摘要(英) |
This study investigates the impact of implementing Oracle Exadata, a database hardware and software integrated solution, on the business operations and performance of a case company. The research adopts a case study approach, involving the researcher′s active involvement in data collection and analysis through personal engagement, reference to Oracle′s official website and technical documentation, and examination of the case company′s Oracle Exadata implementation project documents. The findings aim to provide valuable insights and recommendations for IT personnel within organizations who are evaluating database environment design or considering the adoption of integrated database appliances.
The case study starts by elucidating the reasons behind the case company′s decision to implement Oracle Exadata. Next, the planning and challenges during the implementation process is explained. Finally, the resulting changes and benefits on the case company after the successful implementation of Oracle Exadata is summarized.
The results demonstrate that the integration of the database appliance significantly enhance data access performance, optimize storage resources, provide a more stable database service environment, and reduce IT personnel maintenance efforts through cloud-based deployment and monitoring. Future research could explore the possibilities of migrating enterprise databases to the cloud. |
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