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姓名 陳宛君(Wan-Jun Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 訓練問答機器人對學生英語閱讀興趣之影響
(The Effect of Training Q&A Chatbots on Students′ Interest in English Reading)
★ 以視覺為主的遊戲空間輔助全身性學習★ 以數位教室環境增進同步遠距教學之臨場感
★ 以行動載具支援並分析合作式的探索活動★ 以混合實境支援工作臺協同探究學習
★ 使用資料探勘輔助學習者探索大型資料庫—學習者經驗之研究★ 以貢獻與聯結為基礎之社會知識創造模型—一個資源與概念合作聯結工具
★ 互動式計算桌面環境對於合作學習的優缺點★ 以共享螢幕及群組軟體支援一對一環境下面對面的合作網路探索
★ 合作學習使用網際網路: 學習腳本在面對面網路合作探索的影響★ 兒童使用超媒體的Web2.0創作故事平台之探究--衍生與重組
★ 以創用為基礎之合作說故事平台 - 衍生、重組、擁有感★ 透過網路實施模擬實務社群並利用即興創作激發創意
★ 使用群組軟體與共同螢幕進行一對一合作網路探索活動★ 以Cyber-Physical環境支援程式設計學習之探究
★ 跨領域合作設計活動之互動分析:群組軟體的支援與設計★ 不同成就學生於模擬遊戲環境中程式學習效果之探究
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摘要(中) 近年來,教育機構普遍引入人工智慧技術,以提升學生的學習體驗和知識內化能力。在許多學習方法中,教中學是其中一個有效的方式,研究指出教中學(LdL)的設計可以提升學生在活動中的興趣,透過讓學生擔任教學者,從而深化對所學知識的理解與應用,加強學生的積極參與。閱讀興趣對學生來說非常重要,能夠激發學生對於學習英語的熱情,並促使他們主動參與閱讀活動,特別是在國際化的環境中,英語能力成為一個關鍵的優勢,英語閱讀是學生必須培養和提升的必要能力之一。
摘要(英) In recent years, many educational institutions have adopted artificial intelligence technology to enhance students′ learning experiences and promote the internalization of knowledge. Among various learning methods, Learning by Teaching(LdL) has been identified as an effective approach that can increase students′ interest and deepen their understanding and application of the learned content. Developing a strong interest in reading is crucial for students as it stimulates their enthusiasm for learning English and encourages active participation in reading activities. Particularly in the context of internationalization, English proficiency has become a key advantage, and the ability to read in English is considered a necessary skill that students must cultivate and improve.
Furthermore, previous research has explored the impact of chatbots on learning and reading outcomes, although studies focusing on the influence of chatbots on emotional engagement during reading remain limited. This study combines English picture books with a chatbot system, utilizing a question-and-answer dialogue as the primary form of interaction. Students are required to comprehend the book′s content during the picture book reading activity, ask questions to the chatbot, and teach it the correct answers. Additionally, a competitive mechanism and leaderboard are introduced among peers, allowing students to challenge each other′s trained chatbots and evaluate the performance of their peers′ training outcomes. This competition mechanism aims to enhance student engagement, interactivity, and provide real-time feedback.
The experimental study involved 95 fifth-grade students from a elementary school in Taiwan. The experimental group of 47 students used the QA Chatbots during their English reading activities, while the control group of 48 students did not utilize the QA chatbot. Throughout the experiment period, students engaged in weekly English reading activities, and arranged competition activities for the experimental group in the last week. The study aimed to investigate the impact of incorporating chatbots into English reading activities on flow experience, situational interest, student-questioning patterns during interactions with the chatbot, and the relationship between flow, situational interest, and questioning patterns using correlational analysis.
The research findings indicate that after participating in the reading activities, students in the experimental group demonstrated a significant increase in flow experience with the frequency of their engagement. They exhibited higher levels of concentration, curiosity, intrinsic interest, and overall flow experience compared to the control group, while the differences in control over reading were not significant. Furthermore, regarding situational interest, the results revealed that the QA Chatbots triggered higher levels of situational interest among students in the experimental group. In dimensions such as Maintained-SI-Feeling, Maintained-SI-Value, Triggered-SI, and overall situational interest, the experimental group outperformed the control group significantly. Correlational analysis demonstrated that students with higher situational interest generated more questions related to the characters′ “Feeling”, while other types of questions showed little or no correlation with engagement and situational interest. Additionally, it was observed that students with higher English proficiency focused more on asking questions related to “Character”, “Setting”, and “Outcome resolution”, whereas students with lower English proficiency preferred exploring causal relationships in their questions.
關鍵字(中) ★ 閱讀興趣
★ 教中學
★ 聊天機器人
★ 心流
★ 情境興趣
關鍵字(英) ★ Reading Interest
★ Learning by Teaching
★ Chatbot
★ Flow
★ Situational Interest
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
目錄 vi
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1-1研究背景與動機 1
1-2研究目的與問題 1
1-3名詞解釋 2
1-3-1心流 2
1-3-2情境興趣 2
1-4研究範圍與限制 3
1-5論文架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
2-1閱讀興趣 4
2-2教中學 6
2-3聊天機器人 8
第三章 系統設計 10
3-1系統特色 10
3-2系統架構 11
3-2-1前後端及系統介面 11
3-2-2資料庫 16
3-2-3問題答案生成 18
3-3系統對話流程 20
第四章 研究方法 26
4-1研究對象 26
4-2研究流程 27
4-3學習活動設計 29
4-3-1英語書籍 29
4-3-2個人英語閱讀活動 30
4-3-3問答機器人英語閱讀活動 32
4-4實驗設計 35
4-5研究工具 37
4-5-1心流量表 37
4-5-2情境興趣量表 40
4-6研究資料收集與分析 42
4-6-1學生提問資料分析 43
4-6-5學生英語能力數據 45
4-6-6閱讀活動後訪談分析 46
第五章 研究結果與討論 48
5-1學生的提問方式及學生與問答機器人互動狀況分析 48
5-2學生與問答機器人閱讀活動投入狀況分析 61
5-3學生在問答機器人閱讀活動情境興趣分析 72
5-4問答機器人狀況與學生的閱讀活動投入狀況及情境興趣分析 83
5-5學生與問答機器人之特定互動模式分析 90
第六章 結論與建議 95
6-1結論 95
6-1-1學生如何以問題訓練機器人並與機器人互動? 95
6-1-2學生在「英語閱讀活動」中,問答機器人的加入是否對學生的英語閱讀「投入狀況」有所影響? 96
6-1-3學生在「英語閱讀活動」中,問答機器人的加入是否對學生的英語閱讀「情境興趣」有所影響? 97
6-1-4問答機器人的狀況是否對學生的英語閱讀「投入狀況」與「情境興趣」有所關聯? 98
6-1-5學生與問答機器人互動有無特定的模式? 99
6-2未來發展 99
參考文獻 100
中文文獻 100
英文文獻 101
附錄 A 書籍列表 107
附錄 B 心流量表問卷 108
附錄 C 情境興趣量表問卷 109
附錄 D 任務說明文件 110
附錄 E 機器人挑戰紀錄申訴單 111
附錄 F 詳細控制組心流重複量數 112
附錄 G 詳細實驗組心流重複量數 114
附錄 H 詳細組別間心流重複量數 116
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指導教授 劉晨鐘(Chen-Chung Liu) 審核日期 2023-7-26
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