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姓名 李品諾(Pin-No Lee) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 電機工程學系 論文名稱 雙頻微型化六埠網路之應用
(Compact Dual-Band Six-Port Network and It’s application)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] 至系統瀏覽論文 (2028-5-3以後開放) 摘要(中) 本論文以微型化雙頻六埠網路接收機及來向偵測器之研製為目標,發展由微型化雙頻六埠網路、功率偵測器與類比減法器組成微型化雙頻六埠網路接收機前端電路,並於後端接上數位解調變軟體即可還原數位訊號;或於後端經由公式運算即可當成來向偵測器,偵測來向角。此2.45/5.94GHz六埠網路接收機電路面積為53mm×48.5mm,在2.45GHz 的電氣尺寸為0.39 λ0×0.36λ0,在5.94GHz 的電氣尺寸為0.87λ0×0.87λ0。為了同時達到微型化與雙頻的效果,藉由橋式T線圈(BTC)代替傳輸線以大幅縮小電路面積,實現雙頻功率分配器和雙頻分支線耦合器,並組成雙頻六埠網路,最終實現在積體被動製程(IPD)上。在2.45GHz的操作頻率下植入損耗介於7.7±0.6 dB,輸出、輸入反射損耗大於16.7 dB相位差小於2.9°,在5.8GHz的操作頻率下植入損耗介於9±0.7 dB,輸出、輸入反射損耗大於17.3 dB相位差小於7.2°,電路面積僅5.85mm*5.47mm。本研究測試在不同條件下此接收機在QPSK、16-QAM、64-QAM等性能,以向量誤差強度於小於6%為標準,在2.45GHz,QPSK解調的動態範圍為-27.7~-1.5dBm、16-QAM解調的動態範圍為-30~2dBm、64-QAM解調的動態範圍為-27.7~-1.7dBm;在5.94GHz,QPSK解調的動態範圍為-24.15~2.15dBm、16-QAM解調的動態範圍為-24.15~3.85dBm、64-QAM解調的動態範圍-26.15~3.85dBm。若將六埠網路中的輸入端換成兩接收天線,且兩個接收天線彼此有一定距離,即可構成訊號來向偵測器。在2.45GHz的操作頻率下,來向角的偵測誤差最大為來向角-60°,誤差值為3°,其他角度皆小於1.5°。 摘要(英) The goal of this work is the development of dual-band six-port receiver and direction of angle detector with compact size. The proposed miniaturized dual-band six-port network receiver front-end composed of a miniaturized dual-band six-port network, four power detectors, and two analog subtractors. It can be connected with the digital demodulation software to restore the digital modulated signal, or it can be used as a direction of angle (DOA) detector through proper calculation at the back end . The circuit size of the 2.45/5.94GHz six-port receiver is 53mm×48.5mm, which corresponds to an electrical size 0.39 λ0×0.36λ0 at f0 = 2.45GHz, or 0.87λ0×0.87λ0 at f0 = 5.94GHz. In order to achieve miniaturization and dual-band operateion at the same time, bridged-T coil is used to realize the dual-band power divider and the dual-band branch line coupler, and form a dual-band six-port network in the integrated passive device (IPD) process. The circuit size is only 5.85 mm×5.47 mm. The corresponding electrical size is around 0.0477 λ0× 0.0446 λ0 at 2.45 GHz and 0.113 λ0×0.105 λ0 at 5.8 GHz. At 2.45GHz, the measured insertion loss is 7.7±0.6 dB, the input and output reflection loss is greater than 16.7dB, and the phase difference is less than 2.9. At 5.94GHz, the measured insertion loss is 9±0.7 dB, the input and output reflection loss is greater than 17.3dB, and the phase difference is less than 7.2°.
The performance of the proposed six-port receiver is investigated with differenct modulation schemes including QPSK, 16-QAM and 64-QAM. At 2.45GHz, the dynamic range of QPSK modulation is -27.7 to -1.5dBm, the dynamic range of 16-QAM modulation is -30 to 2dBm, and the dynamic range of 64-QAM modulation is -27.7 to -1.7dBm. At 5.94GHz, the dynamic range of QPSK modulation is -24.15 to 2.15dBm, the dynamic range of 16-QAM modulation is -24.15 to 3.85dBm, and the dynamic range of 64-QAM modulation is -26.15 to 3.85dBm.
By connecting the input port of the six-port network to the two receiving antennas with a certain distance between them, a DOA detector can be realized. At 2.45GHz, the maximum angle error is at -60°with an error value of 3°, while the errors of other angles are less than 1.5°.關鍵字(中) ★ 雙頻六埠網路
★ 訊號來向偵測器
★ 六埠網路接收機
★ 解調變
★ 向量誤差強度關鍵字(英) 論文目次 第一章 緒論..................................................................................................................1
1.1 研究動機..........................................................................................................1
1.2 文獻回顧..........................................................................................................4
1.3 章節介紹..........................................................................................................6
第二章 微型化雙頻六埠網路接收機組件設計..........................................................7
2.1 六埠網路接收機前端電路簡介......................................................................7
2.2 微型化雙頻六埠網路......................................................................................8
2.3 功率偵測器....................................................................................................22
2.4 減法器............................................................................................................28
第三章 微型化雙頻六埠網路接收機........................................................................35
3.1 電路解調變原理............................................................................................35
3.2 電路模擬與實作............................................................................................39
3.3 實體電路之量測............................................................................................43
3.4 電路解調變特性量測....................................................................................50
第四章 微型化雙頻來向偵測器................................................................................75
4.1 角度偵測原理................................................................................................76
4.2 角度偵測模擬................................................................................................80
4.3 來向角誤差分析..........................................................................................102
4.3.1 功率大小對來向角誤差分析...................................................................102
4.3.2 隔離度對來向角誤差分析.......................................................................113
4.4 來向角度偵測量測......................................................................................120
4.4.1 有線訊號傳輸之量測...............................................................................120
4.4.2 無線訊號傳輸之量測...............................................................................134
第五章 結論與未來展望..........................................................................................157
參考文獻....................................................................................................................16參考文獻 參考文獻
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