摘要(英) |
Recommendation letters serve as a pivotal asset in scenarios such as job procurement and academic advancement, yet conventional means of distribution - namely paper and electronic mail - are often fraught with inefficiencies and susceptibilities to unauthorized alterations. Our study puts forth an avant-garde solution rooted in blockchain technology, aiming to enhance the management and processing of these indispensable letters of recommendation.
Upon registration, users establish a Decentralized Identifier (DID). With the integration of Fast ID Online′s (FIDO′s) passwordless login protocol and MetaMask′s cryptographic signature and encryption techniques, we significantly bolster system security while ensuring the permanence and verifiability of recommendation letters housed within the user′s DID document. The utilization of the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) for the storage of letters augments data integrity and system efficiency.
Our platform confers upon users the capacity for selective personal information disclosure, thereby bolstering privacy safeguards and handing control of personal data back to the individual. We employ a system of incentives and ratings to foster active participation, subsequently enhancing the transparency of the entire process.
To conclude, our solution, underpinned by blockchain technology, offers tangible enhancements to the efficiency of the recommendation letter process, assurance of authenticity, reinforcement of user privacy, and stimulation of active user involvement. It manifestly delineates the promising potential of blockchain technology in the optimization of recommendation letter management. |
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