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姓名 張祖榮(CHANG-TSU-JUNG)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 以微铣削進行高分子微流體裝置之製程整合
(Polymer microfluidic device fabrication)
★ 微流體系統應用於機械力刺激人體膀胱癌細胞之研究★ 多重微流體晶片機械應力刺激細胞培養之研究
★ 藉由熱接合、表面改質與溶劑處理方法 封閉於環狀嵌段共聚物與環烯烴共聚物材料上 微流道之研究★ Development of A Label-Free Imaging Droplet Sorting System with Machine Learning-Support Vector Machine (SVM)
★ 複合式物理力的生物反應器自動化與控制設計★ 外部致動之微流體機電控制平台
★ 奈米矽質譜晶片於質譜檢測之應用研究★ 矽奈米結構對於質譜離子化效率探討之研究
★ 微滾軋製程應用於高分子材料轉印微結構之研究★ 設計微流體晶片應用於人體胎盤幹細胞的物理/化學誘導分化之研究
★ 利用熱壓製造類多孔隙介質之 微流道模型研究★ 單晶矽材料電化學放電鑽孔及同軸電度之研究
★ 微流道中液滴成形及滴落現象之模擬分析★ 兆聲波輔助化學溶液清潔晶圓表面汙染顆粒研究
★ 真空加熱矽奈米結構晶片對於提升質譜檢測靈敏度與離子化機制探討與應用★ 應用磁性粒子於微流體裝置之可逆接合
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摘要(中) 本論文以高分子聚合物聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(Poly Methyl Methacrylate ,
Numerical Control , CNC)進行微流體裝置的微铣削製程。工件在經過微铣削
加微小尺度與複雜的圖形特徵。在 CNC 直接铣削製造微流道凹模最小的特
出塑膠及金屬凸模用於 PDMS(Polydimethylsiloxane)的翻模或使用熱壓印法
法。希望能提供一種以精密五軸 CNC 微铣削為前段製程的關鍵進行高精度
摘要(英) In this study, Poly Methyl Methacrylate (PMMA) was used as the substrate
for microfluidic devices. and the micro-milling process of the microfluidic device
is carried out by a high-precision five-axis Computer Numerical Control (CNC)
machine. After the micro-milling , the surface will have milling traces and burrs.
which has a certain impact on microfluidic devices. The milling traces can
deteriorate the surface roughness, and the burrs in the microfluidic channel can
cause changes in the flow direction of the liquid or the formation of air bubbles.
Therefore, I investigate the parameters of micro-milled polymers first, and
understand the influence of processing parameters on surface roughness and
burrs. We try to optimized to produce high-quality chips with low surface
roughness and small burr size. By understanding the machining limits of micromilling processing,( The processing machine can process the smallest partition
wall thickness and the deepest processing depth、micropillar features with high
aspect ratios…) Use five-axis CNC to create smaller scales and complex graphic
features that cannot be produced with other equipment. In CNC direct milling to
manufacture microfluidic dies, the smallest feature size is limited by the existing
tool size .( milling cutter’s diameter :width、milling cutter’s length :depth)
Plastic and metal can be manufactured for inverted feature as micro-mold turning
PDMS or hot pressing to create microfluidic patterns that cannot be machined by
direct milling. Then can enables a variety of chip production.
At the back end is the bonding process, as there is no perfect thermoplastic
bonding process currently. Each bonding method has its own advantages and
disadvantages. According to the needs of each microfluidic chip, select its
suitable bonding method, and present the different devices that can be completed
one by one. in this study, in addition to discussing the influence of milling
parameters on burrs and surface roughness, the ability of micro-milling is
discussed by manufacturing inverted feature as micro-mold. Finally, the suitable
bonding method is selected according to the design and needs of each microchannel. We hope to provide a precision five-axis CNC micro-milling as the key
to the front-end process, perform high-precision and micro-complex feature
structure processing, and achieve the manufacture of a small number and variety
of microfluidic devices.
關鍵字(中) ★ 微流道晶片/裝置
★ 微铣削製程
★ 熱塑性接合
關鍵字(英) ★ Microfluidic device
★ Micro-milling process
★ Thermoplastic bonding
論文目次 目錄
致謝.................................................................................................................................. iv
圖目錄............................................................................................................................. vii
第一章 前言...................................................................................................................1
1-1 微流體系統的基板演進及材料選擇 .......................................................................1
1-2 微流道的製程種類及選擇 ........................................................................................2
1-3 微铣削高分子微流道晶片 .......................................................................................4
1-3-1 微铣削製程 ....................................................................................................4
1-3-2 微铣削 ............................................................................................................5
1-3-3 五軸加工機及在微加工上的應用..................................................................8
1-4 高分子微流道晶片之接合 .....................................................................................10
1-4-1 直接接合法(Direct bonding) .........................................................................10
1-4-2 間接接合法(Indirect bonding).......................................................................11
1-5 研究動機..................................................................................................................12
第二章 實驗材料設備與方法.....................................................................................13
2-1 實驗設備與材料.......................................................................................................13
2-2 微流體裝置製造.......................................................................................................14
2-2-1 微铣削參數實驗............................................................................................15
2-2-2 铣削能力........................................................................................................16
2-3 量測方法...................................................................................................................18
2-3-1 粗糙度量測....................................................................................................18
2-3-2 顯微影像的量測............................................................................................19
2-4 微流道製造...............................................................................................................20
2-4-1 凹模及凸模的製造........................................................................................20
2-4-2 PDMS 翻模....................................................................................................22
第三章 結果與討論.....................................................................................................22
3-1 微铣削加工參數的影響 ..........................................................................................22
3-1-1 加工參數對毛邊的影響................................................................................22
3-1-2 加工參數對表面粗糙度的影響....................................................................25
3-2 微流道晶片製造.......................................................................................................29
3-2-1 微流體晶片的微小特徵的微铣削................................................................29
3-2-1 直接铣削製造凹模........................................................................................30
3-2-2 製作凸模後再翻模製造................................................................................33
3-3 微流道接合實例.......................................................................................................34
3-3-1 直接接合........................................................................................................34
表面改質接合法 .....................................................................................................35
溶劑接合法 .............................................................................................................36
3-3-2 間接接合........................................................................................................37
微波接合法 .............................................................................................................37
第四章 結論.................................................................................................................38
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指導教授 曹嘉文(Tsao, Chia-Wen) 審核日期 2023-2-1
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