources or exhaust resources,it’s a kind method of DoS/DDoS attack at the application layer. Currently, the common tools are Slowloris and R-U-Dead-Yet, these two tools use slow HTTP requests.
However, because there is no clear definition between this attack method and normal but slow users, it is difficult to detect. In this paper, will monitoring slow packets under slow attack, and analyze their characteristics for subsequent defense reference. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 慢速攻擊 ★ 阻斷服務攻擊 ★ HTTP 請求 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Low and Slow Attack ★ Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) ★ HTTP requests |
論文目次 |
第 1 章 緒論.................................1
第 2 章 背景介紹..............................3
2.1 HTTP 與 TCP/IP 協定......................3
2.1.1 HyperText Transfer Protocol............3
2.1.2 TCP(Transmission Control Protocol).....4
2.2 Low and Slow Attack......................5
2.2.1 Slow header attack.....................5
2.2.2 Slow body attack.......................6
2.2.3 Slow read attack.......................6
第 3 章 相關研究..............................7
3.1 Slowloris................................7
3.2 R-U-Dead-Yet(R.U.D.Y)....................8
3.3 SlowHTTPTest.............................8
3.3.1 Slowloris..............................8
3.3.2 Slow HTTP POST.........................9
第 4 章 系統設計..............................10
第 5 章 實驗結果及分析.........................13
5.1 實驗系統環境..............................13
5.2 實驗測試實況..............................13
5.2.1 一般使用者連線..........................13
5.2.2 R.U.D.Y. 模式..........................20
5.3 實驗測試分析情況..........................23
第 6 章 討論.................................24
6.1 攻擊特徵.................................24
6.2 解決方案與限制因素........................24
第 7 章 總結.................................25
參考文獻 |
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指導教授 |
許富皓(Fu-Hau Hsu)
審核日期 |
2023-1-16 |
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