摘要(英) |
The present study employees algorithms of Double Deep Q Network ( Double DQN) and Q-Learning for training self-driving car agents in driving and parking modes, with the input features form data of the car (e.g., radar, car position, speed, etc.), and the estimation of Q value for each action as the output.Under different modes, the state spaces would be quite different from each other; hence, in the present study, it aims to adopt two certain situations, i.e., the driving mode as well as the parking mode for investigation.
Trained by Double DQN, the self-driving mode got the best result with about 9000 episodes. Meanwhile, in the parking situation, Double DQN was applied at first training the car to drive from the entrance of the parking lot into the parking space, but the performance was poor. Therefore, the car agents could use muti-mode training for the self-parking situation: first, use self-driving mode (with Double DQN) from the entrance of the parking lot to the position near the parking space, and then the car was trained to park into the parking space with a self-parking mode by Q-Learning. Accordingly, for searching the parking-space situation, the best result was achieved with about 9800 episodes with Double DQN. Then the car was trained to park into the parking space with Q-Learning, with the best of 3500-episode training. |
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