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姓名 李英信(Inn-Xin Li)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 蕭特基源/汲極接觸的反堆疊型非晶質矽化鍺薄膜電晶體
(The Inverted-Staggered a-SiGe:H Thin-Film Transistors with Schottky Source/Drain Contacts)
★ 金屬-半導體-金屬光偵測器的特性★ 非晶質氮化矽氫基薄膜發光二極體與有機發光二極體的光電特性
★ 具非晶質n-i-p-n層之氧化多孔矽發光二極體的光電特性★ 低漏電流與高崩潰電壓大面積矽偵測器製程之研究
★ 具自行對準凹陷電極1x4矽質金屬-半導體-金屬光偵測器陣列的特性★ 非晶矽射極異質雙載子電晶體與有機發光二極體的特性
★ 吸光區累崩區分離的累崩光二極體★ 矽晶圓上具有隔離氧化層非晶質薄膜發光二極體之光電特性
★ 具非晶異質接面及溝渠式電極之矽質金屬-半導體-金屬光偵測器的暗電流特性★ 非晶矽/晶質矽異質接面矽基金屬-半導體-金屬光檢測器與具非晶質無機電子/電洞注入層高分子發光二極體之研究
★ 具非晶質矽合金類量子井極薄障層之高靈敏度平面矽基金屬–半導體–金屬光檢測器★ 具蕭特基源/汲極的上閘極型非晶矽鍺與 多晶矽薄膜電晶體
★ 大面積矽偵測器的製程改良與元件設計★ 具組成梯度能隙非晶質矽合金電子注入層與電洞緩衝層的高分子發光二極體
★ 非晶質吸光區與累增區分離之類超晶格累崩光二極體★ 具非晶質矽合金調變週期類超晶格薄膜複層之低暗電流高熱穩定度平面矽基金屬–半導體–金屬光檢測器
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摘要(中) 為研製具蕭特基源/汲極接觸的反堆疊型非晶質矽化鍺薄膜電晶體。在第一階段中,我們成左漣Q用一層很薄的銻金屬改善鋁或鈀和非晶質矽化鍺接面的接觸電阻。由實驗中發現,加入一層薄的銻金屬,可以增加界面導電的穩定性。再經過適當的退火處理後,更可降低接觸電阻達十五萬倍之多(6.23 x 102 Ω-cm2 (Al/Pd/i-a-SiGe:H)降低至4 x 10-3Ω-cm2 (Al/Pd/Sb//i-a-SiGe:H))。
我們也順利地製作出利用鋁/銻雙層金屬作為源/汲極的蕭特基接觸非晶質矽化鍺薄膜電晶體(a-SiGe:H TFT)。實驗結果顯示,當通道層加入越多鍺元素,電晶體的臨界電壓下降及飽和電流提昇。而且,適當的熱退火處理可以改善薄膜電晶體的特性。一般而言,最佳的熱退火處理溫度與時間隨著通道鍺含量的增加而下降與縮短。
最後我們也比較i-, n+- 及grading i-a-Si0.89Ge0.11:H薄膜電晶體的性能,發現grading i- a-Si0.89Ge0.11:H薄膜電晶體在導通飽和電流與臨界電壓等方面具有較好的特性。
摘要(英) We had fabricated the Schottky source/drain (S/D) inverted-staggered a-SiGe:H TFT successfully. The contact resistance of Al or Pd and a-SiGe:H interface was improved by employing a very thin Sb layer for better ohmic contact. It was observed that using a very thin Sb layer before the Al or Pd metal deposition could enhance the stability of the current transport in the metal/semiconductor (i-a-SiGe:H) interface, also, after an appropriate low-temperature annealing process the specific contact resistance could be significantly reduced 1.5x105 times (from 6.23x102Ω-cm2 (Al/Pd/i-a-SiGe:H) to 4x10-3Ω-cm2 (Al/Pd/Sb/i-a-SiGe:H)).
The Schottky inverted-staggered a-Si1-xGex:H S/D TFTs (with Al/Sb dual metal films) have been fabricated successfully. The experimental results indicated that threshold voltage of TFT decreased and its saturation current increased with the increasing Ge content of a-Si1-xGex:H channel layer. Also it was observed that an optimal annealing process could be employed to improve the device performance, and generally, the optimal annealing temperature and duration decreased with the Ge content of a-Si1-xGex:H layer channel layer.
Finally, the performances of Schottky S/D i-, n+-, and graded i- a-Si0.89Ge0.11:H TFTs were compared, and it was found that the graded i-a-Si0.89Ge0.11:H one had the best characteristics of ON drain saturation current and threshold voltage.
關鍵字(中) ★ 非晶質矽化鍺薄膜電晶體
★ 蕭特基
★ 熱退火處理
關鍵字(英) ★ a-SiGe:H TFTs
★ Schottky
★ annealing
論文目次 ABSTRACT.........................II
TABLE CAPTIONS...................IV
FIGURE CAPTIONS..................V
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION.........................1
CHAPTER 2 EXPERIMENTS..........................3
2.1 a-SiGe:H Schottky diodes....3
2.2 SB S/D a-SiGe:H TFTs........7
3.1 J-V Characteristics of Schottky a-SiGe:H diode......12
3.2 I-V Characteristics of Schottky a-SiGe:H TFT........19
3.21 Theory of Schottky a-SiGe:H TFT.....................19
3.22 Effects of Ge content...............................25
3.23 Effects of annealing temperature and time...........31
3.24 Comparing the characteristics of Schottky i-a-SiGe:H, n+-a-Si0.89Ge0.11:H and graded i-a-SiGe:H TFTs.............................39
CHAPTER 4 CONCLUSIONS..............................................52
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指導教授 洪志旺(Jyh-Wong Hong) 審核日期 2002-6-24
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