博碩士論文 110453007 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳音潔(Yin-Chieh Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 資通訊業者跨足遠距醫療之經營策略與競爭分析 -以C公司為例
★ 技術商品銷售之技術人員關鍵職能探討★ 資訊委外之承包商能力、信任及溝通與委外成效關係之個案研究
★ 兵工技術軍官職能需求分析-以某軍事工廠為例★ 不同楷模學習模式對VB程式語言學習之影響
★ 影響採購「網路資料中心產品」因素之探討★ 資訊人員績效評估之研究—以陸軍某資訊單位為例
★ 高職資料處理科學生網路成癮相關因素及其影響之探討★ 資訊服務委外對資訊部門及人員之衝擊-某大型外商公司之個案研究
★ 二次導入ERP系統之研究-以某個案公司為例★ 資料倉儲於證券產業應用之個案研究
★ 影響消費者採用創新數位產品之因素---以整合式手機為例★ 企業合併下資訊系統整合過程之個案研究
★ 資料倉儲系統建置之個案研究★ 電子表單系統導入之探討 - 以 A 公司為例
★ 企業資訊安全機制導入與評估–以H公司為例★ 從人力網站探討國內資訊人力現況–以104銀行資料為例
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摘要(中) 隨著資通訊技術的進步和受到新冠疫情的影響,遠距開始成為一種新的生活模式。為滿足民眾居家隔離期間的就診需求,政府逐漸鬆綁法規上的限制,也帶動台灣遠距醫療的發展,促進醫療行業數位轉型,為提供遠距醫療服務的資通訊業者帶來龐大商機。
摘要(英) With the development of information communication technology and the influence of COVID-19 epidemic, long-distance has become a new lifestyle. In order to meet people′s demand for medical treatment during the period of home isolation, the government gradually loosened the restrictions on laws and regulations, which also promoted the development of telemedicine in Taiwan Province, promoted the digital transformation of the medical industry, and brought huge business opportunities to information communication providers providing telemedicine services.
This study selects Company C as the case study object. The case company is one of the largest telecommunications companies in China, and combines 5G, AIoT, and cloud security technology to develop diversified medical solutions. This study obtained primary data through in-depth interviews with the executives and senior business colleagues of the case company, and collected relevant literature as secondary data to conduct PEST environmental analysis and SWOT analysis, exploring the current development status and bottlenecks encountered by the case company in the remote medical market. This study found that the world is currently facing issues of aging population and labor shortage. Remote medical care can alleviate the pressure of traditional medical care, reduce the digital gap between urban and rural areas, and provide more immediate medical services for rural areas. During the epidemic, the usage and acceptance of people have also gradually increased. In addition, Taiwan has a strong advantage in information and communication integration technology, which is quite conducive to the development of long-distance healthcare. Based on the findings of this study, suggestions for the future development of the case company are proposed, including strengthening partnerships, actively participating in government policy planning, strengthening business models, and actively investing in medical information standardization related work.
關鍵字(中) ★ 遠距醫療
★ 產業分析
★ PEST分析
★ SWOT分析
關鍵字(英) ★ Telemedicine
★ Industry Analysis
★ PEST Analysis
★ SWOT Analysis
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 3
1.3 研究目的 3
1.4 研究流程與論文架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 遠距醫療名詞定義及應用範疇 6
2.2 國外遠距醫療發展歷程及現況 8
2.3 台灣遠距醫療發展現況及趨勢 11
2.4 資通訊技術結合遠距醫療的服務模式 13
2.5 分析模型 15
第三章 研究方法 21
3.1 研究架構 21
3.2 研究設計 22
3.3 研究對象 25
3.4 資料來源 26
第四章 產業現況與個案分析 27
4.1 遠距醫療產業分析 27
4.2 總體環境掃瞄分析(PEST analysis) 34
4.3 個案公司簡介 41
4.4 強弱危機分析(SWOT analysis) 45
4.5 經營挑戰及因應策略 51
第五章 結論與建議 54
5.1 研究結論 54
5.2 研究限制 56
參考文獻 57
附錄 訪談逐字稿 62
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指導教授 周惠文(Huey-Wen Chou) 審核日期 2023-7-14
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