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姓名 張東浩(Tong-Hou Cheong) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 認知與神經科學研究所 論文名稱 大腦在語言理解過程中如何進行同步振動和產生聲音
(How brain entrain and produce sound during language comprehension)相關論文
★ 外語效應在決策的應用機制 ★ 語境多樣性與語意多樣性對中文字詞辨識影響之事件相關電位研究 ★ 用回歸方法分析文字與動詞文法辨認的腦電資料 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] 至系統瀏覽論文 (2028-9-1以後開放) 摘要(中) 本研究旨在探索大腦在聽覺和閱讀語言理解過程中如何處理語言背景,通過應用聽覺n-back實驗(實驗1和2)和命名實驗(實驗3),透過腦電圖(EEG)觀察大腦活動如何與語言刺激流進行交互作用。實驗1和2的目的是在重現Hjortkjær等人的研究結果。Hjortkjær等人觀察到大腦對時間響應函數(TRF)的反應,Hjortkjær等人的對時間響應函數結果與n-back任務引發的事件相關電位(ERP)相似。因此我們想透過n-back實驗和時間響應函數的方法來探索語言領域。實驗1的結果顯示,在後區的電極上,記憶負荷高的條件下的,P300活動比記憶負荷低的條件下的振幅相對更小。記憶在其他ERP組分,如聽覺誘發電位(AEP)、P200和LPC也表現出相同的記憶負荷效應。雖然實驗一的在TRF的結果難以解釋及相對混亂。我們更進一步計算了ERP的頻率頻譜,頻譜顯示聲音複雜度很好地融入了ERP中,而且統計結果顯示,在高和低記憶負荷條件下,每個頻帶的功率在刺激類型之間有顯著差異。實驗2的目的是為了得出良好的TRF,實驗2的TRF結果展示了明顯的AEP和P300反應。而且TRF的線性混合模型(LMM)分析結果與實驗1的ERP觀察到的趨勢相同。 實驗三的命名任務在刺激鎖定 (stimulus-locked) ERP顯示N400受到音調變調效應的影響,需音調變調的字詞所引發的N400振幅沒有呈現詞頻效應。其他音調組合引發的N400振幅則呈現顯著的詞頻效應,亦即高頻詞引發的 N400 比低頻詞的N400 小。而且反應鎖定 (response-locked) 的ERP音調變調字詞的也同樣觀察到相似於刺激鎖定的ERP結果,因此我們推測音調變調的效應不單在接受資訊時產生,而且更持續到反應時亦有顯著效果。 摘要(英) The aim of these studies is to explore neural entrainments during the context of language hearing and reading. Specifically, we employed an auditory n-back task (experiment 1 and 2) to observe how EEG signals track envelopes of speech under different task demands. Both TRF and frequency analysis were employed to analyze the EEG data. The result of TRF in Experiment 2 did show a clear pattern of entrainment effects which was modulated by memory load.
In Experiment 3, participants were asked to perform a naming task. The stimulus-lock ERP showed that N400 components were affected by both word frequency and tone sandhi. In other words, N400 responses elicited by tone sandhi-inflected words were comparatively less negative than those elicited by words without tone sandhi. These results suggested that cognitive and language processes interact during both speech perception and word production.關鍵字(中) ★ 工作記憶
★ 時間響應函數
★ 命名
★ 事件相關腦電位
★ 刺激鎖定關鍵字(英) ★ n-back
★ Temporal Response Function
★ event-related potentials論文目次 Table of Contents
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures vii
List of Tables xi
Experiment 1 1
Introduction 1
Temporal Response Function (TRF) 3
Method and Materials 4
Participants 4
Stimuli 4
Procedures 5
Behavioral Results 6
Electrophysiological signals 8
EEG Recording 8
EEG Data Processing 9
ERP Results 9
TRF Results 29
Band Power Analyses and Results 46
Discussion 53
Experiment 2 55
Introduction 55
Method and Materials 55
Participants 55
Stimuli 55
Procedures 56
Electrophysiological Recording 56
EEG Results 57
ERP Results 57
TRF Results 60
ERP Statistical Analyses and Results 61
TRF Statistical Analyses and Results 68
TRF Band Power Analysis 74
Discussion 80
Experiment 3 81
Introduction 81
Method and Materials 83
Participants 83
Stimuli 83
Procedures 83
Electrophysiological Recording 84
EEG Data Processing 85
ERP Results 85
Stimulus-lock ERP Results 85
Response-lock ERP Results 94
Discussion 100
General Discussion 102
References 104
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