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姓名 蕭慧雯(Huei-Wen Shiau)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 去中心化電子書交易平台之區塊鏈框架設計與可行性分析
(A Decentralized-based E-Book Trading Platform: Framework Design and Feasibility Analysis)
★ DeFi 去中心化金融發展現況及風險分析- 以2017~2022 年 6 月為研究區間★ 基於區塊鏈防止雙重投票的匿名投票系統
★ NFT-based 車輛與零件履歷驗證平台★ 基於區塊鏈與代理重新加密之隱私保護威脅情資分享平台
★ 元宇宙與 NFT 應用於旅遊購物虛實整合架構規劃之研究★ Decentralizing DNS: Leveraging Web3 and Blockchain Smart Contracts for Enhanced Security
★ Innovations in 6G: Decentralized Network Slice Handover with Proxy Re-Encryption★ Blockchain-based Federated learning with Data privacy protection
★ 具公正性抽獎機制與隱私防護之問卷平台★ 建立安全可靠的推薦信平台: 基於分散式系統的創新方法
★ A Decentralized Group-oriented Information Sharing System with Searchable Encryption in Supply Chain Environment★ A Batch Verified Decentralized-AI Against Poisoning Attack In 6G Industrial CPS Environments
★ A Blockchain-based Work Performance Authenticity Platform with User Incentive Mechanism★ 基於區塊鏈與存取控制之多媒體分享平台
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摘要(中) 本研究旨在探討數位閱讀時代下的重要議題,包括「閱讀趨勢與網路交易風險」、「作品內容敏感性評估與消費者權益保護」以及「數位版權保護與知識分享」。隨著科技的快速發展和疫情爆發,數位閱讀已成為主流趨勢,電子書市場持續擴大。然而,隨之而來的問題也日益嚴重,包括個資外洩、數位內容被非法分享和電子書僅能在個別平台閱讀,無法自由轉讓等問題。為了解決這些問題,本研究提出利用區塊鏈技術設計去中心化電子書交易平台的可能性。
摘要(英) This study focuses on key issues in the digital reading era: "Reading trends and online transaction risks," "Sensitivity evaluation of content and consumer rights protection," and "Digital copyright protection and knowledge sharing." With the rapid development of technology and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, digital reading has become a dominant trend, leading to the expansion of the e-book market. However, it also brings challenges such as personal data breaches, illegal content sharing, and limitations in e-book transferability.
To address these issues, this study proposes utilizing blockchain technology to design a decentralized e-book trading platform. By conducting a literature review and questionnaire survey, we gained insights into user expectations for a decentralized platform. Based on these insights, a platform was designed using blockchain technology, incorporating smart contracts, FIDO, IPFS, and proxy re-encryption techniques.
The platform provides a secure, transparent, and convenient trading environment, enhances copyright protection, and boosts consumers′ confidence in information security and digital rights. It offers new opportunities for the e-book market and promotes industry development. Future research can further expand the sample size and explore the application of blockchain technology in other domains.
關鍵字(中) ★ 去中心化
★ 電子書交易
★ 區塊鏈
★ 數位版權管理
★ 版權保護
關鍵字(英) ★ decentralization
★ e-book trading
★ blockchain
★ digital rights management
★ security
★ copyright protection
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-1-1 數位閱讀時代的議題 1
1-1-2 網路書城與電子書平台現況 2
1-2 研究目的 3
1-3 研究架構 3
二、 文獻探討 4
2-1 電子書的發展趨勢 4
2-2 數位版權管理 5
2-2-1 DRM現況與挑戰 5
2-2-2 區塊鏈對DRM的影響與展望 5
2-3 科技接受模型 6
2-4 技術相關文獻 7
2-4-1 智能合約(Smart Contract) 7
2-4-2 無密碼身分驗證(FIDO) 8
2-4-3 分散式儲存(IPFS) 8
2-4-4 代理重加密機制 9
三、 問卷調查與分析 10
3-1 問卷設計 10
3-1-1 問卷架構 10
3-1-2 構面分析 11
3-2 資料收集與分析方法 12
3-3 敘述分析 13
3-3-1 基本資料分析 13
3-3-2 年齡及購書習慣分析 14
3-3-3 購買二手電子書的意願分析 16
3-3-4 採用區塊鏈技術交易電子書的意願分析 18
3-4 研究假設之驗證 23
3-4-1 卡方檢定 23
3-4-2 多項式邏輯斯回歸分析 25
3-5 總結 26
四、 系統框架設計 26
4-1-1 系統架構 27
4-1-2 系統流程 28
五、 結論 33
5-1 研究結論 33
5-2 研究限制 34
5-3 未來展望 34
5-3-1 研究方法與範疇的擴充 34
5-3-2 未來區塊鏈研究的方向與建議 35
參考文獻 36
附錄 40
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指導教授 葉羅堯 審核日期 2023-6-14
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